ClickUp Operator
by noahvanhart
- .venv
- Lib
- site-packages
- httpcore
from __future__ import annotations
import base64
import ssl
import typing
import urllib.parse
# Functions for typechecking...
ByteOrStr = typing.Union[bytes, str]
HeadersAsSequence = typing.Sequence[typing.Tuple[ByteOrStr, ByteOrStr]]
HeadersAsMapping = typing.Mapping[ByteOrStr, ByteOrStr]
HeaderTypes = typing.Union[HeadersAsSequence, HeadersAsMapping, None]
Extensions = typing.MutableMapping[str, typing.Any]
def enforce_bytes(value: bytes | str, *, name: str) -> bytes:
Any arguments that are ultimately represented as bytes can be specified
either as bytes or as strings.
However we enforce that any string arguments must only contain characters in
the plain ASCII range. chr(0)...chr(127). If you need to use characters
outside that range then be precise, and use a byte-wise argument.
if isinstance(value, str):
return value.encode("ascii")
except UnicodeEncodeError:
raise TypeError(f"{name} strings may not include unicode characters.")
elif isinstance(value, bytes):
return value
seen_type = type(value).__name__
raise TypeError(f"{name} must be bytes or str, but got {seen_type}.")
def enforce_url(value: URL | bytes | str, *, name: str) -> URL:
Type check for URL parameters.
if isinstance(value, (bytes, str)):
return URL(value)
elif isinstance(value, URL):
return value
seen_type = type(value).__name__
raise TypeError(f"{name} must be a URL, bytes, or str, but got {seen_type}.")
def enforce_headers(
value: HeadersAsMapping | HeadersAsSequence | None = None, *, name: str
) -> list[tuple[bytes, bytes]]:
Convienence function that ensure all items in request or response headers
are either bytes or strings in the plain ASCII range.
if value is None:
return []
elif isinstance(value, typing.Mapping):
return [
enforce_bytes(k, name="header name"),
enforce_bytes(v, name="header value"),
for k, v in value.items()
elif isinstance(value, typing.Sequence):
return [
enforce_bytes(k, name="header name"),
enforce_bytes(v, name="header value"),
for k, v in value
seen_type = type(value).__name__
raise TypeError(
f"{name} must be a mapping or sequence of two-tuples, but got {seen_type}."
def enforce_stream(
value: bytes | typing.Iterable[bytes] | typing.AsyncIterable[bytes] | None,
name: str,
) -> typing.Iterable[bytes] | typing.AsyncIterable[bytes]:
if value is None:
return ByteStream(b"")
elif isinstance(value, bytes):
return ByteStream(value)
return value
# *
# *
# *
b"ftp": 21,
b"http": 80,
b"https": 443,
b"ws": 80,
b"wss": 443,
def include_request_headers(
headers: list[tuple[bytes, bytes]],
url: "URL",
content: None | bytes | typing.Iterable[bytes] | typing.AsyncIterable[bytes],
) -> list[tuple[bytes, bytes]]:
headers_set = set(k.lower() for k, v in headers)
if b"host" not in headers_set:
default_port = DEFAULT_PORTS.get(url.scheme)
if url.port is None or url.port == default_port:
header_value =
header_value = b"%b:%d" % (, url.port)
headers = [(b"Host", header_value)] + headers
if (
content is not None
and b"content-length" not in headers_set
and b"transfer-encoding" not in headers_set
if isinstance(content, bytes):
content_length = str(len(content)).encode("ascii")
headers += [(b"Content-Length", content_length)]
headers += [(b"Transfer-Encoding", b"chunked")] # pragma: nocover
return headers
# Interfaces for byte streams...
class ByteStream:
A container for non-streaming content, and that supports both sync and async
stream iteration.
def __init__(self, content: bytes) -> None:
self._content = content
def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator[bytes]:
yield self._content
async def __aiter__(self) -> typing.AsyncIterator[bytes]:
yield self._content
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} [{len(self._content)} bytes]>"
class Origin:
def __init__(self, scheme: bytes, host: bytes, port: int) -> None:
self.scheme = scheme = host
self.port = port
def __eq__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool:
return (
isinstance(other, Origin)
and self.scheme == other.scheme
and ==
and self.port == other.port
def __str__(self) -> str:
scheme = self.scheme.decode("ascii")
host ="ascii")
port = str(self.port)
return f"{scheme}://{host}:{port}"
class URL:
Represents the URL against which an HTTP request may be made.
