PyGithub MCP Server
by AstroMined
- src
- pygithub_mcp_server
- client
"""Rate limit handling for GitHub API.
This module provides functions for handling GitHub API rate limits,
including checking rate limits and implementing exponential backoff.
import logging
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Optional, Tuple
from github import Github, RateLimitExceededException
# Get logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def check_rate_limit(github: Github) -> Tuple[int, int, Optional[datetime]]:
"""Check current rate limit status.
github: PyGithub instance
Tuple of (remaining requests, limit, reset time)
rate_limit = github.get_rate_limit()
core_rate = rate_limit.core
return core_rate.remaining, core_rate.limit, core_rate.reset
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"Failed to check rate limit: {e}")
return 0, 0, None
def wait_for_rate_limit_reset(reset_time: datetime, buffer_seconds: int = 5) -> None:
"""Wait until rate limit resets.
reset_time: When the rate limit will reset
buffer_seconds: Additional seconds to wait as buffer
# Ensure both are timezone-aware for comparison
now =
if reset_time.tzinfo is None:
reset_time = reset_time.astimezone() # Local timezone if none specified
if reset_time > now:
wait_seconds = (reset_time - now).total_seconds() + buffer_seconds
logger.debug(f"Rate limit exceeded. Waiting {wait_seconds:.1f} seconds until reset.")
# If reset_time is in the past, wait a small amount of time
logger.debug(f"Rate limit reset time is in the past. Waiting {buffer_seconds} seconds.")
def exponential_backoff(
attempt: int, max_attempts: int = 5, base_delay: float = 2.0, deterministic: bool = False
) -> float:
"""Calculate exponential backoff delay.
attempt: Current attempt number (0-based)
max_attempts: Maximum number of attempts
base_delay: Base delay in seconds
deterministic: If True, don't add jitter (useful for testing)
Delay in seconds
if attempt >= max_attempts:
raise ValueError(f"Maximum retry attempts ({max_attempts}) exceeded")
# Calculate exponential backoff
delay = base_delay * (2 ** attempt)
# Add jitter unless in deterministic mode
if not deterministic:
import random
jitter = random.uniform(0, 0.1 * delay) # 10% jitter
return delay + jitter
return delay
def handle_rate_limit_with_backoff(
github: Github,
exception: RateLimitExceededException,
attempt: int = 0,
max_attempts: int = 5,
deterministic: bool = False,
test_mode: bool = False
) -> None:
"""Handle rate limit exception with exponential backoff.
github: PyGithub instance
exception: Rate limit exception
attempt: Current attempt number (0-based)
max_attempts: Maximum number of attempts
deterministic: If True, use deterministic backoff (for testing)
test_mode: If True, use short delays instead of waiting for real reset times (for testing)
RateLimitExceededException: If max attempts are exceeded
if attempt >= max_attempts:
logger.error(f"Maximum retry attempts ({max_attempts}) exceeded for rate limit")
raise exception
# In test mode, use exponential backoff with very short delays
if test_mode:
delay = exponential_backoff(attempt, max_attempts, base_delay=0.1, deterministic=deterministic)
logger.debug(f"Test mode: Using short delay instead of waiting for reset: {delay:.1f} seconds.")
# Try to get reset time from exception
reset_time = None
rate = getattr(exception, 'rate', None)
if rate:
reset_time = getattr(rate, 'reset', None)
# If we couldn't get reset time from exception, check rate limit
if not reset_time:
_, _, reset_time = check_rate_limit(github)
# If we have a reset time, wait until then
if reset_time:
# Otherwise use exponential backoff
delay = exponential_backoff(attempt, max_attempts, deterministic=deterministic)
logger.debug(f"Rate limit exceeded. Using exponential backoff: waiting {delay:.1f} seconds.")