ClickUp Operator
by noahvanhart
- .venv
- Lib
- site-packages
- pydantic
- experimental
"""Experimental pipeline API functionality. Be careful with this API, it's subject to change."""
from __future__ import annotations
import datetime
import operator
import re
import sys
from collections import deque
from import Container
from dataclasses import dataclass
from decimal import Decimal
from functools import cached_property, partial
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Generic, Pattern, Protocol, TypeVar, Union, overload
import annotated_types
from typing_extensions import Annotated
from pydantic_core import core_schema as cs
from pydantic import GetCoreSchemaHandler
from pydantic._internal._internal_dataclass import slots_true as _slots_true
if sys.version_info < (3, 10):
EllipsisType = type(Ellipsis)
from types import EllipsisType
__all__ = ['validate_as', 'validate_as_deferred', 'transform']
_slots_frozen = {**_slots_true, 'frozen': True}
class _ValidateAs:
tp: type[Any]
strict: bool = False
class _ValidateAsDefer:
func: Callable[[], type[Any]]
def tp(self) -> type[Any]:
return self.func()
class _Transform:
func: Callable[[Any], Any]
class _PipelineOr:
left: _Pipeline[Any, Any]
right: _Pipeline[Any, Any]
class _PipelineAnd:
left: _Pipeline[Any, Any]
right: _Pipeline[Any, Any]
class _Eq:
value: Any
class _NotEq:
value: Any
class _In:
values: Container[Any]
class _NotIn:
values: Container[Any]
_ConstraintAnnotation = Union[
# common predicates not included in annotated_types
# regular expressions
class _Constraint:
constraint: _ConstraintAnnotation
_Step = Union[_ValidateAs, _ValidateAsDefer, _Transform, _PipelineOr, _PipelineAnd, _Constraint]
_InT = TypeVar('_InT')
_OutT = TypeVar('_OutT')
_NewOutT = TypeVar('_NewOutT')
class _FieldTypeMarker:
# TODO: ultimately, make this public, see
# Also, make this frozen eventually, but that doesn't work right now because of the generic base
# Which attempts to modify __orig_base__ and such.
# We could go with a manual freeze, but that seems overkill for now.
class _Pipeline(Generic[_InT, _OutT]):
"""Abstract representation of a chain of validation, transformation, and parsing steps."""
_steps: tuple[_Step, ...]
def transform(
func: Callable[[_OutT], _NewOutT],
) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutT]:
"""Transform the output of the previous step.
If used as the first step in a pipeline, the type of the field is used.
That is, the transformation is applied to after the value is parsed to the field's type.
return _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutT](self._steps + (_Transform(func),))
def validate_as(self, tp: type[_NewOutT], *, strict: bool = ...) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutT]: ...
def validate_as(self, tp: EllipsisType, *, strict: bool = ...) -> _Pipeline[_InT, Any]: # type: ignore
def validate_as(self, tp: type[_NewOutT] | EllipsisType, *, strict: bool = False) -> _Pipeline[_InT, Any]: # type: ignore
"""Validate / parse the input into a new type.
If no type is provided, the type of the field is used.
Types are parsed in Pydantic's `lax` mode by default,
but you can enable `strict` mode by passing `strict=True`.
if isinstance(tp, EllipsisType):
return _Pipeline[_InT, Any](self._steps + (_ValidateAs(_FieldTypeMarker, strict=strict),))
return _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutT](self._steps + (_ValidateAs(tp, strict=strict),))
def validate_as_deferred(self, func: Callable[[], type[_NewOutT]]) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutT]:
"""Parse the input into a new type, deferring resolution of the type until the current class
is fully defined.
This is useful when you need to reference the class in it's own type annotations.
return _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutT](self._steps + (_ValidateAsDefer(func),))
# constraints
def constrain(self: _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutGe], constraint: annotated_types.Ge) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutGe]: ...
def constrain(self: _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutGt], constraint: annotated_types.Gt) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutGt]: ...
def constrain(self: _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutLe], constraint: annotated_types.Le) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutLe]: ...
def constrain(self: _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutLt], constraint: annotated_types.Lt) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutLt]: ...
def constrain(
self: _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutLen], constraint: annotated_types.Len
) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutLen]: ...
def constrain(
self: _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutT], constraint: annotated_types.MultipleOf
) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutT]: ...
