PyGithub MCP Server
by AstroMined
- scripts
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Test Generator for PyGithub MCP Server
This script generates standardized test files for new PyGithub MCP Server tools,
following the project's testing patterns. It creates both unit and integration
tests that use dataclasses instead of mocks, aligned with ADR-002 principles.
python scripts/ --module repositories --tool-name get_repository
--module MODULE Tool module name (e.g., issues, repositories)
--tool-name NAME Tool name in CamelCase (e.g., GetRepository)
--output-dir DIR Output directory for test files (default: tests/)
--schema-module MOD Schema module name (default: same as tool module)
--schema-name NAME Schema class name (default: derived from tool name + 'Params')
--overwrite Overwrite existing test files (default: ask)
import os
import re
import sys
import inspect
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Any, Tuple, Optional, List
"unit_test": """
import pytest
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Any
from datetime import datetime
from{module} import {tool_name}
from pygithub_mcp_server.errors import GitHubError
from pygithub_mcp_server.schemas.{schema_module} import {schema_name}
# Dataclasses representing PyGithub objects
class RepositoryOwner:
login: str
id: int = 12345
html_url: str = ""
class Repository:
id: int
name: str
full_name: str
owner: RepositoryOwner
private: bool = False
html_url: str = ""
description: Optional[str] = None
class Test{tool_name}:
"""Test suite for {tool_name} tool."""
def test_{tool_func}_success(self):
"""Test successful {tool_name} execution using dataclasses."""
# Create test data using dataclasses
owner = RepositoryOwner(login="test-owner")
repo = Repository(
# Test parameters
params = {{"params": {params}}}
# Patch PyGithub interactions to return our dataclass objects
with pytest.MonkeyPatch.context() as monkeypatch:
# Configure to return our test objects
lambda _: repo
# Execute the tool
result = {tool_func}(params)
# Verify success result
assert not result.get("is_error", False)
assert isinstance(result["content"], list)
assert result["content"][0]["type"] == "text"
# Additional assertions specific to this tool
# TODO: Add assertions based on expected return values
def test_{tool_func}_validation_error(self):
"""Test {tool_name} with validation errors."""
# Test with invalid parameters
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
# This should fail during Pydantic validation
# Test the tool itself with invalid parameters
params = {{"params": {invalid_params}}}
# Execute the tool
result = {tool_func}(params)
# Verify error result
assert result.get("is_error", True)
assert "validation" in result["content"][0]["text"].lower()
def test_{tool_func}_github_error(self):
"""Test {tool_name} with GitHub API errors."""
# Test parameters
params = {{"params": {params}}}
# Simulate GitHub API error without mocks
with pytest.MonkeyPatch.context() as monkeypatch:
# Configure to raise a GitHub exception
def raise_github_exception(*args, **kwargs):
from github import GithubException
raise GithubException(404, {{"message": "Not Found"}})
# Execute the tool
result = {tool_func}(params)
# Verify error result
assert result.get("is_error", True)
assert "not found" in result["content"][0]["text"].lower()
"integration_test": """
import pytest
import uuid
from{module} import {tool_name}
from pygithub_mcp_server.errors import GitHubError
from pygithub_mcp_server.schemas.{schema_module} import {schema_name}
class TestIntegration{tool_name}:
"""Integration tests for {tool_name} tool."""
def test_{tool_func}_integration(self, test_owner, test_repo, test_cleanup):
"""Test {tool_name} with real PyGithub client."""
# Create a unique identifier for this test
test_id = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]
# Test parameters with real repo
params = {{"params": {integration_params}}}
# Execute the tool with real parameters
result = {tool_func}(params)
# Verify the tool executed successfully with real data
assert not result.get("is_error", False)
assert isinstance(result["content"], list)
assert "text" in result["content"][0]
# Additional assertions based on the specific tool
# TODO: Add assertions specific to this tool
def test_{tool_func}_not_found(self):
"""Test {tool_name} with non-existent resources."""
