PyGithub MCP Server

- » - [Examples]( » - Authentication - [View page source]( * * * # Authentication [¶](\#authentication "Permalink to this headline") Github supports various authentication methods. Depending on the entity that authenticates and the Github API endpoint being called, only a subset of methods is available. All authentication methods require this import: ``` >>> from github import Auth >>> from github import Github >>> from github import GithubIntegration ``` ## Login authentication [¶](\#login-authentication "Permalink to this headline") Users can authenticate by a login and password: ``` >>> auth = Auth.Login("user_login", "password") >>> g = Github(auth=auth) >>> g.get_user().login 'user_login' ``` ## OAuth token authentication [¶](\#oauth-token-authentication "Permalink to this headline") Users can authenticate by a token: ``` >>> auth = Auth.Token("access_token") >>> g = Github(auth=auth) >>> g.get_user().login 'login' ``` ## Netrc authentication [¶](\#netrc-authentication "Permalink to this headline") Write your credentials into a `.netrc` file: ``` machine login token password <TOKEN> ``` You might need to create the environment variable `NETRC` with the path to this file. Then, use a `github.Auth.NetrcAuth` instance to access these information: ``` >>> auth = Auth.NetrcAuth() >>> g = Github(auth=auth) >>> g.get_user().login 'login' ``` ## App authentication [¶](\#app-authentication "Permalink to this headline") A Github Apps authenticate by an application id and a private key. Note that there is only a limited set of endpoints that can be called when authenticated as a Github App. Instead of using `github.Github`, entry point `github.GithubIntegration` should be used when authenticated as a Github App: ``` >>> auth = Auth.AppAuth(123456, private_key) >>> gi = GithubIntegration(auth=auth) >>> for installation in gi.get_installations(): ... '1234567' ``` Get a `github.Github` instance authenticated as an App installation: ``` >>> installation = gi.get_installations()[0] >>> g = installation.get_github_for_installation() >>> g.get_repo("user/repo").name 'repo' ``` ## App installation authentication [¶](\#app-installation-authentication "Permalink to this headline") A specific installation of a Github App can use the Github API like a normal user. It authenticates by the Github App authentication (see above) and the installation id. The `AppInstallationAuth` fetches an access token for the installation and handles its expiration timeout. The access token is refreshed automatically. ``` >>> auth = Auth.AppAuth(123456, private_key).get_installation_auth(installation_id, token_permissions) >>> g = Github(auth=auth) >>> g.get_repo("user/repo").name 'repo' ``` Alternatively, the github.Github instance can be retrieved via github.GithubIntegration: ``` >>> auth = Auth.AppAuth(123456, private_key) >>> gi = GithubIntegration(auth=auth) >>> g = gi.get_github_for_installation(installation_id, token_permissions) >>> g.get_repo("user/repo").name 'repo' ``` ## App user authentication [¶](\#app-user-authentication "Permalink to this headline") A Github App can authenticate on behalf of a user. For this, the user has to [generate a user access token for a Github App]( This process completes with a one-time `code`. Together with the `client_id` and `client_secret` of the app, a Github App user token can be generated once: ``` >>> g = Github() >>> app = g.get_oauth_application(client_id, client_secret) >>> token = app.get_access_token(code) ``` Memorize the `token.refresh_token`, as only this can be used to create new tokens for this user. The `token.token` expires 8 hours, and the `token.refresh_token` expires 6 months after creation. A token can be refreshed as follows. This invalidates the old token and old refresh token, and creates a new set of token and refresh tokens: ``` >>> g = Github() >>> app = g.get_oauth_application(client_id, client_secret) >>> token = app.refresh_access_token(refresh_token) ``` You can authenticate with Github using this token: ``` >>> auth = app.get_app_user_auth(token) >>> g = Github(auth=auth) >>> g.get_user().login 'user_login' ``` The `auth` instance will refresh the token automatically when `auth.token` is accessed.