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� )�annotationsN� )�Url� )�ProxyConfigc �R � | �y|dk( ry| j dk( r|r
|j ryy)a?
Returns True if the connection requires an HTTP CONNECT through the proxy.
:param URL proxy_url:
URL of the proxy.
:param ProxyConfig proxy_config:
Proxy configuration from poolmanager.py
:param str destination_scheme:
The scheme of the destination. (i.e https, http, etc)
F�http�httpsT)�scheme�use_forwarding_for_https)� proxy_url�proxy_config�destination_schemes �^C:\Users\noahv\Documents\GitHub\clickup-operator\.venv\Lib\site-packages\urllib3/util/proxy.py�connection_requires_http_tunnelr s>