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"""Date and time conversion utilities. This module provides functions for converting between datetime objects and ISO format strings and other datetime-related conversions. """ from datetime import datetime, timezone from typing import Optional, Union import functools def convert_datetime(dt: Optional[datetime]) -> Optional[str]: """Convert datetime to ISO format string. Args: dt: Datetime object Returns: ISO format string or None """ return dt.isoformat() if dt else None def convert_iso_string_to_datetime(value: Union[str, datetime]) -> datetime: """Convert ISO 8601 string to datetime object. Handles various ISO formats including: - ISO 8601 format strings with timezone (e.g., "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z") - ISO 8601 format strings with timezone without colon (e.g., "2020-01-01T12:30:45-0500") - ISO 8601 format strings with short timezone (e.g., "2020-01-01T12:30:45+05") - datetime objects (returned as-is) Args: value: ISO 8601 string or datetime object Returns: datetime object Raises: ValueError: If the input string is not a valid ISO format """ if isinstance(value, datetime): return value # Basic validation before attempting conversion if not isinstance(value, str): raise ValueError(f"Expected string or datetime, got {type(value).__name__}") # Quick validation to catch obvious non-date strings if len(value) < 8: # Minimum length for a date (YYYY-MM-DD) raise ValueError(f"Invalid date format: {value}") try: # Handle 'Z' timezone indicator by replacing with +00:00 value = value.replace('Z', '+00:00') # Handle timezone formats without colons # First check if 'T' exists in the string to avoid index errors if 'T' not in value: # If no 'T' in the string but it might still be a valid date (YYYY-MM-DD) # Let fromisoformat try to handle it pass elif ('+' in value or (value.count('T') > 0 and '-' in value.split('T')[1])): # Find the position of the timezone sign sign_pos = max(value.rfind('+'), value.rfind('-')) if sign_pos > 0: timezone_part = value[sign_pos:] # If timezone doesn't have a colon if ':' not in timezone_part: if len(timezone_part) == 5: # Format like "+0500" # Insert colon between hours and minutes value = value[:sign_pos+3] + ':' + value[sign_pos+3:] elif len(timezone_part) == 3: # Format like "+05" # Add ":00" for minutes value = value + ":00" elif len(timezone_part) == 2: # Format like "+5" # Add "0:00" to make it "+05:00" value = value[:sign_pos+1] + "0" + value[sign_pos+1:] + ":00" # Try converting with fromisoformat return datetime.fromisoformat(value) except (ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError) as e: # Provide a more descriptive error message raise ValueError(f"Invalid isoformat string: '{value}'. Error: {str(e)}") def ensure_utc_datetime(dt: Union[str, datetime]) -> datetime: """Ensure datetime is timezone-aware and in UTC. Handles: - Naive datetime objects (assumes UTC) - Timezone-aware datetime objects (converts to UTC) - ISO 8601 strings (converts to UTC datetime) Args: dt: datetime object or ISO string Returns: UTC timezone-aware datetime """ # Convert string to datetime if needed if isinstance(dt, str): dt = convert_iso_string_to_datetime(dt) # Make naive datetime timezone-aware (assume UTC) if dt.tzinfo is None: dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) # Always convert to UTC to ensure consistent timezone handling else: dt = dt.astimezone(timezone.utc) # Truncate microseconds for consistency with API expectations dt = dt.replace(microsecond=0) return dt def with_utc_datetimes(param_names=None): """Decorator to convert datetime parameters to UTC. Args: param_names: List of parameter names to convert (None for all datetime-like params) """ def decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # Convert kwargs that are datetime-like for key, value in list(kwargs.items()): if param_names is None or key in param_names: if isinstance(value, (str, datetime)): kwargs[key] = ensure_utc_datetime(value) return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator