ENS MCP Server
by JustaName-id
- utils
import { ethers } from "ethers";
import {justaname, publicClient} from "../clients/index.js";
interface TextContent {
type: "text";
text: string;
[x: string]: unknown;
interface ServerResponse {
content: TextContent[];
isError: boolean;
_meta?: { [key: string]: unknown };
[x: string]: unknown;
const normalizeName = (name: string) => name.endsWith('.eth') ? name : `${name}.eth`;
export function handleEnsError(error: unknown, operation: string): string {
console.error(`Error during ENS ${operation}:`, error);
let errorMessage = "";
if (error instanceof Error) {
errorMessage = error.message;
if (
errorMessage.includes("fetch failed") ||
errorMessage.includes("timeout") ||
errorMessage.includes("network") ||
errorMessage.includes("HTTP request failed")
) {
return `Network error while accessing Ethereum providers. Please check your internet connection or try again later. Technical details: ${errorMessage}`;
if (errorMessage.includes("ENS")) {
return `ENS error: ${errorMessage}`;
if (
errorMessage.includes("invalid") ||
) {
return `Invalid input: ${errorMessage}`;
return `Error during ${operation}: ${errorMessage || String(error)}`;
export async function withErrorHandling<T>(
operation: string,
fn: () => Promise<T>,
defaultValue: T
): Promise<T> {
try {
return await fn();
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error in ${operation}:`, error);
return defaultValue;
export async function resolveName(
{ name }: { name: string }
): Promise<ServerResponse> {
const normalizedName = normalizeName(name);
try {
const result = await publicClient.getAddressRecord({
coin: 'ETH'
if (!result) {
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: `Could not resolve ${normalizedName} to an address.` }],
isError: false
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: `The address for ${normalizedName} is ${result.value}` }],
isError: false
} catch (error) {
const errorMessage = handleEnsError(error, "name resolution");
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: errorMessage }],
isError: true
export async function reverseLookup({ address }: { address: string }): Promise<ServerResponse> {
try {
if (!ethers.isAddress(address)) {
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: `Invalid Ethereum address: ${address}` }],
isError: true
const result = await publicClient.getName({ address: address as `0x${string}` })
if (!result) {
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: `No ENS name found for address ${address}` }],
isError: false
return {
content: [{
type: "text",
text: `The ENS name for ${address} is ${result.name}${!result.match ? ' (Note: forward resolution does not match this address)' : ''}`
isError: false
} catch (error) {
const errorMessage = handleEnsError(error, "reverse lookup");
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: errorMessage }],
isError: true
export async function getTextRecord( { name, key }: { name: string, key: string }): Promise<ServerResponse> {
const normalizedName = normalizeName(name);
try {
const value = await publicClient.getTextRecord({ name:normalizedName, key });
if (!value) {
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: `No '${key}' record found for ${normalizedName}` }],
isError: false
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: `The '${key}' record for ${normalizedName} is: ${value}` }],
isError: false
} catch (error) {
const errorMessage = handleEnsError(error, "getting records");
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: errorMessage }],
isError: true
export async function checkAvailability( { name }: { name: string }): Promise<ServerResponse> {
const normalizedName = normalizeName(name);
try {
const available = await publicClient.getAvailable({ name: normalizedName });
if (available) {
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: `The name ${normalizedName} is available for registration.` }],
isError: false
} else {
const owner = await publicClient.getOwner({ name: normalizedName });
return {
content: [{
type: "text",
text: `The name ${normalizedName} is already registered. ` +
(owner ? `Current owner: ${owner.owner}` : "")
isError: false
} catch (error) {
const errorMessage = handleEnsError(error, "name availability check");
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: errorMessage }],
isError: true
export async function getAllRecords( { name }: { name: string }): Promise<ServerResponse> {
const normalizedName = normalizeName(name);
try {
const records =( await justaname.subnames.getRecords({ens:normalizedName})).records
let output = `Information for ${normalizedName}:\n\n`;
output += `Resolver Address: ${records.resolverAddress}\n`;
if (records.texts && records.texts.length > 0) {
output += "\nText Records:\n";
for (const record of records.texts) {
output += `- ${record.key}: ${record.value}\n`;
} else {