def constrain(
self: _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutDatetime], constraint: annotated_types.Timezone
) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutDatetime]: ...
def constrain(self: _Pipeline[_InT, _OutT], constraint: annotated_types.Predicate) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _OutT]: ...
def constrain(
self: _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutInterval], constraint: annotated_types.Interval
) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutInterval]: ...
def constrain(self: _Pipeline[_InT, _OutT], constraint: _Eq) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _OutT]: ...
def constrain(self: _Pipeline[_InT, _OutT], constraint: _NotEq) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _OutT]: ...
def constrain(self: _Pipeline[_InT, _OutT], constraint: _In) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _OutT]: ...
def constrain(self: _Pipeline[_InT, _OutT], constraint: _NotIn) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _OutT]: ...
def constrain(self: _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutT], constraint: Pattern[str]) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutT]: ...
def constrain(self, constraint: _ConstraintAnnotation) -> Any:
"""Constrain a value to meet a certain condition.
We support most conditions from `annotated_types`, as well as regular expressions.
Most of the time you'll be calling a shortcut method like `gt`, `lt`, `len`, etc
so you don't need to call this directly.
return _Pipeline[_InT, _OutT](self._steps + (_Constraint(constraint),))
def predicate(self: _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutT], func: Callable[[_NewOutT], bool]) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutT]:
"""Constrain a value to meet a certain predicate."""
return self.constrain(annotated_types.Predicate(func))
def gt(self: _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutGt], gt: _NewOutGt) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutGt]:
"""Constrain a value to be greater than a certain value."""
return self.constrain(annotated_types.Gt(gt))
def lt(self: _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutLt], lt: _NewOutLt) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutLt]:
"""Constrain a value to be less than a certain value."""
return self.constrain(annotated_types.Lt(lt))
def ge(self: _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutGe], ge: _NewOutGe) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutGe]:
"""Constrain a value to be greater than or equal to a certain value."""
return self.constrain(annotated_types.Ge(ge))
def le(self: _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutLe], le: _NewOutLe) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutLe]:
"""Constrain a value to be less than or equal to a certain value."""
return self.constrain(annotated_types.Le(le))
def len(self: _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutLen], min_len: int, max_len: int | None = None) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutLen]:
"""Constrain a value to have a certain length."""
return self.constrain(annotated_types.Len(min_len, max_len))
def multiple_of(self: _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutDiv], multiple_of: _NewOutDiv) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutDiv]: ...
def multiple_of(self: _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutMod], multiple_of: _NewOutMod) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _NewOutMod]: ...
def multiple_of(self: _Pipeline[_InT, Any], multiple_of: Any) -> _Pipeline[_InT, Any]:
"""Constrain a value to be a multiple of a certain number."""
return self.constrain(annotated_types.MultipleOf(multiple_of))
def eq(self: _Pipeline[_InT, _OutT], value: _OutT) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _OutT]:
"""Constrain a value to be equal to a certain value."""
return self.constrain(_Eq(value))
def not_eq(self: _Pipeline[_InT, _OutT], value: _OutT) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _OutT]:
"""Constrain a value to not be equal to a certain value."""
return self.constrain(_NotEq(value))
def in_(self: _Pipeline[_InT, _OutT], values: Container[_OutT]) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _OutT]:
"""Constrain a value to be in a certain set."""
return self.constrain(_In(values))
def not_in(self: _Pipeline[_InT, _OutT], values: Container[_OutT]) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _OutT]:
"""Constrain a value to not be in a certain set."""
return self.constrain(_NotIn(values))
# timezone methods
def datetime_tz_naive(self: _Pipeline[_InT, datetime.datetime]) -> _Pipeline[_InT, datetime.datetime]:
return self.constrain(annotated_types.Timezone(None))
def datetime_tz_aware(self: _Pipeline[_InT, datetime.datetime]) -> _Pipeline[_InT, datetime.datetime]:
return self.constrain(annotated_types.Timezone(...))
