Android MCP Server

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Provides programmatic control over Android devices through ADB, enabling screenshot capture, UI layout analysis, package management, and execution of arbitrary ADB commands.

  • Repository hosting for the android-mcp-server, allowing users to clone and use the server implementation.

Android MCP Server

An MCP (Model Context Protocol) server that provides programmatic control over Android devices through ADB (Android Debug Bridge). This server exposes various Android device management capabilities that can be accessed by MCP clients like Claude desktop and Code editors (e.g. Cursor)


  • πŸ”§ ADB Command Execution
  • πŸ“Έ Device Screenshot Capture
  • 🎯 UI Layout Analysis
  • πŸ“± Device Package Management


  • Python 3.x
  • ADB (Android Debug Bridge) installed and configured
  • Android device or emulator (not tested)


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone cd android-mcp-server
  1. Install dependencies: This project uses uv for project management
uv sync


The server uses a simple YAML configuration file (config.yaml) to specify the target android device

Customizing Configuration

  1. Create a new configuration file:
touch config.yaml
  1. Configure your device:
device: name: "google-pixel-7-pro" # Your device identifier from 'adb devices'


An MCP client is needed to use this server. The Claude Desktop app is an example of an MCP client. To use this server with Claude Desktop:

  1. Locate your Claude Desktop configuration file:
    • Windows: %APPDATA%\Claude\claude_desktop_config.json
    • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
  2. Add the Android MCP server configuration to the mcpServers section:
{ "mcpServers": { "android": { "command": "path/to/uv", "args": ["--directory", "path/to/android-mcp-server", "run", ""] } } }


  • path/to/uv with the actual path to your uv executable
  • path/to/android-mcp-server with the absolute path to where you cloned this repository

Available Tools

The server exposes the following tools:

def get_packages() -> str: """ Get all installed packages on the device. Returns: str: A list of all installed packages on the device as a string """
def execute_adb_command(command: str) -> str: """ Executes an ADB command and returns the output. Args: command (str): The ADB command to execute Returns: str: The output of the ADB command """
def get_uilayout() -> str: """ Retrieves information about clickable elements in the current UI. Returns a formatted string containing details about each clickable element, including their text, content description, bounds, and center coordinates. Returns: str: A formatted list of clickable elements with their properties """
def get_screenshot() -> Image: """ Takes a screenshot of the device and returns it. Returns: Image: the screenshot """
def get_package_action_intents(package_name: str) -> list[str]: """ Get all non-data actions from Activity Resolver Table for a package Args: package_name (str): The name of the package to get actions for Returns: list[str]: A list of all non-data actions from the Activity Resolver Table for the package """


Contributions are welcome!


security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

A server enabling programmatic control over Android devices through ADB, providing capabilities like screenshot capture, UI layout analysis, and package management that can be accessed by MCP clients like Claude Desktop.

  1. Features
    1. Prerequisites
      1. Installation
        1. Configuration
          1. Customizing Configuration
          2. Usage
            1. Available Tools
            2. Contributing
              1. Acknowledgments