Prometheus MCP Server
by CaesarYangs
- src
- prometheus_mcp_server
from requests import Session
from requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry import Retry
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
import requests
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
import numpy
import json
import pandas
import copy
import bz2
import os
import asyncio
import logging
from urllib.parse import urlparse
"""A Class for collection of metrics from a Prometheus Host."""
# set up logging
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# In case of a connection failure try 2 more times
# wait 1 second before retrying in case of an error
# retry only on these status
RETRY_ON_STATUS = [408, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504]
class PrometheusConnect:
A Class for collection of metrics from a Prometheus Host.
:param url: (str) url for the prometheus host
:param headers: (dict) A dictionary of http headers to be used to communicate with
the host. Example: {"Authorization": "bearer my_oauth_token_to_the_host"}
:param disable_ssl: (bool) If set to True, will disable ssl certificate verification
for the http requests made to the prometheus host
:param retry: (Retry) Retry adapter to retry on HTTP errors
:param auth: (optional) Auth tuple to enable Basic/Digest/Custom HTTP Auth. See python
requests library auth parameter for further explanation.
:param proxy: (Optional) Proxies dictionary to enable connection through proxy.
Example: {"http_proxy": "<ip_address/hostname:port>", "https_proxy": "<ip_address/hostname:port>"}
:param session (Optional) Custom requests.Session to enable complex HTTP configuration
def __init__(
url: str = "",
headers: dict = None,
disable_ssl: bool = False,
retry: Retry = None,
auth: tuple = None,
proxy: dict = None,
session: Session = None,
"""Functions as a Constructor for the class PrometheusConnect."""
if url is None:
raise TypeError("missing url")
self.headers = headers
self.url = url
self.prometheus_host = urlparse(self.url).netloc
self._all_metrics = None
if retry is None:
retry = Retry(
self.auth = auth
if session is not None:
self._session = session
self._session = requests.Session()
self._session.verify = not disable_ssl
if proxy is not None:
self._session.proxies = proxy
self._session.mount(self.url, HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry))
def check_prometheus_connection(self, params: dict = None) -> bool:
Check Promethus connection.
:param params: (dict) Optional dictionary containing parameters to be
sent along with the API request.
:returns: (bool) True if the endpoint can be reached, False if cannot be reached.
response = self._session.get(
return response.ok
def all_metrics(self, params: dict = None):
Get the list of all the metrics that the prometheus host scrapes.
:param params: (dict) Optional dictionary containing GET parameters to be
sent along with the API request, such as "time"
:returns: (list) A list of names of all the metrics available from the
specified prometheus host
(RequestException) Raises an exception in case of a connection error
(PrometheusApiClientException) Raises in case of non 200 response status code
self._all_metrics = self.get_label_values(label_name="__name__", params=params)
return self._all_metrics
def all_metric_meta(self, name: str = None):
self._all_metrics_all = self.get_label_values_full(label_name="__name__")
return self._all_metrics_all
def get_label_names(self, params: dict = None):
Get a list of all labels.
:param params: (dict) Optional dictionary containing GET parameters to be
sent along with the API request, such as "start", "end" or "match[]".
:returns: (list) A list of labels from the specified prometheus host
(RequestException) Raises an exception in case of a connection error
(PrometheusApiClientException) Raises in case of non 200 response status code
params = params or {}
response = self._session.get(
if response.status_code == 200:
labels = response.json()["data"]
raise PrometheusApiClientException(
"HTTP Status Code {} ({!r})".format(response.status_code, response.content)
return labels
def get_label_values(self, label_name: str, params: dict = None):
Get a list of all values for the label.
:param label_name: (str) The name of the label for which you want to get all the values.
:param params: (dict) Optional dictionary containing GET parameters to be
sent along with the API request, such as "time"
:returns: (list) A list of names for the label from the specified prometheus host
(RequestException) Raises an exception in case of a connection error
(PrometheusApiClientException) Raises in case of non 200 response status code
params = params or {}
response = self._session.get(
"{0}/api/v1/label/{1}/values".format(self.url, label_name),
if response.status_code == 200:
labels = response.json()["data"]
raise PrometheusApiClientException(
"HTTP Status Code {} ({!r})".format(response.status_code, response.content)
return labels
def get_label_values_full(self, label_name: str, params: dict = None):
Get a list of all values for the label.
:param label_name: (str) The name of the label for which you want to get all the values.
