Shell MCP Server
by blazickjp
- tests
"""Tests for the shell MCP server functionality."""
import os
import pytest
import asyncio
from shell_mcp_server.server import run_shell_command, settings
from typing import List, Dict
def setup_test_settings(allowed_directories: List[str], test_shells: Dict[str, str]):
"""Configure test settings before each test."""
settings.ALLOWED_DIRECTORIES = [os.path.abspath(d) for d in allowed_directories]
settings.ALLOWED_SHELLS = test_shells
return settings
async def test_run_shell_command_success(allowed_directories: List[str], test_shells: Dict[str, str]):
"""Test successful shell command execution."""
# Create a test file
test_file = os.path.join(allowed_directories[0], "test.txt")
with open(test_file, "w") as f:
f.write("test content")
# Test command execution
shell_name = next(iter(test_shells.keys())) # Get first shell
if == 'nt':
command = 'type test.txt' if shell_name == 'cmd' else 'Get-Content test.txt'
command = 'cat test.txt'
result = await run_shell_command(shell_name, command, allowed_directories[0])
assert result["exit_code"] == 0
assert "test content" in result["stdout"]
assert not result["stderr"]
async def test_run_shell_command_invalid_directory(allowed_directories: List[str], test_shells: Dict[str, str]):
"""Test command execution in invalid directory."""
shell_name = next(iter(test_shells.keys()))
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="is not in the allowed directories"):
await run_shell_command(shell_name, "ls", "/invalid/directory")
async def test_run_shell_command_invalid_shell(allowed_directories: List[str], test_shells: Dict[str, str]):
"""Test command execution with invalid shell."""
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="is not allowed"):
await run_shell_command("invalid_shell", "ls", allowed_directories[0])
async def test_run_shell_command_timeout(allowed_directories: List[str], test_shells: Dict[str, str]):
"""Test command timeout."""
settings.COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 1
shell_name = next(iter(test_shells.keys()))
if == 'nt':
command = 'timeout 10' if shell_name == 'cmd' else 'Start-Sleep 10'
command = 'sleep 10'
with pytest.raises(TimeoutError):
await run_shell_command(shell_name, command, allowed_directories[0])
async def test_command_output_encoding(allowed_directories: List[str], test_shells: Dict[str, str]):
"""Test handling of non-ASCII command output."""
shell_name = next(iter(test_shells.keys()))
if == 'nt':
command = 'echo ñçé' if shell_name == 'cmd' else 'Write-Output "ñçé"'
command = 'echo "ñçé"'
result = await run_shell_command(shell_name, command, allowed_directories[0])
assert result["exit_code"] == 0
assert "ñçé" in result["stdout"].strip()
async def test_concurrent_commands(allowed_directories: List[str], test_shells: Dict[str, str]):
"""Test running multiple commands concurrently."""
shell_name = next(iter(test_shells.keys()))
if == 'nt':
command = 'echo test' if shell_name == 'cmd' else 'Write-Output "test"'
command = 'echo "test"'
tasks = [
run_shell_command(shell_name, command, allowed_directories[0])
for _ in range(5)
results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
for result in results:
assert result["exit_code"] == 0
assert "test" in result["stdout"].strip()
async def test_command_with_arguments(allowed_directories: List[str], test_shells: Dict[str, str]):
"""Test command execution with arguments."""
shell_name = next(iter(test_shells.keys()))
# Create test files
for i in range(3):
with open(os.path.join(allowed_directories[0], f"test{i}.txt"), "w") as f:
# Test with wildcards and arguments
if == 'nt':
command = 'dir /b test*.txt' if shell_name == 'cmd' else 'Get-ChildItem test*.txt | Select-Object Name'
command = 'ls test*.txt'
result = await run_shell_command(shell_name, command, allowed_directories[0])
assert result["exit_code"] == 0
assert "test0.txt" in result["stdout"]
assert "test1.txt" in result["stdout"]
assert "test2.txt" in result["stdout"]