def datetime_tz(
self: _Pipeline[_InT, datetime.datetime], tz: datetime.tzinfo
) -> _Pipeline[_InT, datetime.datetime]:
return self.constrain(annotated_types.Timezone(tz)) # type: ignore
def datetime_with_tz(
self: _Pipeline[_InT, datetime.datetime], tz: datetime.tzinfo | None
) -> _Pipeline[_InT, datetime.datetime]:
return self.transform(partial(datetime.datetime.replace, tzinfo=tz))
# string methods
def str_lower(self: _Pipeline[_InT, str]) -> _Pipeline[_InT, str]:
return self.transform(str.lower)
def str_upper(self: _Pipeline[_InT, str]) -> _Pipeline[_InT, str]:
return self.transform(str.upper)
def str_title(self: _Pipeline[_InT, str]) -> _Pipeline[_InT, str]:
return self.transform(str.title)
def str_strip(self: _Pipeline[_InT, str]) -> _Pipeline[_InT, str]:
return self.transform(str.strip)
def str_pattern(self: _Pipeline[_InT, str], pattern: str) -> _Pipeline[_InT, str]:
return self.constrain(re.compile(pattern))
def str_contains(self: _Pipeline[_InT, str], substring: str) -> _Pipeline[_InT, str]:
return self.predicate(lambda v: substring in v)
def str_starts_with(self: _Pipeline[_InT, str], prefix: str) -> _Pipeline[_InT, str]:
return self.predicate(lambda v: v.startswith(prefix))
def str_ends_with(self: _Pipeline[_InT, str], suffix: str) -> _Pipeline[_InT, str]:
return self.predicate(lambda v: v.endswith(suffix))
# operators
def otherwise(self, other: _Pipeline[_OtherIn, _OtherOut]) -> _Pipeline[_InT | _OtherIn, _OutT | _OtherOut]:
"""Combine two validation chains, returning the result of the first chain if it succeeds, and the second chain if it fails."""
return _Pipeline((_PipelineOr(self, other),))
__or__ = otherwise
def then(self, other: _Pipeline[_OutT, _OtherOut]) -> _Pipeline[_InT, _OtherOut]:
"""Pipe the result of one validation chain into another."""
return _Pipeline((_PipelineAnd(self, other),))
__and__ = then
def __get_pydantic_core_schema__(self, source_type: Any, handler: GetCoreSchemaHandler) -> cs.CoreSchema:
from pydantic_core import core_schema as cs
queue = deque(self._steps)
s = None
while queue:
step = queue.popleft()
s = _apply_step(step, s, handler, source_type)
s = s or cs.any_schema()
return s
def __supports_type__(self, _: _OutT) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError
validate_as = _Pipeline[Any, Any](()).validate_as
validate_as_deferred = _Pipeline[Any, Any](()).validate_as_deferred
transform = _Pipeline[Any, Any]((_ValidateAs(_FieldTypeMarker),)).transform
def _check_func(
func: Callable[[Any], bool], predicate_err: str | Callable[[], str], s: cs.CoreSchema | None
) -> cs.CoreSchema:
from pydantic_core import core_schema as cs
def handler(v: Any) -> Any:
if func(v):
return v
raise ValueError(f'Expected {predicate_err if isinstance(predicate_err, str) else predicate_err()}')
if s is None:
return cs.no_info_plain_validator_function(handler)
return cs.no_info_after_validator_function(handler, s)
def _apply_step(step: _Step, s: cs.CoreSchema | None, handler: GetCoreSchemaHandler, source_type: Any) -> cs.CoreSchema:
from pydantic_core import core_schema as cs
if isinstance(step, _ValidateAs):
s = _apply_parse(s,, step.strict, handler, source_type)
elif isinstance(step, _ValidateAsDefer):
s = _apply_parse(s,, False, handler, source_type)
elif isinstance(step, _Transform):
s = _apply_transform(s, step.func, handler)
elif isinstance(step, _Constraint):
s = _apply_constraint(s, step.constraint)
elif isinstance(step, _PipelineOr):
s = cs.union_schema([handler(step.left), handler(step.right)])
assert isinstance(step, _PipelineAnd)
s = cs.chain_schema([handler(step.left), handler(step.right)])
return s
def _apply_parse(
s: cs.CoreSchema | None,
tp: type[Any],
strict: bool,
handler: GetCoreSchemaHandler,
source_type: Any,
) -> cs.CoreSchema:
from pydantic_core import core_schema as cs
from pydantic import Strict
if tp is _FieldTypeMarker:
return handler(source_type)
if strict:
tp = Annotated[tp, Strict()] # type: ignore
if s and s['type'] == 'any':
return handler(tp)
return cs.chain_schema([s, handler(tp)]) if s else handler(tp)
def _apply_transform(
s: cs.CoreSchema | None, func: Callable[[Any], Any], handler: GetCoreSchemaHandler
) -> cs.CoreSchema:
from pydantic_core import core_schema as cs
if s is None:
return cs.no_info_plain_validator_function(func)
if s['type'] == 'str':
if func is str.strip:
s = s.copy()
s['strip_whitespace'] = True
return s
elif func is str.lower:
s = s.copy()
s['to_lower'] = True
return s
elif func is str.upper:
s = s.copy()
s['to_upper'] = True
return s
return cs.no_info_after_validator_function(func, s)
def _apply_constraint( # noqa: C901
s: cs.CoreSchema | None, constraint: _ConstraintAnnotation
) -> cs.CoreSchema:
"""Apply a single constraint to a schema."""