:param params: (dict) Optional dictionary containing GET parameters to be
sent along with the API request, such as "time"
:returns: (list) A list of names for the label from the specified prometheus host
(RequestException) Raises an exception in case of a connection error
(PrometheusApiClientException) Raises in case of non 200 response status code
params = params or {}
response = self._session.get(
if response.status_code == 200:
labels = response.json()["data"]
raise PrometheusApiClientException(
"HTTP Status Code {} ({!r})".format(response.status_code, response.content)
return labels
def get_current_metric_value(
self, metric_name: str, label_config: dict = None, params: dict = None
Get the current metric value for the specified metric and label configuration.
:param metric_name: (str) The name of the metric
:param label_config: (dict) A dictionary that specifies metric labels and their
:param params: (dict) Optional dictionary containing GET parameters to be sent
along with the API request, such as "time"
:returns: (list) A list of current metric values for the specified metric
(RequestException) Raises an exception in case of a connection error
(PrometheusApiClientException) Raises in case of non 200 response status code
Example Usage:
.. code-block:: python
prom = PrometheusConnect()
my_label_config = {'cluster': 'my_cluster_id', 'label_2': 'label_2_value'}
prom.get_current_metric_value(metric_name='up', label_config=my_label_config)
params = params or {}
data = []
if label_config:
label_list = [str(key + "=" + "'" + label_config[key] + "'") for key in label_config]
query = metric_name + "{" + ",".join(label_list) + "}"
query = metric_name
# using the query API to get raw data
response = self._session.get(
params={**{"query": query}, **params},
if response.status_code == 200:
data += response.json()["data"]["result"]
raise PrometheusApiClientException(
"HTTP Status Code {} ({!r})".format(response.status_code, response.content)
return data
def get_metric_range_data(
metric_name: str,
label_config: dict = None,
metric_range:str =None,
start_time: datetime = ( - timedelta(minutes=1)),
end_time: datetime =,
chunk_size: timedelta = None,
store_locally: bool = False,
params: dict = None,
logger = None
Get the current metric value for the specified metric and label configuration.
:param metric_name: (str) The name of the metric.
:param label_config: (dict) A dictionary specifying metric labels and their
:param start_time: (datetime) A datetime object that specifies the metric range start time.
:param end_time: (datetime) A datetime object that specifies the metric range end time.
:param chunk_size: (timedelta) Duration of metric data downloaded in one request. For
example, setting it to timedelta(hours=3) will download 3 hours worth of data in each
request made to the prometheus host
:param store_locally: (bool) If set to True, will store data locally at,
:param params: (dict) Optional dictionary containing GET parameters to be
sent along with the API request, such as "time"
:return: (list) A list of metric data for the specified metric in the given time
(RequestException) Raises an exception in case of a connection error
(PrometheusApiClientException) Raises in case of non 200 response status code
params = params or {}
data = []
if metric_range is not None:
now = # 使用 utcnow() 来获取一个 offset-naive 的 UTC 时间
start_time = now - timedelta(minutes=int(metric_range))
_LOGGER.debug("start_time: %s", start_time)
_LOGGER.debug("end_time: %s", end_time)
_LOGGER.debug("chunk_size: %s", chunk_size)
if not (isinstance(start_time, datetime) and isinstance(end_time, datetime)):
raise TypeError("start_time and end_time can only be of type datetime.datetime")
if not chunk_size:
chunk_size = end_time - start_time
if not isinstance(chunk_size, timedelta):
raise TypeError("chunk_size can only be of type datetime.timedelta")
start = round(start_time.timestamp())
end = round(end_time.timestamp())
if end_time < start_time:
raise ValueError("end_time must not be before start_time")
if (end_time - start_time).total_seconds() < chunk_size.total_seconds():
raise ValueError("specified chunk_size is too big")
chunk_seconds = round(chunk_size.total_seconds())
if label_config:
label_list = [str(key + "=" + "'" + label_config[key] + "'") for key in label_config]
query = metric_name + "{" + ",".join(label_list) + "}"
query = metric_name
_LOGGER.debug("Prometheus Query: %s", query)
while start < end:
if start + chunk_seconds > end:
chunk_seconds = end - start
# using the query API to get raw data
response = self._session.get(
"query": query + "[" + str(chunk_seconds) + "s" + "]",
"time": start + chunk_seconds,
if response.status_code == 200:
data += response.json()["data"]["result"]
raise PrometheusApiClientException(
"HTTP Status Code {} ({!r})".format(response.status_code, response.content)
if store_locally:
# store it locally
start + chunk_seconds,
start += chunk_seconds
return data
def _store_metric_values_local(self, metric_name, values, end_timestamp, compressed=False):
Store metrics on the local filesystem, optionally with bz2 compression.
