ClickUp Operator

from __future__ import annotations import sys import typing import warnings if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): # pragma: no cover from typing import ParamSpec else: # pragma: no cover from typing_extensions import ParamSpec from starlette.datastructures import State, URLPath from starlette.middleware import Middleware, _MiddlewareFactory from starlette.middleware.base import BaseHTTPMiddleware from starlette.middleware.errors import ServerErrorMiddleware from starlette.middleware.exceptions import ExceptionMiddleware from starlette.requests import Request from starlette.responses import Response from starlette.routing import BaseRoute, Router from starlette.types import ASGIApp, ExceptionHandler, Lifespan, Receive, Scope, Send from starlette.websockets import WebSocket AppType = typing.TypeVar("AppType", bound="Starlette") P = ParamSpec("P") class Starlette: """ Creates an application instance. **Parameters:** * **debug** - Boolean indicating if debug tracebacks should be returned on errors. * **routes** - A list of routes to serve incoming HTTP and WebSocket requests. * **middleware** - A list of middleware to run for every request. A starlette application will always automatically include two middleware classes. `ServerErrorMiddleware` is added as the very outermost middleware, to handle any uncaught errors occurring anywhere in the entire stack. `ExceptionMiddleware` is added as the very innermost middleware, to deal with handled exception cases occurring in the routing or endpoints. * **exception_handlers** - A mapping of either integer status codes, or exception class types onto callables which handle the exceptions. Exception handler callables should be of the form `handler(request, exc) -> response` and may be either standard functions, or async functions. * **on_startup** - A list of callables to run on application startup. Startup handler callables do not take any arguments, and may be either standard functions, or async functions. * **on_shutdown** - A list of callables to run on application shutdown. Shutdown handler callables do not take any arguments, and may be either standard functions, or async functions. * **lifespan** - A lifespan context function, which can be used to perform startup and shutdown tasks. This is a newer style that replaces the `on_startup` and `on_shutdown` handlers. Use one or the other, not both. """ def __init__( self: AppType, debug: bool = False, routes: typing.Sequence[BaseRoute] | None = None, middleware: typing.Sequence[Middleware] | None = None, exception_handlers: typing.Mapping[typing.Any, ExceptionHandler] | None = None, on_startup: typing.Sequence[typing.Callable[[], typing.Any]] | None = None, on_shutdown: typing.Sequence[typing.Callable[[], typing.Any]] | None = None, lifespan: Lifespan[AppType] | None = None, ) -> None: # The lifespan context function is a newer style that replaces # on_startup / on_shutdown handlers. Use one or the other, not both. assert lifespan is None or ( on_startup is None and on_shutdown is None ), "Use either 'lifespan' or 'on_startup'/'on_shutdown', not both." self.debug = debug self.state = State() self.router = Router(routes, on_startup=on_startup, on_shutdown=on_shutdown, lifespan=lifespan) self.exception_handlers = {} if exception_handlers is None else dict(exception_handlers) self.user_middleware = [] if middleware is None else list(middleware) self.middleware_stack: ASGIApp | None = None def build_middleware_stack(self) -> ASGIApp: debug = self.debug error_handler = None exception_handlers: dict[typing.Any, typing.Callable[[Request, Exception], Response]] = {} for key, value in self.exception_handlers.items(): if key in (500, Exception): error_handler = value else: exception_handlers[key] = value middleware = ( [Middleware(ServerErrorMiddleware, handler=error_handler, debug=debug)] + self.user_middleware + [Middleware(ExceptionMiddleware, handlers=exception_handlers, debug=debug)] ) app = self.router for cls, args, kwargs in reversed(middleware): app = cls(app, *args, **kwargs) return app @property def routes(self) -> list[BaseRoute]: return self.router.routes def url_path_for(self, name: str, /, **path_params: typing.Any) -> URLPath: return self.router.url_path_for(name, **path_params) async def __call__(self, scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None: scope["app"] = self