
Server Configuration

Describes the environment variables required to run the server.

ANKI_HOSTNoThe host where AnkiConnect is runninglocalhost
ANKI_PORTNoThe port AnkiConnect is using8765



Interactive templates invoked by user choice


No prompts


Contextual data attached and managed by the client


No resources


Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions


Get the number of cards due today with an optional deck filter


Get all decks and note types with their fields


Get example notes from Anki to guide your flashcard making. Limit the number of examples returned and provide a sampling technique:

- random: Randomly sample notes - recent: Notes added in the last week - most_reviewed: Notes with more than 10 reviews - best_performance: Notes with less than 3 lapses - mature: Notes with interval greater than 21 days - young: Notes with interval less than 7 days

Fetch cards that are due for learning and format them for review. Takes optional arguments: - deck: str - Filter by specific deck. - limit: int - Maximum number of cards to fetch (default 5). More than 5 is overwhelming for users. - today_only: bool - If true, only fetch cards due today, else fetch cards up to 5 days ahead.


Submit multiple card reviews to Anki.

Args: reviews: List of dictionaries containing: - card_id (int): The ID of the card being reviewed - rating (str): The rating to give the card, one of: "wrong" - Card was incorrect (Again) "hard" - Card was difficult (Hard) "good" - Card was good (Good) "easy" - Card was very easy (Easy)

Add a flashcard to Anki. Ensure you have looked at examples before you do this, and that you have got approval from the user to add the flashcard. Args: deckName: str - The name of the deck to add the flashcard to. modelName: str - The name of the note type to use. fields: dict - The fields of the flashcard to add. tags: List[str] - The tags to add to the flashcard.