:param metric_name: (str) the name of the metric being saved
:param values: (str) metric data in JSON string format
:param end_timestamp: (int) timestamp in any format understood by \
:param compressed: (bool) whether or not to apply bz2 compression
:returns: (str) path to the saved metric file
if not values:
_LOGGER.debug("No values for %s", metric_name)
return None
file_path = self._metric_filename(metric_name, end_timestamp)
if compressed:
payload = bz2.compress(str(values).encode("utf-8"))
file_path = file_path + ".bz2"
payload = str(values).encode("utf-8")
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path), exist_ok=True)
with open(file_path, "wb") as file:
return file_path
def _metric_filename(self, metric_name: str, end_timestamp: int):
Add a timestamp to the filename before it is stored.
:param metric_name: (str) the name of the metric being saved
:param end_timestamp: (int) timestamp in any format understood by \
:returns: (str) the generated path
end_time_stamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(end_timestamp)
directory_name = end_time_stamp.strftime("%Y%m%d")
timestamp = end_time_stamp.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")
object_path = (
+ self.prometheus_host
+ "/"
+ metric_name
+ "/"
+ directory_name
+ "/"
+ timestamp
+ ".json"
return object_path
def custom_query(self, query: str, params: dict = None):
Send a custom query to a Prometheus Host.
This method takes as input a string which will be sent as a query to
the specified Prometheus Host. This query is a PromQL query.
:param query: (str) This is a PromQL query, a few examples can be found
:param params: (dict) Optional dictionary containing GET parameters to be
sent along with the API request, such as "time"
:returns: (list) A list of metric data received in response of the query sent
(RequestException) Raises an exception in case of a connection error
(PrometheusApiClientException) Raises in case of non 200 response status code
params = params or {}
data = None
query = str(query)
# using the query API to get raw data
response = self._session.get(
params={**{"query": query}, **params},
if response.status_code == 200:
data = response.json()["data"]["result"]
raise PrometheusApiClientException(
"HTTP Status Code {} ({!r})".format(response.status_code, response.content)
return data
def custom_query_range(
self, query: str, start_time: datetime, end_time: datetime, step: str, params: dict = None
Send a query_range to a Prometheus Host.
This method takes as input a string which will be sent as a query to
the specified Prometheus Host. This query is a PromQL query.
:param query: (str) This is a PromQL query, a few examples can be found
:param start_time: (datetime) A datetime object that specifies the query range start time.
:param end_time: (datetime) A datetime object that specifies the query range end time.
:param step: (str) Query resolution step width in duration format or float number of seconds
:param params: (dict) Optional dictionary containing GET parameters to be
sent along with the API request, such as "timeout"
:returns: (dict) A dict of metric data received in response of the query sent
(RequestException) Raises an exception in case of a connection error
(PrometheusApiClientException) Raises in case of non 200 response status code
start = round(start_time.timestamp())
end = round(end_time.timestamp())
params = params or {}
data = None
query = str(query)
# using the query_range API to get raw data
response = self._session.get(
params={**{"query": query, "start": start, "end": end, "step": step}, **params},
if response.status_code == 200:
data = response.json()["data"]["result"]
raise PrometheusApiClientException(
"HTTP Status Code {} ({!r})".format(response.status_code, response.content)
return data
def get_metric_aggregation(
query: str,
operations: list,
start_time: datetime = None,
end_time: datetime = None,
step: str = "15",
params: dict = None,
Get aggregations on metric values received from PromQL query.
This method takes as input a string which will be sent as a query to
the specified Prometheus Host. This query is a PromQL query. And, a
list of operations to perform such as- sum, max, min, deviation, etc.
with start_time, end_time and step.
The received query is passed to the custom_query_range method which returns
the result of the query and the values are extracted from the result.
:param query: (str) This is a PromQL query, a few examples can be found
:param operations: (list) A list of operations to perform on the values.
Operations are specified in string type.
:param start_time: (datetime) A datetime object that specifies the query range start time.
:param end_time: (datetime) A datetime object that specifies the query range end time.
:param step: (str) Query resolution step width in duration format or float number of seconds
:param params: (dict) Optional dictionary containing GET parameters to be
sent along with the API request, such as "timeout"
Available operations - sum, max, min, variance, nth percentile, deviation
and average.