if isinstance(constraint, annotated_types.Gt):
gt =
if s and s['type'] in {'int', 'float', 'decimal'}:
s = s.copy()
if s['type'] == 'int' and isinstance(gt, int):
s['gt'] = gt
elif s['type'] == 'float' and isinstance(gt, float):
s['gt'] = gt
elif s['type'] == 'decimal' and isinstance(gt, Decimal):
s['gt'] = gt
def check_gt(v: Any) -> bool:
return v > gt
s = _check_func(check_gt, f'> {gt}', s)
elif isinstance(constraint, annotated_types.Ge):
ge =
if s and s['type'] in {'int', 'float', 'decimal'}:
s = s.copy()
if s['type'] == 'int' and isinstance(ge, int):
s['ge'] = ge
elif s['type'] == 'float' and isinstance(ge, float):
s['ge'] = ge
elif s['type'] == 'decimal' and isinstance(ge, Decimal):
s['ge'] = ge
def check_ge(v: Any) -> bool:
return v >= ge
s = _check_func(check_ge, f'>= {ge}', s)
elif isinstance(constraint, annotated_types.Lt):
lt =
if s and s['type'] in {'int', 'float', 'decimal'}:
s = s.copy()
if s['type'] == 'int' and isinstance(lt, int):
s['lt'] = lt
elif s['type'] == 'float' and isinstance(lt, float):
s['lt'] = lt
elif s['type'] == 'decimal' and isinstance(lt, Decimal):
s['lt'] = lt
def check_lt(v: Any) -> bool:
return v < lt
s = _check_func(check_lt, f'< {lt}', s)
elif isinstance(constraint, annotated_types.Le):
le = constraint.le
if s and s['type'] in {'int', 'float', 'decimal'}:
s = s.copy()
if s['type'] == 'int' and isinstance(le, int):
s['le'] = le
elif s['type'] == 'float' and isinstance(le, float):
s['le'] = le
elif s['type'] == 'decimal' and isinstance(le, Decimal):
s['le'] = le
def check_le(v: Any) -> bool:
return v <= le
s = _check_func(check_le, f'<= {le}', s)
elif isinstance(constraint, annotated_types.Len):
min_len = constraint.min_length
max_len = constraint.max_length
if s and s['type'] in {'str', 'list', 'tuple', 'set', 'frozenset', 'dict'}:
assert (
s['type'] == 'str'
or s['type'] == 'list'
or s['type'] == 'tuple'
or s['type'] == 'set'
or s['type'] == 'dict'
or s['type'] == 'frozenset'
s = s.copy()
if min_len != 0:
s['min_length'] = min_len
if max_len is not None:
s['max_length'] = max_len
def check_len(v: Any) -> bool:
if max_len is not None:
return (min_len <= len(v)) and (len(v) <= max_len)
return min_len <= len(v)
s = _check_func(check_len, f'length >= {min_len} and length <= {max_len}', s)
elif isinstance(constraint, annotated_types.MultipleOf):
multiple_of = constraint.multiple_of
if s and s['type'] in {'int', 'float', 'decimal'}:
s = s.copy()
if s['type'] == 'int' and isinstance(multiple_of, int):
s['multiple_of'] = multiple_of
elif s['type'] == 'float' and isinstance(multiple_of, float):
s['multiple_of'] = multiple_of
elif s['type'] == 'decimal' and isinstance(multiple_of, Decimal):
s['multiple_of'] = multiple_of
def check_multiple_of(v: Any) -> bool:
return v % multiple_of == 0
s = _check_func(check_multiple_of, f'% {multiple_of} == 0', s)
elif isinstance(constraint, annotated_types.Timezone):
tz =
if tz is ...:
if s and s['type'] == 'datetime':
s = s.copy()
s['tz_constraint'] = 'aware'
def check_tz_aware(v: object) -> bool:
assert isinstance(v, datetime.datetime)
return v.tzinfo is not None
s = _check_func(check_tz_aware, 'timezone aware', s)
