Fetch Browser

by TheSethRose
# Smithery configuration file: https://smithery.ai/docs/config#smitheryyaml name: "@TheSethRose/mcp-server-starter" description: "A TypeScript-based Model Context Protocol (MCP) server template" version: "0.1.0" startCommand: type: stdio configSchema: type: "object" title: "MCP Server Configuration" description: "Configuration options for the MCP server" properties: fetchUrl: type: "object" title: "URL Fetcher Tool" description: "Configuration for the URL fetcher tool" properties: enabled: type: "boolean" default: true description: "Enable/disable the URL fetcher tool" maxResponseSize: type: "number" default: 10485760 description: "Maximum response size in bytes (10MB)" defaultTimeout: type: "number" default: 30000 description: "Default request timeout in milliseconds" maxRetries: type: "number" default: 3 minimum: 1 maximum: 5 description: "Maximum number of retries for failed requests" googleSearch: type: "object" title: "Google Search Tool" description: "Configuration for the Google search tool" properties: enabled: type: "boolean" default: true description: "Enable/disable the Google search tool" maxResults: type: "number" default: 10 minimum: 1 maximum: 100 description: "Maximum number of search results to return" required: [] commandFunction: |- (config) => ({ command: 'node', args: ['build/index.js'], env: { NODE_ENV: 'production', FETCH_URL_ENABLED: config.fetchUrl?.enabled?.toString() || 'true', FETCH_URL_MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE: config.fetchUrl?.maxResponseSize?.toString() || '10485760', FETCH_URL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: config.fetchUrl?.defaultTimeout?.toString() || '30000', FETCH_URL_MAX_RETRIES: config.fetchUrl?.maxRetries?.toString() || '3', GOOGLE_SEARCH_ENABLED: config.googleSearch?.enabled?.toString() || 'true', GOOGLE_SEARCH_MAX_RESULTS: config.googleSearch?.maxResults?.toString() || '10' } }) clients: - claude - cursor - windsurf - cline - typescript