output += "\nNo text records found.";
if (records.coins && records.coins.length > 0) {
output += "\nAddresses:\n";
for (const coin of records.coins) {
output += `- ${coin.name} (${coin.id}): ${coin.value}\n`;
} else {
output += "\nNo cryptocurrency addresses found.";
if (records.contentHash) {
output += `\nContent Hash: ${records.contentHash.decoded} (Protocol: ${records.contentHash.protocolType})`;
const owner = await publicClient.getOwner({ name: normalizedName });
if (owner) {
output += "\n\nOwnership Information:";
output += `\n- Owner: ${owner.owner}`;
if (owner.registrant) output += `\n- Registrant: ${owner.registrant}`;
output += `\n- Level: ${owner.ownershipLevel}`;
const expiry = await publicClient.getExpiry({ name });
if (expiry) {
output += "\n\nExpiration Information:";
output += `\n- Expires: ${expiry.expiry.date.toLocaleString()}`;
output += `\n- Status: ${expiry.status}`;
if (expiry.status === 'gracePeriod') {
output += `\n- Grace Period: ${expiry.gracePeriod / 86400} days`;
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: output }],
isError: false
} catch (error) {
const errorMessage = handleEnsError(error, "ens information");
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: errorMessage }],
isError: true
export async function getSubdomains( { name }: { name: string }): Promise<ServerResponse> {
const normalizedName = normalizeName(name);
try {
const subdomains = await publicClient.getSubnames({ name: normalizedName });
if (!subdomains || subdomains.length === 0) {
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: `No subdomains found for ${name}` }],
isError: false
let output = `Subdomains for ${name}:\n\n`;
for (const subdomain of subdomains) {
output += `- ${subdomain.name}`;
if (subdomain.owner) {
output += ` (Owner: ${subdomain.owner})`;
output += '\n';
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: output }],
isError: false
} catch (error) {
const errorMessage = handleEnsError(error, "getting subdomains");
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: errorMessage }],
isError: true
export async function getNameHistory( { name }: { name: string }): Promise<ServerResponse> {
const normalizedName = normalizeName(name);
try {
const history = await publicClient.getNameHistory({ name: normalizedName });
if (!history) {
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: `No history found for ${name}` }],
isError: false
let output = `History for ${name}:\n\n`;
if (history.domainEvents.length > 0) {
output += "Domain Events:\n";
for (const event of history.domainEvents) {
output += `- ${event.type} at block ${event.blockNumber}\n`;
if (event.type === 'Transfer' || event.type === 'NewOwner') {
output += ` New owner: ${event.owner}\n`;
} else if (event.type === 'NewResolver') {
output += ` New resolver: ${event.resolver}\n`;
if (history.registrationEvents && history.registrationEvents.length > 0) {
output += "\nRegistration Events:\n";
for (const event of history.registrationEvents) {
output += `- ${event.type} at block ${event.blockNumber}\n`;
if (event.type === 'NameRegistered') {
output += ` Registrant: ${event.registrant}\n`;
output += ` Expiry Date: ${new Date(Number(event.expiryDate) * 1000).toLocaleString()}\n`;
} else if (event.type === 'NameRenewed') {
output += ` New Expiry Date: ${new Date(Number(event.expiryDate) * 1000).toLocaleString()}\n`;
if (history.resolverEvents && history.resolverEvents.length > 0) {
output += "\nResolver Events:\n";
for (const event of history.resolverEvents) {
output += `- ${event.type} at block ${event.blockNumber}\n`;
if (event.type === 'AddrChanged') {
output += ` New address: ${event.addr}\n`;
} else if (event.type === 'TextChanged') {
output += ` Key: ${event.key}\n`;
if (event.value) output += ` Value: ${event.value}\n`;
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: output }],
isError: false
} catch (error) {
const errorMessage = handleEnsError(error, "get name history");
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: errorMessage }],
isError: true
export async function getRegistrationPrice( { name, duration = 1 }: { name: string, duration?: number }): Promise<ServerResponse> {
const normalizedName = normalizeName(name);
try {
const durationInSeconds = duration * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60;
const price = await publicClient.getPrice({
nameOrNames: normalizedName,
duration: durationInSeconds
return {
content: [{
type: "text",
text: `Registration price for ${normalizedName} for ${duration} year(s):\n` +
`- Base Price: ${ethers.formatEther(price.base)} ETH\n` +
`- Premium: ${ethers.formatEther(price.premium)} ETH\n` +
`- Total: ${ethers.formatEther(price.base + price.premium)} ETH`
isError: false
} catch (error) {
const errorMessage = handleEnsError(error, "get registration price");
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: errorMessage }],
isError: true