Salesforce MCP Server
by SurajAdsul
- src
- tools
import { Tool } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js";
export const QUERY_RECORDS: Tool = {
name: "salesforce_query_records",
description: `Query records from any Salesforce object using SOQL, including relationship queries.
1. Parent-to-child query (e.g., Account with Contacts):
- objectName: "Account"
- fields: ["Name", "(SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName FROM Contacts)"]
2. Child-to-parent query (e.g., Contact with Account details):
- objectName: "Contact"
- fields: ["FirstName", "LastName", "Account.Name", "Account.Industry"]
3. Multiple level query (e.g., Contact -> Account -> Owner):
- objectName: "Contact"
- fields: ["Name", "Account.Name", "Account.Owner.Name"]
4. Related object filtering:
- objectName: "Contact"
- fields: ["Name", "Account.Name"]
- whereClause: "Account.Industry = 'Technology'"
Note: When using relationship fields:
- Use dot notation for parent relationships (e.g., "Account.Name")
- Use subqueries in parentheses for child relationships (e.g., "(SELECT Id FROM Contacts)")
- Custom relationship fields end in "__r" (e.g., "CustomObject__r.Name")`,
inputSchema: {
type: "object",
properties: {
objectName: {
type: "string",
description: "API name of the object to query"
fields: {
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" },
description: "List of fields to retrieve, including relationship fields"
whereClause: {
type: "string",
description: "WHERE clause, can include conditions on related objects",
optional: true
orderBy: {
type: "string",
description: "ORDER BY clause, can include fields from related objects",
optional: true
limit: {
type: "number",
description: "Maximum number of records to return",
optional: true
required: ["objectName", "fields"]
export interface QueryArgs {
objectName: string;
fields: string[];
whereClause?: string;
orderBy?: string;
limit?: number;
// Helper function to validate relationship field syntax
function validateRelationshipFields(fields: string[]): { isValid: boolean; error?: string } {
for (const field of fields) {
// Check for parent relationship syntax (dot notation)
if (field.includes('.')) {
const parts = field.split('.');
// Check for empty parts
if (parts.some(part => !part)) {
return {
isValid: false,
error: `Invalid relationship field format: "${field}". Relationship fields should use proper dot notation (e.g., "Account.Name")`
// Check for too many levels (Salesforce typically limits to 5)
if (parts.length > 5) {
return {
isValid: false,
error: `Relationship field "${field}" exceeds maximum depth of 5 levels`
// Check for child relationship syntax (subqueries)
if (field.includes('SELECT') && !field.match(/^\(SELECT.*FROM.*\)$/)) {
return {
isValid: false,
error: `Invalid subquery format: "${field}". Child relationship queries should be wrapped in parentheses`
return { isValid: true };
// Helper function to format relationship query results
function formatRelationshipResults(record: any, field: string, prefix = ''): string {
if (field.includes('.')) {
const [relationship,] = field.split('.');
const relatedRecord = record[relationship];
if (relatedRecord === null) {
return `${prefix}${field}: null`;
return formatRelationshipResults(relatedRecord, rest.join('.'), `${prefix}${relationship}.`);
const value = record[field];
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
// Handle child relationship arrays
return `${prefix}${field}: [${value.length} records]`;
return `${prefix}${field}: ${value !== null && value !== undefined ? value : 'null'}`;
export async function handleQueryRecords(conn: any, args: QueryArgs) {
const { objectName, fields, whereClause, orderBy, limit } = args;
try {
// Validate relationship field syntax
const validation = validateRelationshipFields(fields);
if (!validation.isValid) {
return {
content: [{
type: "text",
text: validation.error!
isError: true,
// Construct SOQL query
let soql = `SELECT ${fields.join(', ')} FROM ${objectName}`;
if (whereClause) soql += ` WHERE ${whereClause}`;
if (orderBy) soql += ` ORDER BY ${orderBy}`;
if (limit) soql += ` LIMIT ${limit}`;
const result = await conn.query(soql);
// Format the output
const formattedRecords = any, index: number) => {
const recordStr = => {
// Handle special case for subqueries (child relationships)
if (field.startsWith('(SELECT')) {
const relationshipName = field.match(/FROM\s+(\w+)/)?.[1];
if (!relationshipName) return ` ${field}: Invalid subquery format`;
const childRecords = record[relationshipName];
return ` ${relationshipName}: [${childRecords?.length || 0} records]`;
return ' ' + formatRelationshipResults(record, field);
return `Record ${index + 1}:\n${recordStr}`;
return {
content: [{
type: "text",
text: `Query returned ${result.records.length} records:\n\n${formattedRecords}`
isError: false,
} catch (error) {
// Enhanced error handling for relationship queries
const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error);
let enhancedError = errorMessage;
if (errorMessage.includes('INVALID_FIELD')) {
// Try to identify which relationship field caused the error
const fieldMatch = errorMessage.match(/(?:No such column |Invalid field: )['"]?([^'")\s]+)/);
if (fieldMatch) {
const invalidField = fieldMatch[1];
if (invalidField.includes('.')) {
enhancedError = `Invalid relationship field "${invalidField}". Please check:\n` +
`1. The relationship name is correct\n` +
`2. The field exists on the related object\n` +
`3. You have access to the field\n` +
`4. For custom relationships, ensure you're using '__r' suffix`;
return {
content: [{
type: "text",
text: `Error executing query: ${enhancedError}`
isError: true,