The URL may either be specified as a plain string, for convienence:
url = httpcore.URL("")
Or be constructed with explicitily pre-parsed components:
url = httpcore.URL(scheme=b'https', host=b'', port=None, target=b'/')
Using this second more explicit style allows integrations that are using
`httpcore` to pass through URLs that have already been parsed in order to use
libraries such as `rfc-3986` rather than relying on the stdlib. It also ensures
that URL parsing is treated identically at both the networking level and at any
higher layers of abstraction.
The four components are important here, as they allow the URL to be precisely
specified in a pre-parsed format. They also allow certain types of request to
be created that could not otherwise be expressed.
For example, an HTTP request to `` forwarded via a proxy
at `http://localhost:8080`...
# Constructs an HTTP request with a complete URL as the target:
# GET HTTP/1.1
url = httpcore.URL(
request = httpcore.Request(
Another example is constructing an `OPTIONS *` request...
# Constructs an 'OPTIONS *' HTTP request:
url = httpcore.URL(scheme=b'https', host=b'', target=b'*')
request = httpcore.Request(method="OPTIONS", url=url)
This kind of request is not possible to formulate with a URL string,
because the `/` delimiter is always used to demark the target from the
host/port portion of the URL.
For convenience, string-like arguments may be specified either as strings or
as bytes. However, once a request is being issue over-the-wire, the URL
components are always ultimately required to be a bytewise representation.
In order to avoid any ambiguity over character encodings, when strings are used
as arguments, they must be strictly limited to the ASCII range `chr(0)`-`chr(127)`.
If you require a bytewise representation that is outside this range you must
handle the character encoding directly, and pass a bytes instance.
def __init__(
url: bytes | str = "",
scheme: bytes | str = b"",
host: bytes | str = b"",
port: int | None = None,
target: bytes | str = b"",
) -> None:
url: The complete URL as a string or bytes.
scheme: The URL scheme as a string or bytes.
Typically either `"http"` or `"https"`.
host: The URL host as a string or bytes. Such as `""`.
port: The port to connect to. Either an integer or `None`.
target: The target of the HTTP request. Such as `"/items?search=red"`.
if url:
parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(enforce_bytes(url, name="url"))
self.scheme = parsed.scheme = parsed.hostname or b""
self.port = parsed.port = (parsed.path or b"/") + (
b"?" + parsed.query if parsed.query else b""
self.scheme = enforce_bytes(scheme, name="scheme") = enforce_bytes(host, name="host")
self.port = port = enforce_bytes(target, name="target")
def origin(self) -> Origin:
default_port = {
b"http": 80,
b"https": 443,
b"ws": 80,
b"wss": 443,
b"socks5": 1080,
b"socks5h": 1080,
return Origin(
scheme=self.scheme,, port=self.port or default_port
def __eq__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool:
return (
isinstance(other, URL)
and other.scheme == self.scheme
and ==
and other.port == self.port
and ==
def __bytes__(self) -> bytes:
if self.port is None:
return b"%b://%b%b" % (self.scheme,,
return b"%b://%b:%d%b" % (self.scheme,, self.port,
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (
f"{self.__class__.__name__}(scheme={self.scheme!r}, "
f"host={!r}, port={self.port!r}, target={!r})"
class Request:
An HTTP request.
def __init__(
method: bytes | str,
url: URL | bytes | str,
headers: HeaderTypes = None,
content: bytes
| typing.Iterable[bytes]
| typing.AsyncIterable[bytes]
| None = None,
extensions: Extensions | None = None,
) -> None:
method: The HTTP request method, either as a string or bytes.
For example: `GET`.
url: The request URL, either as a `URL` instance, or as a string or bytes.
