AWS Resources MCP Server

  • src
  • mcp_server_aws_resources
import argparse import logging import json from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional import boto3 import os from mcp.server.models import InitializationOptions import mcp.types as types from mcp.server import NotificationOptions, Server import mcp.server.stdio from pydantic import AnyUrl import ast from operator import itemgetter logger = logging.getLogger('mcp_aws_resources_server') def parse_arguments() -> argparse.Namespace: """Use argparse to allow values to be set as CLI switches or environment variables """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--access-key-id', default=os.environ.get('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID') ) parser.add_argument( '--secret-access-key', default=os.environ.get('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY') ) parser.add_argument( '--session-token', default=os.environ.get('AWS_SESSION_TOKEN') ) parser.add_argument( '--profile', default=os.environ.get('AWS_PROFILE') ) parser.add_argument( '--region', default=os.environ.get('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION', 'us-east-1') ) return parser.parse_args() class CodeExecutor(ast.NodeTransformer): """Custom AST NodeTransformer to validate and transform the code""" def __init__(self): self.has_result = False self.imported_modules = set() def visit_Assign(self, node): """Track if 'result' variable is assigned""" for target in node.targets: if isinstance(target, ast.Name) and == 'result': self.has_result = True return node def visit_Import(self, node): """Track imported modules""" for alias in node.names: self.imported_modules.add( return node def visit_ImportFrom(self, node): """Track imported modules""" self.imported_modules.add(node.module) return node class AWSResourceQuerier: def __init__(self): """Initialize AWS session using environment variables""" args = parse_arguments() self.session = boto3.Session( aws_access_key_id=args.access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=args.secret_access_key, aws_session_token=args.session_token, profile_name=args.profile, region_name=args.region ) if (not args.profile and (not args.access_key_id or not args.secret_access_key)): logger.warning("AWS credentials not found in environment variables") def execute_query(self, code_snippet: str) -> str: """ Execute a boto3 code snippet and return the results Args: code_snippet (str): Python code using boto3 to query AWS resources Returns: str: JSON string containing the query results or error message """ try: # Parse the code into an AST tree = ast.parse(code_snippet) # Analyze the code executor = CodeExecutor() executor.visit(tree) # Validate imports allowed_modules = {'boto3', 'operator', 'json', 'datetime', 'pytz', 'dateutil', 're', 'time'} unauthorized_imports = executor.imported_modules - allowed_modules if unauthorized_imports: return json.dumps({ "error": f"Unauthorized imports: {', '.join(unauthorized_imports)}. " f"Only {', '.join(allowed_modules)} are allowed." }) # Create execution namespace local_ns = { 'boto3': boto3, 'session': self.session, 'result': None, 'itemgetter': itemgetter, '__builtins__': { name: getattr(__builtins__, name) for name in [ 'dict', 'list', 'tuple', 'set', 'str', 'int', 'float', 'bool', 'len', 'max', 'min', 'sorted', 'filter', 'map', 'sum', 'any', 'all', '__import__', 'hasattr', 'getattr', 'isinstance', 'print' ] } } # Compile and execute the code compiled_code = compile(tree, '<string>', 'exec') exec(compiled_code, local_ns) # Get the result result = local_ns.get('result') # Validate result was set if not executor.has_result: return json.dumps({ "error": "Code must set a 'result' variable with the query output" }) # Convert result to JSON-serializable format if result is not None: if hasattr(result, 'to_dict'): result = result.to_dict() return json.dumps(result, default=str) else: return json.dumps({"error": "Result cannot be None"}) except SyntaxError as e: logger.error(f"Syntax error in code: {str(e)}") return json.dumps({"error": f"Syntax error: {str(e)}"}) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error executing query: {str(e)}") return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}) async def main(): """Run the AWS Resources MCP server.""""Server starting") aws_querier = AWSResourceQuerier() server = Server("aws-resources-manager") @server.list_resources() async def handle_list_resources() -> list[types.Resource]: return [ types.Resource( uri=AnyUrl("aws://query_resources"), name="AWS Resources Query", description="Execute boto3 queries to fetch AWS resources", mimeType="application/json", ) ] @server.read_resource() async def handle_read_resource(uri: AnyUrl) -> str: if uri.scheme != "aws": raise ValueError(f"Unsupported URI scheme: {uri.scheme}") path = str(uri).replace("aws://", "") if path == "query_resources": # Return empty result as this endpoint requires a specific query return json.dumps({"message": "Please use the query_aws_resources tool to execute specific queries"}) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown resource path: {path}") @server.list_tools() async def handle_list_tools() -> list[types.Tool]: """List available tools""" return [ types.Tool( name="query_aws_resources", description="Execute a boto3 code snippet to query AWS resources", inputSchema={ "type": "object", "properties": { "code_snippet": { "type": "string", "description": "Python code using boto3 to query AWS resources. The code should have default execution setting variable named 'result'. Example code: 'result = boto3.client('s3').list_buckets()'" } }, "required": ["code_snippet"] }, ) ] @server.call_tool() async def handle_call_tool( name: str, arguments: dict[str, Any] | None ) -> list[types.TextContent | types.ImageContent | types.EmbeddedResource]: """Handle tool execution requests""" try: if name == "query_aws_resources": if not arguments or "code_snippet" not in arguments: raise ValueError("Missing code_snippet argument") results = aws_querier.execute_query(arguments["code_snippet"]) return [types.TextContent(type="text", text=str(results))] else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown tool: {name}") except Exception as e: return [types.TextContent(type="text", text=f"Error: {str(e)}")] async with mcp.server.stdio.stdio_server() as (read_stream, write_stream):"Server running with stdio transport") await read_stream, write_stream, InitializationOptions( server_name="aws-resources", server_version="0.1.0", capabilities=server.get_capabilities( notification_options=NotificationOptions(), experimental_capabilities={}, ), ), ) if __name__ == "__main__": import asyncio