PyGithub MCP Server

- » - [Examples]( » - Issues - [View page source]( * * * # Issues [¶](\#issues "Permalink to this headline") ## Get issue [¶](\#get-issue "Permalink to this headline") ``` >>> repo = g.get_repo("PyGithub/PyGithub") >>> repo.get_issue(number=874) Issue(title="PyGithub example usage", number=874) ``` ## Create comment on issue [¶](\#create-comment-on-issue "Permalink to this headline") ``` >>> repo = g.get_repo("PyGithub/PyGithub") >>> issue = repo.get_issue(number=874) >>> issue.create_comment("Test") IssueComment(user=NamedUser(login="user"), id=36763078) ``` ## Create issue [¶](\#create-issue "Permalink to this headline") ``` >>> repo = g.get_repo("PyGithub/PyGithub") >>> repo.create_issue(title="This is a new issue") Issue(title="This is a new issue", number=XXX) ``` ## Create issue with body [¶](\#create-issue-with-body "Permalink to this headline") ``` >>> repo = g.get_repo("PyGithub/PyGithub") >>> repo.create_issue(title="This is a new issue", body="This is the issue body") Issue(title="This is a new issue", number=XXX) ``` ## Create issue with labels [¶](\#create-issue-with-labels "Permalink to this headline") ``` >>> repo = g.get_repo("PyGithub/PyGithub") >>> label = repo.get_label("My Label") >>> repo.create_issue(title="This is a new issue", labels=[label]) Issue(title="This is a new issue", number=XXX) ``` ## Create issue with assignee [¶](\#create-issue-with-assignee "Permalink to this headline") ``` >>> repo = g.get_repo("PyGithub/PyGithub") >>> repo.create_issue(title="This is a new issue", assignee="github-username") Issue(title="This is a new issue", number=XXX) ``` ## Create issue with milestone [¶](\#create-issue-with-milestone "Permalink to this headline") ``` >>> repo = g.get_repo("PyGithub/PyGithub") >>> milestone = repo.create_milestone("New Issue Milestone") >>> repo.create_issue(title="This is a new issue", milestone=milestone) Issue(title="This is a new issue", number=XXX) ``` ## Close all issues [¶](\#close-all-issues "Permalink to this headline") ``` >>> repo = g.get_repo("PyGithub/PyGithub") >>> open_issues = repo.get_issues(state='open') >>> for issue in open_issues: ... issue.edit(state='closed') ```