ClickUp Operator

import json from enum import Enum from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, ForwardRef, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union from typing_extensions import Literal, Protocol from pydantic.v1.typing import AnyArgTCallable, AnyCallable from pydantic.v1.utils import GetterDict from pydantic.v1.version import compiled if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import overload from pydantic.v1.fields import ModelField from pydantic.v1.main import BaseModel ConfigType = Type['BaseConfig'] class SchemaExtraCallable(Protocol): @overload def __call__(self, schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: pass @overload def __call__(self, schema: Dict[str, Any], model_class: Type[BaseModel]) -> None: pass else: SchemaExtraCallable = Callable[..., None] __all__ = 'BaseConfig', 'ConfigDict', 'get_config', 'Extra', 'inherit_config', 'prepare_config' class Extra(str, Enum): allow = 'allow' ignore = 'ignore' forbid = 'forbid' # # Fixed in Cython 3 and Pydantic v1 won't support Cython 3. # Pydantic v2 doesn't depend on Cython at all. if not compiled: from typing_extensions import TypedDict class ConfigDict(TypedDict, total=False): title: Optional[str] anystr_lower: bool anystr_strip_whitespace: bool min_anystr_length: int max_anystr_length: Optional[int] validate_all: bool extra: Extra allow_mutation: bool frozen: bool allow_population_by_field_name: bool use_enum_values: bool fields: Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, str]]] validate_assignment: bool error_msg_templates: Dict[str, str] arbitrary_types_allowed: bool orm_mode: bool getter_dict: Type[GetterDict] alias_generator: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] keep_untouched: Tuple[type, ...] schema_extra: Union[Dict[str, object], 'SchemaExtraCallable'] json_loads: Callable[[str], object] json_dumps: AnyArgTCallable[str] json_encoders: Dict[Type[object], AnyCallable] underscore_attrs_are_private: bool allow_inf_nan: bool copy_on_model_validation: Literal['none', 'deep', 'shallow'] # whether dataclass `__post_init__` should be run after validation post_init_call: Literal['before_validation', 'after_validation'] else: ConfigDict = dict # type: ignore class BaseConfig: title: Optional[str] = None anystr_lower: bool = False anystr_upper: bool = False anystr_strip_whitespace: bool = False min_anystr_length: int = 0 max_anystr_length: Optional[int] = None validate_all: bool = False extra: Extra = Extra.ignore allow_mutation: bool = True frozen: bool = False allow_population_by_field_name: bool = False use_enum_values: bool = False fields: Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, str]]] = {} validate_assignment: bool = False error_msg_templates: Dict[str, str] = {} arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = False orm_mode: bool = False getter_dict: Type[GetterDict] = GetterDict alias_generator: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None keep_untouched: Tuple[type, ...] = () schema_extra: Union[Dict[str, Any], 'SchemaExtraCallable'] = {} json_loads: Callable[[str], Any] = json.loads json_dumps: Callable[..., str] = json.dumps json_encoders: Dict[Union[Type[Any], str, ForwardRef], AnyCallable] = {} underscore_attrs_are_private: bool = False allow_inf_nan: bool = True # whether inherited models as fields should be reconstructed as base model, # and whether such a copy should be shallow or deep copy_on_model_validation: Literal['none', 'deep', 'shallow'] = 'shallow' # whether `Union` should check all allowed types before even trying to coerce smart_union: bool = False # whether dataclass `__post_init__` should be run before or after validation post_init_call: Literal['before_validation', 'after_validation'] = 'before_validation' @classmethod def get_field_info(cls, name: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get properties of FieldInfo from the `fields` property of the config class. """ fields_value = cls.fields.get(name) if isinstance(fields_value, str): field_info: Dict[str, Any] = {'alias': fields_value} elif isinstance(fields_value, dict): field_info = fields_value else: field_info = {} if 'alias' in field_info: field_info.setdefault('alias_priority', 2) if field_info.get('alias_priority', 0) <= 1 and cls.alias_generator: alias = cls.alias_generator(name) if not isinstance(alias, str): raise TypeError(f'Config.alias_generator must return str, not {alias.__class__}') field_info.update(alias=alias, alias_priority=1) return field_info @classmethod def prepare_field(cls, field: 'ModelField') -> None: """ Optional hook to check or modify fields during model creation. """ pass def get_config(config: Union[ConfigDict, Type[object], None]) -> Type[BaseConfig]: if config is None: return BaseConfig else: config_dict = ( config if isinstance(config, dict) else {k: getattr(config, k) for k in dir(config) if not k.startswith('__')} ) class Config(BaseConfig): ... for k, v in config_dict.items(): setattr(Config, k, v) return Config def inherit_config(self_config: 'ConfigType', parent_config: 'ConfigType', **namespace: Any) -> 'ConfigType': if not self_config: base_classes: Tuple['ConfigType', ...] = (parent_config,) elif self_config == parent_config: base_classes = (self_config,) else: base_classes = self_config, parent_config namespace['json_encoders'] = { **getattr(parent_config, 'json_encoders', {}), **getattr(self_config, 'json_encoders', {}), **namespace.get('json_encoders', {}), } return type('Config', base_classes, namespace) def prepare_config(config: Type[BaseConfig], cls_name: str) -> None: if not isinstance(config.extra, Extra): try: config.extra = Extra(config.extra) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f'"{cls_name}": {config.extra} is not a valid value for "extra"')