ClickUp Operator

import re import sys import traceback from typing import NoReturn import pytest from .._util import ( bytesify, LocalProtocolError, ProtocolError, RemoteProtocolError, Sentinel, validate, ) def test_ProtocolError() -> None: with pytest.raises(TypeError): ProtocolError("abstract base class") def test_LocalProtocolError() -> None: try: raise LocalProtocolError("foo") except LocalProtocolError as e: assert str(e) == "foo" assert e.error_status_hint == 400 try: raise LocalProtocolError("foo", error_status_hint=418) except LocalProtocolError as e: assert str(e) == "foo" assert e.error_status_hint == 418 def thunk() -> NoReturn: raise LocalProtocolError("a", error_status_hint=420) try: try: thunk() except LocalProtocolError as exc1: orig_traceback = "".join(traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])) exc1._reraise_as_remote_protocol_error() except RemoteProtocolError as exc2: assert type(exc2) is RemoteProtocolError assert exc2.args == ("a",) assert exc2.error_status_hint == 420 new_traceback = "".join(traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])) assert new_traceback.endswith(orig_traceback) def test_validate() -> None: my_re = re.compile(rb"(?P<group1>[0-9]+)\.(?P<group2>[0-9]+)") with pytest.raises(LocalProtocolError): validate(my_re, b"0.") groups = validate(my_re, b"0.1") assert groups == {"group1": b"0", "group2": b"1"} # successful partial matches are an error - must match whole string with pytest.raises(LocalProtocolError): validate(my_re, b"0.1xx") with pytest.raises(LocalProtocolError): validate(my_re, b"0.1\n") def test_validate_formatting() -> None: my_re = re.compile(rb"foo") with pytest.raises(LocalProtocolError) as excinfo: validate(my_re, b"", "oops") assert "oops" in str(excinfo.value) with pytest.raises(LocalProtocolError) as excinfo: validate(my_re, b"", "oops {}") assert "oops {}" in str(excinfo.value) with pytest.raises(LocalProtocolError) as excinfo: validate(my_re, b"", "oops {} xx", 10) assert "oops 10 xx" in str(excinfo.value) def test_make_sentinel() -> None: class S(Sentinel, metaclass=Sentinel): pass assert repr(S) == "S" assert S == S assert type(S).__name__ == "S" assert S in {S} assert type(S) is S class S2(Sentinel, metaclass=Sentinel): pass assert repr(S2) == "S2" assert S != S2 assert S not in {S2} assert type(S) is not type(S2) def test_bytesify() -> None: assert bytesify(b"123") == b"123" assert bytesify(bytearray(b"123")) == b"123" assert bytesify("123") == b"123" with pytest.raises(UnicodeEncodeError): bytesify("\u1234") with pytest.raises(TypeError): bytesify(10)