Google Search MCP Server
by Claw256
Server Configuration
Describes the environment variables required to run the server.
Name | Required | Description | Default |
NO_COLOR | No | Disables colored output when set to '1' | 0 |
LOG_LEVEL | No | Sets the logging level (error, warn, info, debug) | info |
FORCE_COLOR | No | Controls colored output globally (set to '0' to disable) | 1 |
GOOGLE_API_KEY | Yes | Your API key for Google API | |
BROWSER_TIMEOUT | No | Timeout duration for browser actions in milliseconds | 30000 |
BUN_FORCE_COLOR | No | Controls colored output in Bun runtime (set to '0' to disable) | 1 |
MAX_CACHE_ITEMS | No | Maximum number of items to store in cache | 1000 |
BROWSER_POOL_MAX | No | Maximum number of browsers in the pool | 5 |
BROWSER_POOL_MIN | No | Minimum number of browsers to maintain in the pool | 1 |
SEARCH_CACHE_TTL | No | Time-to-live for search result cache in seconds | 3600 |
EXTRACT_CACHE_TTL | No | Time-to-live for extracted content cache in seconds | 7200 |
RATE_LIMIT_WINDOW | No | Time window for rate limiting in milliseconds | 60000 |
BROWSER_COOKIES_PATH | No | Absolute path to the cookies file for authenticated site access | |
GOOGLE_SEARCH_ENGINE_ID | Yes | Your search engine ID for Google Custom Search | |
MAX_CONCURRENT_BROWSERS | No | Maximum number of concurrent browser instances | 3 |
RATE_LIMIT_MAX_REQUESTS | No | Maximum number of requests allowed in the rate limit window | 60 |
REBROWSER_PATCHES_DEBUG | No | Debug mode for rebrowser patches | 0 |
BROWSER_POOL_IDLE_TIMEOUT | No | Idle timeout for browsers in the pool in milliseconds | 30000 |
REBROWSER_PATCHES_SOURCE_URL | No | Source URL for rebrowser patches | jquery.min.js |
REBROWSER_PATCHES_RUNTIME_FIX_MODE | No | Runtime fix mode for rebrowser patches | addBinding |
REBROWSER_PATCHES_UTILITY_WORLD_NAME | No | Utility world name for rebrowser patches | util |
Interactive templates invoked by user choice
Name | Description |
No prompts |
Contextual data attached and managed by the client
Name | Description |
No resources |
Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions
Name | Description |
No tools |