:returns: (dict) A dict of aggregated values received in response to the operations
performed on the values for the query sent.
Example output:
.. code-block:: python
'sum': 18.05674,
'max': 6.009373
if not isinstance(operations, list):
raise TypeError("Operations can be only of type list")
if len(operations) == 0:
_LOGGER.debug("No operations found to perform")
return None
aggregated_values = {}
query_values = []
if start_time is not None and end_time is not None:
data = self.custom_query_range(
query=query, params=params, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, step=step
for result in data:
values = result["values"]
for val in values:
data = self.custom_query(query, params)
for result in data:
val = float(result["value"][1])
if len(query_values) == 0:
_LOGGER.debug("No values found for given query.")
return None
np_array = numpy.array(query_values)
for operation in operations:
if operation == "sum":
aggregated_values["sum"] = numpy.sum(np_array)
elif operation == "max":
aggregated_values["max"] = numpy.max(np_array)
elif operation == "min":
aggregated_values["min"] = numpy.min(np_array)
elif operation == "average":
aggregated_values["average"] = numpy.average(np_array)
elif operation.startswith("percentile"):
percentile = float(operation.split("_")[1])
aggregated_values["percentile_" + str(percentile)] = numpy.percentile(
query_values, percentile
elif operation == "deviation":
aggregated_values["deviation"] = numpy.std(np_array)
elif operation == "variance":
aggregated_values["variance"] = numpy.var(np_array)
raise TypeError("Invalid operation: " + operation)
return aggregated_values
class MetricsList(list):
"""A Class to initialize a list of Metric objects at once.
:param metric_data_list: (list|json) This is an individual metric or list of metrics received
from prometheus as a result of a promql query.
Example Usage:
.. code-block:: python
prom = PrometheusConnect()
my_label_config = {'cluster': 'my_cluster_id', 'label_2': 'label_2_value'}
metric_data = prom.get_metric_range_data(metric_name='up', label_config=my_label_config)
metric_object_list = MetricsList(metric_data) # metric_object_list will be initialized as
# a list of Metric objects for all the
# metrics downloaded using get_metric query
def __init__(self, metric_data_list):
"""Class MetricsList constructor."""
if not isinstance(metric_data_list, list):
metric_data_list = [metric_data_list]
metric_object_list = []
def add_metric_to_object_list(metric):
metric_object = Metric(metric)
if metric_object in metric_object_list:
metric_object_list[metric_object_list.index(metric_object)] += metric_object
for i in metric_data_list:
# If it is a list of lists (for example: while reading from multiple json files)
if isinstance(i, list):
for metric in i:
super(MetricsList, self).__init__(metric_object_list)
class Metric:
A Class for `Metric` object.
:param metric: (dict) A metric item from the list of metrics received from prometheus
:param oldest_data_datetime: (datetime|timedelta) Any metric values in the dataframe that are
older than this value will be deleted when new data is added to the dataframe
using the __add__("+") operator.
* `oldest_data_datetime=datetime.timedelta(days=2)`, will delete the
metric data that is 2 days older than the latest metric.
The dataframe is pruned only when new data is added to it.
* `oldest_data_datetime=datetime.datetime(2019,5,23,12,0)`, will delete
any data that is older than "23 May 2019 12:00:00"
* `oldest_data_datetime=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(1561475156)`
can also be set using the unix timestamp
Example Usage:
.. code-block:: python
prom = PrometheusConnect()
my_label_config = {'cluster': 'my_cluster_id', 'label_2': 'label_2_value'}
metric_data = prom.get_metric_range_data(metric_name='up', label_config=my_label_config)
# Here metric_data is a list of metrics received from prometheus
# only for the first item in the list
my_metric_object = Metric(metric_data[0], datetime.timedelta(days=10))
def __init__(self, metric, oldest_data_datetime=None):
"""Functions as a Constructor for the Metric object."""
if not isinstance(
oldest_data_datetime, (datetime, type(None)) # TODO: change detection of time input here
# if it is neither a datetime object nor a timedelta object raise exception
raise TypeError(
"oldest_data_datetime can only be datetime.datetime/ datetime.timedelta or None"
if isinstance(metric, Metric):
# if metric is a Metric object, just copy the object and update its parameters
self.metric_name = metric.metric_name
self.label_config = metric.label_config
self.metric_values = metric.metric_values
self.oldest_data_datetime = oldest_data_datetime
self.metric_name = metric["metric"]["__name__"]
self.label_config = copy.deepcopy(metric["metric"])
self.oldest_data_datetime = oldest_data_datetime
del self.label_config["__name__"]
# if it is a single value metric change key name
if "value" in metric:
datestamp = metric["value"][0]
metric_value = metric["value"][1]
if isinstance(metric_value, str):
metric_value = float(metric_value)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise MetricValueConversionError(
"Converting string metric value to float failed."