For example: `"".`
headers: The HTTP request headers.
content: The content of the request body.
extensions: A dictionary of optional extra information included on
the request. Possible keys include `"timeout"`, and `"trace"`.
self.method: bytes = enforce_bytes(method, name="method")
self.url: URL = enforce_url(url, name="url")
self.headers: list[tuple[bytes, bytes]] = enforce_headers(
headers, name="headers"
) typing.Iterable[bytes] | typing.AsyncIterable[bytes] = (
enforce_stream(content, name="content")
self.extensions = {} if extensions is None else extensions
if "target" in self.extensions:
self.url = URL(
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} [{self.method!r}]>"
class Response:
An HTTP response.
def __init__(
status: int,
headers: HeaderTypes = None,
content: bytes
| typing.Iterable[bytes]
| typing.AsyncIterable[bytes]
| None = None,
extensions: Extensions | None = None,
) -> None:
status: The HTTP status code of the response. For example `200`.
headers: The HTTP response headers.
content: The content of the response body.
extensions: A dictionary of optional extra information included on
the responseself.Possible keys include `"http_version"`,
`"reason_phrase"`, and `"network_stream"`.
self.status: int = status
self.headers: list[tuple[bytes, bytes]] = enforce_headers(
headers, name="headers"
) typing.Iterable[bytes] | typing.AsyncIterable[bytes] = (
enforce_stream(content, name="content")
self.extensions = {} if extensions is None else extensions
self._stream_consumed = False
def content(self) -> bytes:
if not hasattr(self, "_content"):
if isinstance(, typing.Iterable):
raise RuntimeError(
"Attempted to access 'response.content' on a streaming response. "
"Call '' first."
raise RuntimeError(
"Attempted to access 'response.content' on a streaming response. "
"Call 'await response.aread()' first."
return self._content
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} [{self.status}]>"
# Sync interface...
def read(self) -> bytes:
if not isinstance(, typing.Iterable): # pragma: nocover
raise RuntimeError(
"Attempted to read an asynchronous response using ''. "
"You should use 'await response.aread()' instead."
if not hasattr(self, "_content"):
self._content = b"".join([part for part in self.iter_stream()])
return self._content
def iter_stream(self) -> typing.Iterator[bytes]:
if not isinstance(, typing.Iterable): # pragma: nocover
raise RuntimeError(
"Attempted to stream an asynchronous response using 'for ... in "
"response.iter_stream()'. "
"You should use 'async for ... in response.aiter_stream()' instead."
if self._stream_consumed:
raise RuntimeError(
"Attempted to call 'for ... in response.iter_stream()' more than once."
self._stream_consumed = True
for chunk in
yield chunk
def close(self) -> None:
if not isinstance(, typing.Iterable): # pragma: nocover
raise RuntimeError(
"Attempted to close an asynchronous response using 'response.close()'. "
"You should use 'await response.aclose()' instead."
if hasattr(, "close"):
# Async interface...
async def aread(self) -> bytes:
if not isinstance(, typing.AsyncIterable): # pragma: nocover
raise RuntimeError(
"Attempted to read an synchronous response using "
"'await response.aread()'. "
"You should use '' instead."
if not hasattr(self, "_content"):
self._content = b"".join([part async for part in self.aiter_stream()])
return self._content
async def aiter_stream(self) -> typing.AsyncIterator[bytes]:
if not isinstance(, typing.AsyncIterable): # pragma: nocover
raise RuntimeError(
"Attempted to stream an synchronous response using 'async for ... in "
"response.aiter_stream()'. "
"You should use 'for ... in response.iter_stream()' instead."
if self._stream_consumed:
raise RuntimeError(
"Attempted to call 'async for ... in response.aiter_stream()' "
"more than once."
self._stream_consumed = True
async for chunk in
yield chunk
async def aclose(self) -> None:
if not isinstance(, typing.AsyncIterable): # pragma: nocover
raise RuntimeError(
"Attempted to close a synchronous response using "
"'await response.aclose()'. "
"You should use 'response.close()' instead."
if hasattr(, "aclose"):
class Proxy:
def __init__(
url: URL | bytes | str,
auth: tuple[bytes | str, bytes | str] | None = None,
headers: HeadersAsMapping | HeadersAsSequence | None = None,
ssl_context: ssl.SSLContext | None = None,
self.url = enforce_url(url, name="url")
self.headers = enforce_headers(headers, name="headers")
self.ssl_context = ssl_context
if auth is not None:
username = enforce_bytes(auth[0], name="auth")
password = enforce_bytes(auth[1], name="auth")
userpass = username + b":" + password
authorization = b"Basic " + base64.b64encode(userpass)
self.auth: tuple[bytes, bytes] | None = (username, password)
self.headers = [(b"Proxy-Authorization", authorization)] + self.headers
self.auth = None