
# MCP2Tavily A MCP protocol server that implements web search functionality using the Tavily API. ## Prerequisites - Python 3.11+ - UV package manager - Tavily API key ## Installation 1. Clone the repository ```bash git clone <repository-url> cd mcp2tavily ``` 2. Create and edit the `.env` file ```bash # Create .env file touch .env # Add your Tavily API key to .env echo "TAVILY_API_KEY=your_api_key_here" > .env ``` 3. Set up virtual environment with UV ```bash # Create and activate virtual environment uv venv source .venv/bin/activate # On Windows use: .venv\Scripts\activate ``` 4. Install dependencies ```bash uv sync ``` ## Usage ### Install as Claude extension ```bash fastmcp install ``` ### Development mode with MCP Inspector To test the functionality using MCP Inspector: ```bash fastmcp dev ``` Once running, you can access the MCP Inspector at: http://localhost:5173 ## Available Tools - `search_web(query: str)`: Search the web using Tavily API - `search_web_info(query: str)`: Same as above, with Chinese description ## Environment Variables - `TAVILY_API_KEY`: Your Tavily API key (required) ## Step-by-Step Guide ## 手动添加Cline Continue Claude Cline Continue Claude的MCP JSON FILE ```json "mcp2tavily": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "run", "--with", "fastmcp", "--with", "python-dotenv", "--with", "tavily-python", "fastmcp", "run", "C:\\Users\\你的真实路径\\" ], "env": { "TAVILY_API_KEY": "API密钥" } } ``` ### Cline ![配置](./images/1.png) ### Cline ![配置](./images/2.png) ### Cline ![配置](./images/3.png) ### EXAMPLE ![搜索示例](./images/example.png)