Google Search MCP Server

Server Configuration

Describes the environment variables required to run the server.

NO_COLORNoDisables colored output when set to '1'0
LOG_LEVELNoSets the logging level (error, warn, info, debug)info
FORCE_COLORNoControls colored output globally (set to '0' to disable)1
GOOGLE_API_KEYYesYour API key for Google API
BROWSER_TIMEOUTNoTimeout duration for browser actions in milliseconds30000
BUN_FORCE_COLORNoControls colored output in Bun runtime (set to '0' to disable)1
MAX_CACHE_ITEMSNoMaximum number of items to store in cache1000
BROWSER_POOL_MAXNoMaximum number of browsers in the pool5
BROWSER_POOL_MINNoMinimum number of browsers to maintain in the pool1
SEARCH_CACHE_TTLNoTime-to-live for search result cache in seconds3600
EXTRACT_CACHE_TTLNoTime-to-live for extracted content cache in seconds7200
RATE_LIMIT_WINDOWNoTime window for rate limiting in milliseconds60000
BROWSER_COOKIES_PATHNoAbsolute path to the cookies file for authenticated site access
GOOGLE_SEARCH_ENGINE_IDYesYour search engine ID for Google Custom Search
MAX_CONCURRENT_BROWSERSNoMaximum number of concurrent browser instances3
RATE_LIMIT_MAX_REQUESTSNoMaximum number of requests allowed in the rate limit window60
REBROWSER_PATCHES_DEBUGNoDebug mode for rebrowser patches0
BROWSER_POOL_IDLE_TIMEOUTNoIdle timeout for browsers in the pool in milliseconds30000
REBROWSER_PATCHES_SOURCE_URLNoSource URL for rebrowser patchesjquery.min.js
REBROWSER_PATCHES_RUNTIME_FIX_MODENoRuntime fix mode for rebrowser patchesaddBinding
REBROWSER_PATCHES_UTILITY_WORLD_NAMENoUtility world name for rebrowser patchesutil



Interactive templates invoked by user choice


No prompts


Contextual data attached and managed by the client


No resources


Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions


No tools