by thomasdavis
- mcp-test-client
# blah-mcp-test
A command-line tool for testing MCP (Model Context Protocol) tools with any OpenAI model. This tool integrates a client and server in a single process, making it easy to test and interact with MCP tools.
## Features
- Integrated MCP client and server in a single CLI tool
- Support for any OpenAI model
- Configurable via CLI arguments or configuration file
- Beautiful console output with detailed logging
- Easy tool discovery and execution
## Installation
npm install -g blah-mcp-test
## Environment Setup
Create a `.env` file in your project directory by copying the example:
cp .env.example .env
Then edit `.env` and add your configuration:
# MCP Server Configuration
# OpenAI API Configuration
## Quick Start
# Set required environment variables
export BLAH_HOST=
export OPENAI_API_KEY=your_api_key
# Run with default options
blah-mcp-test --prompt "What is the capital of France?"
# Run with custom model and system prompt
blah-mcp-test \
--model gpt-4o-mini \
--systemPrompt "You are a helpful assistant" \
--prompt "What is the capital of France?"
# Use a configuration file
blah-mcp-test -c ./my-config.json --prompt "Create a tool that generates random numbers"
## Configuration
You can configure the tool in three ways (in order of precedence):
1. Command-line arguments
2. Configuration file (`blah-mcp-test.json`)
3. Environment variables
### Command-line Options
-V, --version output version number
-m, --model <model> OpenAI model to use (default: "gpt-4o-mini")
-s, --systemPrompt <text> System prompt for the AI (default: "You are a helpful assistant")
-p, --prompt <text> User prompt to send
-c, --config <path> Path to config file (default: "./blah-mcp-test.json")
--host <url> BLAH_HOST value
--openai-key <key> OpenAI API key
-h, --help display help for command
### Configuration File
Create a `blah-mcp-test.json` in your project directory:
"model": "gpt-4o-mini",
"systemPrompt": "You are a helpful assistant",
"host": "",
"openaiKey": "your_api_key"
### Environment Variables
- `BLAH_HOST`: The host URL for the MCP server (required)
- `OPENAI_API_KEY`: Your OpenAI API key (required)
## Example Use Cases
### Creating a New Tool
# Create a tool that generates random numbers
blah-mcp-test --prompt "Create a tool that generates random numbers between a min and max value"
# Create a tool that fetches weather data
blah-mcp-test --prompt "Create a tool that fetches weather data for a given city"
### Using Existing Tools
# Use the LOTR horoscope tool
blah-mcp-test --prompt "What's my Lord of the Rings horoscope for birthdate 03-14?"
# Generate a random letter
blah-mcp-test --prompt "Generate a random letter between A and Z"
## Development
# Clone the repository
git clone
cd blah-mcp-test
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run in development mode
npm run dev -- --prompt "Your test prompt"
# Build for production
npm run build
# Run the built version
npm start -- --prompt "Your test prompt"
## Architecture
The tool consists of three main components:
1. **CLI Interface**: Handles command-line arguments and configuration loading
2. **MCP Server**: Manages tool discovery and execution
3. **MCP Client**: Handles communication with the AI model and tool selection
### Flow Diagram
┌─────────────┐ ┌──────────────┐ ┌───────────────┐
│ CLI Input │───▶│ MCP Server │◀───▶│ BLAH_HOST │
└─────────────┘ └──────────────┘ └───────────────┘
│ MCP Client │
│ OpenAI API │
## Troubleshooting
### Common Issues
1. **Missing Environment Variables**
Error: BLAH_HOST must be provided
Solution: Set the BLAH_HOST environment variable or provide it in the config file
2. **OpenAI API Key Issues**
Error: OpenAI API key is required
Solution: Set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable or provide it in the config file
3. **Tool Not Found**
Error: Tool 'xyz' was not found
Solution: Check the available tools list and ensure you're using the correct tool name
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome! Please follow these steps:
1. Fork the repository
2. Create a feature branch
3. Make your changes
4. Run tests and ensure everything works
5. Submit a pull request
## License