if self.middleware_stack is None: self.middleware_stack = self.build_middleware_stack() await self.middleware_stack(scope, receive, send) def on_event(self, event_type: str) -> typing.Callable: # type: ignore[type-arg] return self.router.on_event(event_type) # pragma: no cover def mount(self, path: str, app: ASGIApp, name: str | None = None) -> None: self.router.mount(path, app=app, name=name) # pragma: no cover def host(self, host: str, app: ASGIApp, name: str | None = None) -> None:, app=app, name=name) # pragma: no cover def add_middleware( self, middleware_class: _MiddlewareFactory[P], *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs, ) -> None: if self.middleware_stack is not None: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError("Cannot add middleware after an application has started") self.user_middleware.insert(0, Middleware(middleware_class, *args, **kwargs)) def add_exception_handler( self, exc_class_or_status_code: int | type[Exception], handler: ExceptionHandler, ) -> None: # pragma: no cover self.exception_handlers[exc_class_or_status_code] = handler def add_event_handler( self, event_type: str, func: typing.Callable, # type: ignore[type-arg] ) -> None: # pragma: no cover self.router.add_event_handler(event_type, func) def add_route( self, path: str, route: typing.Callable[[Request], typing.Awaitable[Response] | Response], methods: list[str] | None = None, name: str | None = None, include_in_schema: bool = True, ) -> None: # pragma: no cover self.router.add_route(path, route, methods=methods, name=name, include_in_schema=include_in_schema) def add_websocket_route( self, path: str, route: typing.Callable[[WebSocket], typing.Awaitable[None]], name: str | None = None, ) -> None: # pragma: no cover self.router.add_websocket_route(path, route, name=name) def exception_handler(self, exc_class_or_status_code: int | type[Exception]) -> typing.Callable: # type: ignore[type-arg] warnings.warn( "The `exception_handler` decorator is deprecated, and will be removed in version 1.0.0. " "Refer to for the recommended approach.", DeprecationWarning, ) def decorator(func: typing.Callable) -> typing.Callable: # type: ignore[type-arg] self.add_exception_handler(exc_class_or_status_code, func) return func return decorator def route( self, path: str, methods: list[str] | None = None, name: str | None = None, include_in_schema: bool = True, ) -> typing.Callable: # type: ignore[type-arg] """ We no longer document this decorator style API, and its usage is discouraged. Instead you should use the following approach: >>> routes = [Route(path, endpoint=...), ...] >>> app = Starlette(routes=routes) """ warnings.warn( "The `route` decorator is deprecated, and will be removed in version 1.0.0. " "Refer to for the recommended approach.", DeprecationWarning, ) def decorator(func: typing.Callable) -> typing.Callable: # type: ignore[type-arg] self.router.add_route( path, func, methods=methods, name=name, include_in_schema=include_in_schema, ) return func return decorator def websocket_route(self, path: str, name: str | None = None) -> typing.Callable: # type: ignore[type-arg] """ We no longer document this decorator style API, and its usage is discouraged. Instead you should use the following approach: >>> routes = [WebSocketRoute(path, endpoint=...), ...] >>> app = Starlette(routes=routes) """ warnings.warn( "The `websocket_route` decorator is deprecated, and will be removed in version 1.0.0. " "Refer to for the recommended approach.", DeprecationWarning, ) def decorator(func: typing.Callable) -> typing.Callable: # type: ignore[type-arg] self.router.add_websocket_route(path, func, name=name) return func return decorator def middleware(self, middleware_type: str) -> typing.Callable: # type: ignore[type-arg] """ We no longer document this decorator style API, and its usage is discouraged. Instead you should use the following approach: >>> middleware = [Middleware(...), ...] >>> app = Starlette(middleware=middleware) """ warnings.warn( "The `middleware` decorator is deprecated, and will be removed in version 1.0.0. " "Refer to for recommended approach.", DeprecationWarning, ) assert middleware_type == "http", 'Currently only middleware("http") is supported.' def decorator(func: typing.Callable) -> typing.Callable: # type: ignore[type-arg] self.add_middleware(BaseHTTPMiddleware, dispatch=func) return func return decorator