# Create parameters with non-existent resources
params = {{"params": {{
"owner": "non-existent-user-12345",
"repo": "non-existent-repo-12345"
# Execute the tool
result = {tool_func}(params)
# Verify error response
assert result.get("is_error", True)
assert "not found" in result["content"][0]["text"].lower()
# Tool type-specific parameters
"repositories": {
"GetRepository": {
"params": {"owner": "test-owner", "repo": "test-repo"},
"invalid_params": {"owner": "", "repo": ""},
"integration_params": {"owner": "test_owner", "repo": "test_repo"}
"CreateRepository": {
"params": {"name": "test-repo", "description": "Test repository", "private": True},
"invalid_params": {"name": "", "description": 123},
"integration_params": {"name": "test-repo-{test_id}", "description": "Test repository", "private": True}
"ForkRepository": {
"params": {"owner": "test-owner", "repo": "test-repo"},
"invalid_params": {"owner": "", "repo": ""},
"integration_params": {"owner": "test_owner", "repo": "test_repo"}
"SearchRepositories": {
"params": {"query": "test repo language:python"},
"invalid_params": {"query": ""},
"integration_params": {"query": "test repo language:python"}
"GetFileContents": {
"params": {"owner": "test-owner", "repo": "test-repo", "path": ""},
"invalid_params": {"owner": "test-owner", "repo": "test-repo", "path": ""},
"integration_params": {"owner": "test_owner", "repo": "test_repo", "path": ""}
"CreateOrUpdateFile": {
"params": {"owner": "test-owner", "repo": "test-repo", "path": "test.txt", "content": "Test content", "message": "Test commit"},
"invalid_params": {"owner": "", "repo": "", "path": "", "content": "", "message": ""},
"integration_params": {"owner": "test_owner", "repo": "test_repo", "path": "test-{test_id}.txt", "content": "Test content", "message": "Test commit"}
"PushFiles": {
"params": {"owner": "test-owner", "repo": "test-repo", "branch": "main", "message": "Test commit", "files": [{"path": "test.txt", "content": "Test content"}]},
"invalid_params": {"owner": "", "repo": "", "branch": "", "message": "", "files": []},
"integration_params": {"owner": "test_owner", "repo": "test_repo", "branch": "main", "message": "Test commit", "files": [{"path": "test-{test_id}.txt", "content": "Test content"}]}
"CreateBranch": {
"params": {"owner": "test-owner", "repo": "test-repo", "branch": "test-branch", "from_branch": "main"},
"invalid_params": {"owner": "", "repo": "", "branch": ""},
"integration_params": {"owner": "test_owner", "repo": "test_repo", "branch": "test-branch-{test_id}", "from_branch": "main"}
"ListCommits": {
"params": {"owner": "test-owner", "repo": "test-repo"},
"invalid_params": {"owner": "", "repo": ""},
"integration_params": {"owner": "test_owner", "repo": "test_repo"}
"issues": {
"CreateIssue": {
"params": {"owner": "test-owner", "repo": "test-repo", "title": "Test Issue"},
"invalid_params": {"owner": "", "repo": "", "title": ""},
"integration_params": {"owner": "test_owner", "repo": "test_repo", "title": "Test Issue {test_id}"},
"additional_dataclasses": """
class Issue:
number: int = 1
title: str = "Test Issue"
body: str = "Test body"
state: str = "open"
user: RepositoryOwner = field(default_factory=lambda: RepositoryOwner(login="test-owner"))
html_url: str = ""
"GetIssue": {
"params": {"owner": "test-owner", "repo": "test-repo", "issue_number": 1},
"invalid_params": {"owner": "", "repo": "", "issue_number": -1},
"integration_params": {"owner": "test_owner", "repo": "test_repo", "issue_number": 1},
"additional_dataclasses": """
class Issue:
number: int = 1
title: str = "Test Issue"
body: str = "Test body"
state: str = "open"
user: RepositoryOwner = field(default_factory=lambda: RepositoryOwner(login="test-owner"))
html_url: str = ""
"UpdateIssue": {
"params": {"owner": "test-owner", "repo": "test-repo", "issue_number": 1, "title": "Updated Title"},
"invalid_params": {"owner": "", "repo": "", "issue_number": -1, "state": "invalid"},
"integration_params": {"owner": "test_owner", "repo": "test_repo", "issue_number": 1, "title": "Updated Title {test_id}"},
"additional_dataclasses": """
class Issue:
number: int = 1
title: str = "Test Issue"
body: str = "Test body"
state: str = "open"
user: RepositoryOwner = field(default_factory=lambda: RepositoryOwner(login="test-owner"))
html_url: str = ""
def edit(self, **kwargs):
# Update fields based on kwargs
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if hasattr(self, key):
setattr(self, key, value)
return self
"ListIssues": {
"params": {"owner": "test-owner", "repo": "test-repo", "state": "open"},
"invalid_params": {"owner": "", "repo": "", "state": "invalid"},
"integration_params": {"owner": "test_owner", "repo": "test_repo", "state": "open"},
"additional_dataclasses": """
class Issue:
number: int = 1
title: str = "Test Issue"
body: str = "Test body"
state: str = "open"
user: RepositoryOwner = field(default_factory=lambda: RepositoryOwner(login="test-owner"))
html_url: str = ""
"AddIssueComment": {
"params": {"owner": "test-owner", "repo": "test-repo", "issue_number": 1, "body": "Test comment"},
"invalid_params": {"owner": "", "repo": "", "issue_number": -1, "body": ""},
"integration_params": {"owner": "test_owner", "repo": "test_repo", "issue_number": 1, "body": "Test comment {test_id}"},
"additional_dataclasses": """
class Issue:
number: int = 1
title: str = "Test Issue"
body: str = "Test body"
state: str = "open"
user: RepositoryOwner = field(default_factory=lambda: RepositoryOwner(login="test-owner"))
html_url: str = ""
def create_comment(self, body):
return IssueComment(body=body)
class IssueComment:
id: int = 12345
body: str = "Test comment"
user: RepositoryOwner = field(default_factory=lambda: RepositoryOwner(login="test-owner"))
created_at: str = "2025-01-01T00:00:00Z"
updated_at: str = "2025-01-01T00:00:00Z"
html_url: str = ""
def to_snake_case(name: str) -> str:
"""Convert CamelCase to snake_case."""
