BluestoneApps MCP Remote Server

import { useState, useCallback, useEffect } from 'react'; import UpdateService from '../services/UpdateService'; import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage'; import { compareVersions } from 'compare-versions'; interface VersionInfo { latestVersion: string; minimumVersion: string; releaseNotes?: string; } /** * Custom hook for managing app update state and logic * @param checkOnMount Whether to check for updates when the component mounts * @param updateCheckInterval Time interval between update checks (in milliseconds) * @returns Object containing update state and functions */ const useAppUpdate = (checkOnMount = true, updateCheckInterval = 60 * 60 * 1000) => { const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); const [error, setError] = useState<string | null>(null); const [versionInfo, setVersionInfo] = useState<VersionInfo | null>(null); const [isAppStoreVersion, setIsAppStoreVersion] = useState(false); const [storedAppVersion, setStoredAppVersion] = useState<string | null>(null); const [updateModalVisible, setUpdateModalVisible] = useState(false); const [lastUpdateCheck, setLastUpdateCheck] = useState<number | null>(null); // Time interval between update checks (in milliseconds) // Default: 1 hour - adjust this value based on how frequently you want to check for updates // Lower values will check more frequently but may impact performance const UPDATE_CHECK_INTERVAL = updateCheckInterval; // Check if the app is from the App Store const checkAppSource = useCallback(async () => { try { const isFromAppStore = await UpdateService.isAppStoreVersion(); setIsAppStoreVersion(isFromAppStore); return isFromAppStore; } catch (err) { console.error('Error checking app source'); return false; } }, []); // Get the stored app version const getStoredAppVersion = useCallback(async () => { try { const version = await AsyncStorage.getItem('app_version'); setStoredAppVersion(version); return version; } catch (err) { console.error('Error getting stored app version'); return null; } }, []); // Update the stored app version const updateStoredAppVersion = useCallback(async (version: string) => { try { await AsyncStorage.setItem('app_version', version); setStoredAppVersion(version); } catch (err) { console.error('Error updating stored app version'); } }, []); /** * Load the last update check time from storage */ const loadLastUpdateCheckTime = useCallback(async () => { try { const storedTime = await AsyncStorage.getItem('lastUpdateCheckTime'); if (storedTime) { setLastUpdateCheck(parseInt(storedTime, 10)); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error loading last update check time'); } }, []); /** * Save the current time as the last update check time */ const saveLastUpdateCheckTime = async () => { try { const currentTime =; await AsyncStorage.setItem('lastUpdateCheckTime', currentTime.toString()); setLastUpdateCheck(currentTime); } catch (error) { console.error('Error saving last update check time'); } }; /** * Check if enough time has passed since the last update check */ const shouldCheckForUpdates = () => { if (!lastUpdateCheck) { return true; } const currentTime =; const timeSinceLastCheck = currentTime - lastUpdateCheck; const shouldCheck = timeSinceLastCheck > UPDATE_CHECK_INTERVAL; return shouldCheck; }; /** * Check if app version needs update * @param silent If true, performs the check silently in the background without showing loading indicators * @param force If true, checks for updates regardless of when the last check occurred * * Usage examples: * - checkAppVersion(true, true): Silent check that bypasses time interval (ideal for HomeScreen focus) * - checkAppVersion(false, false): Regular check with loading indicator that respects time interval * - checkAppVersion(true, false): Silent check that respects time interval (good for background checks) * @returns Promise that resolves when the check is complete */ const checkAppVersion = useCallback(async (silent = false, force = false): Promise<void> => { try { // Skip check if it was done recently, unless force is true if (!force && !shouldCheckForUpdates()) { return; } if (!silent) { setLoading(true); } // Get the current app version const currentVersion = await UpdateService.getCurrentVersion(); if (!currentVersion) { console.error('Failed to get current app version'); return; } // Get the latest version info from the server const versionInfo = await UpdateService.checkForUpdates(); if (!versionInfo) { console.error('Failed to get latest version info'); return; } // Update the last check time await saveLastUpdateCheckTime(); // Set version info state setVersionInfo(versionInfo); // Check if update is needed const shouldShowModal = UpdateService.shouldShowUpdateModal( currentVersion, versionInfo.latestVersion, versionInfo.minimumVersion ); // Only show modal if update is needed if (shouldShowModal) { setUpdateModalVisible(true); } else { setUpdateModalVisible(false); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error checking app version'); // Don't show modal on error setUpdateModalVisible(false); } finally { if (!silent) { setLoading(false); } } }, [shouldCheckForUpdates, saveLastUpdateCheckTime]); /** * Close the update modal */ const closeUpdateModal = useCallback(async () => { try { // If there's version info and it's not a required update, mark it as skipped if (versionInfo) { const currentVersion = await UpdateService.getCurrentVersion(); const isRequired = UpdateService.isUpdateRequired(currentVersion, versionInfo.minimumVersion); if (!isRequired) { await UpdateService.skipVersion(versionInfo.latestVersion); } } setUpdateModalVisible(false); } catch (error) { console.error('Error closing update modal'); } }, [versionInfo]); /** * Navigate to the app store to update the app */ const goToUpdate = useCallback(async () => { try { await UpdateService.openAppStore(); } catch (error) { console.error('Error navigating to app store'); setError(`Failed to open app store: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } }, []); // Check for updates on mount if checkOnMount is true useEffect(() => { // Always load the last update check time loadLastUpdateCheckTime(); // Only check for updates if checkOnMount is true if (checkOnMount) { // Use silent mode for initial check to avoid disrupting the user experience checkAppVersion(true, false); } }, [checkOnMount, loadLastUpdateCheckTime]); // Check if the app is from the App Store on mount useEffect(() => { checkAppSource(); }, [checkAppSource]); // Get the stored app version on mount useEffect(() => { getStoredAppVersion(); }, [getStoredAppVersion]); return { versionInfo, isAppStoreVersion, storedAppVersion, loading, error, updateModalVisible, setUpdateModalVisible, checkAppVersion, checkForUpdates: useCallback((silent = false, force = false): Promise<void> => { // Directly call checkAppVersion with the provided parameters return checkAppVersion(silent, force); }, [checkAppVersion]), closeUpdateModal, goToUpdate, }; }; export default useAppUpdate;