metric["values"] = [[datestamp, metric_value]]
self.metric_values = pandas.DataFrame(metric["values"], columns=["ds", "y"]).apply(
pandas.to_numeric, errors="raise"
self.metric_values["ds"] = pandas.to_datetime(self.metric_values["ds"], unit="s")
# Set the metric start time and the metric end time
self.start_time = self.metric_values.iloc[0, 0]
self.end_time = self.metric_values.iloc[-1, 0]
# We store the plot information as Class variable
Metric._plot = None
def __eq__(self, other):
Overloading operator ``=``.
Check whether two metrics are the same (are the same time-series regardless of their data)
Example Usage:
.. code-block:: python
metric_1 = Metric(metric_data_1)
metric_2 = Metric(metric_data_2)
print(metric_1 == metric_2) # will print True if they belong to the same time-series
:return: (bool) If two Metric objects belong to the same time-series,
i.e. same name and label config, it will return True, else False
return bool(
(self.metric_name == other.metric_name) and (self.label_config == other.label_config)
def __str__(self):
Make it print in a cleaner way when print function is used on a Metric object.
Example Usage:
.. code-block:: python
metric_1 = Metric(metric_data_1)
print(metric_1) # will print the name, labels and the head of the dataframe
name = "metric_name: " + repr(self.metric_name) + "\n"
labels = "label_config: " + repr(self.label_config) + "\n"
values = "metric_values: " + repr(self.metric_values)
return "{" + "\n" + name + labels + values + "\n" + "}"
def __add__(self, other):
Overloading operator ``+``.
Add two metric objects for the same time-series
Example Usage:
.. code-block:: python
metric_1 = Metric(metric_data_1)
metric_2 = Metric(metric_data_2)
metric_12 = metric_1 + metric_2 # will add the data in ``metric_2`` to ``metric_1``
# so if any other parameters are set in ``metric_1``
# will also be set in ``metric_12``
# (like ``oldest_data_datetime``)
:return: (`Metric`) Returns a `Metric` object with the combined metric data
of the two added metrics
:raises: (TypeError) Raises an exception when two metrics being added are
from different metric time-series
if self == other:
new_metric = deepcopy(self)
new_metric.metric_values = pandas.concat([new_metric.metric_values, other.metric_values], ignore_index=True, axis=0)
new_metric.metric_values = new_metric.metric_values.dropna()
new_metric.metric_values = (
# if oldest_data_datetime is set, trim the dataframe and only keep the newer data
if new_metric.oldest_data_datetime:
if isinstance(new_metric.oldest_data_datetime, datetime.timedelta):
# create a time range mask
mask = new_metric.metric_values["ds"] >= (
new_metric.metric_values.iloc[-1, 0] - abs(new_metric.oldest_data_datetime)
# create a time range mask
mask = new_metric.metric_values["ds"] >= new_metric.oldest_data_datetime
# truncate the df within the mask
new_metric.metric_values = new_metric.metric_values.loc[mask]
# Update the metric start time and the metric end time for the new Metric
new_metric.start_time = new_metric.metric_values.iloc[0, 0]
new_metric.end_time = new_metric.metric_values.iloc[-1, 0]
return new_metric
if self.metric_name != other.metric_name:
error_string = "Different metric names"
error_string = "Different metric labels"
raise TypeError("Cannot Add different metric types. " + error_string)
_metric_plot = None
def plot(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Plot a very simple line graph for the metric time-series."""
if not Metric._metric_plot:
from prometheus_api_client.metric_plot import MetricPlot
Metric._metric_plot = MetricPlot(*args, **kwargs)
metric = self
def show(self, block=None):
"""Plot a very simple line graph for the metric time-series."""
if not Metric._metric_plot:
# can't show before plot
TypeError("Invalid operation: Can't show() before plot()")
class PrometheusApiClientException(Exception):
"""API client exception, raises when response status code != 200."""
class MetricValueConversionError(Exception):
"""Raises when we find a metric that is a string where we fail to convert it to a float."""