MCP DateTime
by odgrim
- src
import { SSEServerTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/sse.js";
import express from "express";
import { server } from "./server.js";
* Creates and starts an Express server that provides SSE transport for the MCP DateTime server
* @param port The port to listen on (defaults to PORT env var or 3000)
* @param uriPrefix The URI prefix to prepend to all routes (for reverse proxy scenarios)
* @returns A cleanup function to close the server
export function startSSEServer(
port: number = process.env.PORT ? parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10) : 3000,
uriPrefix: string = ""
): () => Promise<void> {
const app = express();
let transport: SSEServerTransport;
// Normalize the URI prefix to ensure it starts with a / and doesn't end with one
const normalizedPrefix = uriPrefix
? (uriPrefix.startsWith('/') ? uriPrefix : `/${uriPrefix}`).replace(/\/+$/, '')
: '';
// Define the endpoint paths with the prefix
const ssePath = `${normalizedPrefix}/sse`;
const messagePath = `${normalizedPrefix}/message`;
const infoPath = `${normalizedPrefix}/info`;
// SSE endpoint for establishing a connection
app.get(ssePath, async (req, res) => {
console.error("Received SSE connection");
transport = new SSEServerTransport(messagePath, res);
await server.connect(transport);
// Endpoint for receiving messages from the client, async (req, res) => {
console.error("Received message");
await transport.handlePostMessage(req, res);
// Basic info endpoint
app.get(infoPath, (req, res) => {
name: "MCP DateTime Server",
version: "0.1.0",
transport: "SSE",
endpoints: {
sse: ssePath,
message: messagePath,
info: infoPath
// Start the server
const httpServer = app.listen(port, () => {
console.error(`MCP DateTime server listening on port ${port}`);
console.error(`URI prefix: ${normalizedPrefix || '/'} (root)`);
console.error(`SSE endpoint: http://localhost:${port}${ssePath}`);
console.error(`Message endpoint: http://localhost:${port}${messagePath}`);
console.error(`Info endpoint: http://localhost:${port}${infoPath}`);
// Return a cleanup function
return async () => {
console.error("Closing SSE server...");
if (transport) {
await server.close();