elif tz is None:
if s and s['type'] == 'datetime':
s = s.copy()
s['tz_constraint'] = 'naive'
def check_tz_naive(v: object) -> bool:
assert isinstance(v, datetime.datetime)
return v.tzinfo is None
s = _check_func(check_tz_naive, 'timezone naive', s)
raise NotImplementedError('Constraining to a specific timezone is not yet supported')
elif isinstance(constraint, annotated_types.Interval):
s = _apply_constraint(s, annotated_types.Ge(
s = _apply_constraint(s, annotated_types.Gt(
if constraint.le:
s = _apply_constraint(s, annotated_types.Le(constraint.le))
s = _apply_constraint(s, annotated_types.Lt(
assert s is not None
elif isinstance(constraint, annotated_types.Predicate):
func = constraint.func
if func.__name__ == '<lambda>':
# attempt to extract the source code for a lambda function
# to use as the function name in error messages
# TODO: is there a better way? should we just not do this?
import inspect
# remove ')' suffix, can use removesuffix once we drop 3.8
source = inspect.getsource(func).strip()
if source.endswith(')'):
source = source[:-1]
lambda_source_code = '`' + ''.join(''.join(source.split('lambda ')[1:]).split(':')[1:]).strip() + '`'
except OSError:
# stringified annotations
lambda_source_code = 'lambda'
s = _check_func(func, lambda_source_code, s)
s = _check_func(func, func.__name__, s)
elif isinstance(constraint, _NotEq):
value = constraint.value
def check_not_eq(v: Any) -> bool:
return operator.__ne__(v, value)
s = _check_func(check_not_eq, f'!= {value}', s)
elif isinstance(constraint, _Eq):
value = constraint.value
def check_eq(v: Any) -> bool:
return operator.__eq__(v, value)
s = _check_func(check_eq, f'== {value}', s)
elif isinstance(constraint, _In):
values = constraint.values
def check_in(v: Any) -> bool:
return operator.__contains__(values, v)
s = _check_func(check_in, f'in {values}', s)
elif isinstance(constraint, _NotIn):
values = constraint.values
def check_not_in(v: Any) -> bool:
return operator.__not__(operator.__contains__(values, v))
s = _check_func(check_not_in, f'not in {values}', s)
assert isinstance(constraint, Pattern)
if s and s['type'] == 'str':
s = s.copy()
s['pattern'] = constraint.pattern
def check_pattern(v: object) -> bool:
assert isinstance(v, str)
return constraint.match(v) is not None
s = _check_func(check_pattern, f'~ {constraint.pattern}', s)
return s
class _SupportsRange(annotated_types.SupportsLe, annotated_types.SupportsGe, Protocol):
class _SupportsLen(Protocol):
def __len__(self) -> int: ...
_NewOutGt = TypeVar('_NewOutGt', bound=annotated_types.SupportsGt)
_NewOutGe = TypeVar('_NewOutGe', bound=annotated_types.SupportsGe)
_NewOutLt = TypeVar('_NewOutLt', bound=annotated_types.SupportsLt)
_NewOutLe = TypeVar('_NewOutLe', bound=annotated_types.SupportsLe)
_NewOutLen = TypeVar('_NewOutLen', bound=_SupportsLen)
_NewOutDiv = TypeVar('_NewOutDiv', bound=annotated_types.SupportsDiv)
_NewOutMod = TypeVar('_NewOutMod', bound=annotated_types.SupportsMod)
_NewOutDatetime = TypeVar('_NewOutDatetime', bound=datetime.datetime)
_NewOutInterval = TypeVar('_NewOutInterval', bound=_SupportsRange)
_OtherIn = TypeVar('_OtherIn')
_OtherOut = TypeVar('_OtherOut')