s1 = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', name)
return re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', s1).lower()
def generate_test_file(
module: str,
tool_name: str,
output_dir: str,
test_type: str = "unit",
schema_module: Optional[str] = None,
schema_name: Optional[str] = None,
overwrite: bool = False
) -> Tuple[Path, bool]:
"""Generate a test file for the given tool.
module: Tool module name (e.g., issues, repositories)
tool_name: Tool name in CamelCase (e.g., GetRepository)
output_dir: Output directory for test files
test_type: Test type (unit or integration)
schema_module: Schema module name (default: same as tool module)
schema_name: Schema class name (default: derived from tool name + 'Params')
overwrite: Whether to overwrite existing files
Tuple of (file path, whether file was created)
# Derive parameters
tool_func = to_snake_case(tool_name)
schema_module = schema_module or module
schema_name = schema_name or f"{tool_name}Params"
# Get test directory path
if test_type == "unit":
test_dir = Path(output_dir) / "unit" / "tools" / module
template_key = "unit_test"
test_dir = Path(output_dir) / "integration" / "tools" / module
template_key = "integration_test"
# Create test file path
if test_type == "unit":
test_file = test_dir / f"test_{tool_func}.py"
test_file = test_dir / f"test_{tool_func}"
# Check if file exists
if test_file.exists() and not overwrite:
user_input = input(f"File {test_file} already exists. Overwrite? (y/n): ")
if user_input.lower() != 'y':
print(f"Skipping {test_file}")
return test_file, False
# Create directory if it doesn't exist
test_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Get parameters for this tool
tool_params = TOOL_PARAMS.get(module, {}).get(tool_name, {})
params = tool_params.get("params", {"param1": "value1", "param2": "value2"})
invalid_params = tool_params.get("invalid_params", {"param1": "", "param2": ""})
integration_params = tool_params.get("integration_params", {"owner": "test_owner", "repo": "test_repo"})
additional_dataclasses = tool_params.get("additional_dataclasses", "")
# Generate content from template
content = TEMPLATES[template_key].format(
# Write file
with open(test_file, 'w') as f:
print(f"Created {test_file}")
return test_file, True
def main() -> int:
"""Main entry point for the script."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate standardized test files for PyGithub MCP Server tools.")
parser.add_argument("--module", required=True, help="Tool module name (e.g., issues, repositories)")
parser.add_argument("--tool-name", required=True, help="Tool name in CamelCase (e.g., GetRepository)")
parser.add_argument("--output-dir", default="tests", help="Output directory for test files")
parser.add_argument("--schema-module", help="Schema module name (default: same as tool module)")
parser.add_argument("--schema-name", help="Schema class name (default: derived from tool name + 'Params')")
parser.add_argument("--overwrite", action="store_true", help="Overwrite existing test files")
parser.add_argument("--integration-only", action="store_true", help="Generate only integration tests")
parser.add_argument("--unit-only", action="store_true", help="Generate only unit tests")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Validate module and tool name
if args.module not in TOOL_PARAMS:
available_modules = list(TOOL_PARAMS.keys())
print(f"Error: Module '{args.module}' not supported. Available modules: {', '.join(available_modules)}")
print(f"If this is a new module, you need to add it to TOOL_PARAMS in the script.")
return 1
# Create unit test if not integration-only
if not args.integration_only:
unit_file, unit_created = generate_test_file(
# Create integration test if not unit-only
if not args.unit_only:
integration_file, integration_created = generate_test_file(
print("\nNext steps:")
print("1. Review the generated test files and customize them for your tool")
print("2. Add specific assertions based on your tool's behavior")
print("3. Run the tests with 'pytest <test_file>'")
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":