Binance MCP Server

import WebSocket from 'ws'; import { config } from '../config.js'; import { logger } from '../utils/logger.js'; import { WebSocketMessage, StreamEventType, StreamEventData, TradeData, TickerData, BookTickerData, KlineData, ForceOrderData, MarkPriceData, OpenInterestData } from '../types/ws-stream.js'; type WSReadyState = number; interface StreamSubscription { symbol: string; type: 'spot' | 'futures'; streams: StreamEventType[]; reconnectAttempts: number; reconnectTimeout?: NodeJS.Timeout; } type MessageHandler = (data: StreamEventData) => void; export class BinanceWebSocketManager { private connections: Map<string, WebSocket>; private pingIntervals: Map<string, NodeJS.Timeout>; private messageCallbacks: Map<string, Map<StreamEventType, MessageHandler[]>>; private subscriptions: Map<string, StreamSubscription>; private readonly MAX_RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS = 5; private readonly RECONNECT_DELAY = config.WS_RECONNECT_DELAY || 5000; constructor() { this.connections = new Map(); this.pingIntervals = new Map(); this.messageCallbacks = new Map(); this.subscriptions = new Map(); } public subscribe(symbol: string, type: 'spot' | 'futures', streams: StreamEventType[]): void { const subscription: StreamSubscription = { symbol, type, streams, reconnectAttempts: 0 }; if (!this.messageCallbacks.has(symbol)) { this.messageCallbacks.set(symbol, new Map()); } const symbolCallbacks = this.messageCallbacks.get(symbol)!; streams.forEach(stream => { if (!symbolCallbacks.has(stream)) { symbolCallbacks.set(stream, []); } }); this.subscriptions.set(symbol, subscription); this.connectWebSocket(subscription); } private connectWebSocket(subscription: StreamSubscription): void { const { symbol, type, streams } = subscription; const wsUrl = type === 'spot' ? config.SPOT_WS_URL : config.FUTURES_WS_URL; // Handle special futures streams const streamNames = => { if (type === 'futures') { switch (stream) { case 'forceOrder': return `${symbol.toLowerCase()}@forceOrder`; case 'markPrice': return `${symbol.toLowerCase()}@markPrice@1s`; // 1s update frequency case 'openInterest': return `${symbol.toLowerCase()}@openInterest@1s`; default: return `${symbol.toLowerCase()}@${stream}`; } } return `${symbol.toLowerCase()}@${stream}`; }); try { const ws = new WebSocket(`${wsUrl}/${streamNames.join('/')}`); ws.on('open', () => {`WebSocket connected for ${symbol} ${streams.join(', ')}`); subscription.reconnectAttempts = 0; this.setupPingInterval(symbol, ws); }); ws.on('message', (data: WebSocket.Data) => { try { const message = JSON.parse(data.toString()) as WebSocketMessage<StreamEventData>; this.handleStreamMessage(symbol, message); } catch (error) { logger.error('Error parsing WebSocket message:', error); } }); ws.on('error', (error: Error) => { logger.error(`WebSocket error for ${symbol}:`, error); }); ws.on('close', () => {`WebSocket closed for ${symbol}`); this.cleanup(symbol); this.handleReconnection(subscription); }); ws.on('pong', () => { logger.debug(`Received pong from ${symbol} WebSocket`); }); this.connections.set(symbol, ws); } catch (error) { logger.error(`Error creating WebSocket connection for ${symbol}:`, error); this.handleReconnection(subscription); throw error; } } private handleStreamMessage(symbol: string, message: WebSocketMessage<StreamEventData>): void { const symbolCallbacks = this.messageCallbacks.get(symbol); if (!symbolCallbacks) return; // Extract stream type from the stream name const streamParts ='@'); if (streamParts.length < 2) return; let streamType = streamParts[1] as StreamEventType; // Handle special cases where the stream name has additional parts (e.g., markPrice@1s) if (streamParts.length > 2) { streamType = streamParts[1].split('@')[0] as StreamEventType; } const handlers = symbolCallbacks.get(streamType); if (handlers) { handlers.forEach(handler => { try { handler(; } catch (error) { logger.error(`Error in message handler for ${symbol} ${streamType}:`, error); } }); } } public onStreamData(symbol: string, streamType: StreamEventType, handler: MessageHandler): void { const symbolCallbacks = this.messageCallbacks.get(symbol); if (!symbolCallbacks) { logger.error(`No callbacks registered for symbol ${symbol}`); return; } const handlers = symbolCallbacks.get(streamType) || []; handlers.push(handler); symbolCallbacks.set(streamType, handlers); } private handleReconnection(subscription: StreamSubscription): void { const { symbol, reconnectAttempts } = subscription; if (reconnectAttempts >= this.MAX_RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS) { logger.error(`Max reconnection attempts reached for ${symbol}`); return; } subscription.reconnectAttempts++; const delay = this.RECONNECT_DELAY * Math.pow(2, reconnectAttempts - 1); // Exponential backoff`Attempting to reconnect ${symbol} in ${delay}ms (attempt ${reconnectAttempts})`); subscription.reconnectTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.connectWebSocket(subscription); }, delay); } private setupPingInterval(symbol: string, ws: WebSocket): void { const interval = setInterval(() => { if (ws.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { Error) => { if (error) { logger.error(`Error sending ping for ${symbol}:`, error); } }); } }, config.WS_PING_INTERVAL); this.pingIntervals.set(symbol, interval); } private cleanup(symbol: string): void { const interval = this.pingIntervals.get(symbol); if (interval) { clearInterval(interval); this.pingIntervals.delete(symbol); } const subscription = this.subscriptions.get(symbol); if (subscription?.reconnectTimeout) { clearTimeout(subscription.reconnectTimeout); } this.connections.delete(symbol); } public unsubscribe(symbol: string): void { const ws = this.connections.get(symbol); if (ws) { ws.close(); } this.cleanup(symbol); this.subscriptions.delete(symbol); this.messageCallbacks.delete(symbol); } public close(): void { this.connections.forEach((ws, symbol) => { ws.close(); this.cleanup(symbol); }); this.subscriptions.clear(); this.messageCallbacks.clear(); } public getConnectionState(symbol: string): WSReadyState | undefined { const ws = this.connections.get(symbol); return ws?.readyState; } public isSubscribed(symbol: string, streamType: StreamEventType): boolean { const subscription = this.subscriptions.get(symbol); return subscription?.streams.includes(streamType) || false; } }