import { homedir } from "os";
import { join } from "path";
* This script is used to setup the config file for the desktop app.
const CONFIG_PATH = join(
"Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json"
let config = { mcpServers: {} };
try {
config = await Bun.file(CONFIG_PATH).json();
} catch {
// Config doesn't exist yet, use default empty config
// Get absolute paths
const bunPath = process.argv[0]; // Current bun executable
const serverPath = join(import.meta.dir, "./index.ts");
// Update config
config.mcpServers = {
"local-web-search": {
command: bunPath,
args: [serverPath],
// Write updated config
await Bun.write(CONFIG_PATH, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2));
"\x1b[32m✨ Successfully added local-web-search server to Claude MCP config! 🎉\x1b[0m"
console.log(CONFIG_PATH.replace(homedir(), "~"));