ClickUp Operator

import io import json import warnings from .core import url_to_fs from .utils import merge_offset_ranges # Parquet-Specific Utilities for fsspec # # Most of the functions defined in this module are NOT # intended for public consumption. The only exception # to this is `open_parquet_file`, which should be used # place of `` to open parquet-formatted files # on remote file systems. def open_parquet_file( path, mode="rb", fs=None, metadata=None, columns=None, row_groups=None, storage_options=None, strict=False, engine="auto", max_gap=64_000, max_block=256_000_000, footer_sample_size=1_000_000, **kwargs, ): """ Return a file-like object for a single Parquet file. The specified parquet `engine` will be used to parse the footer metadata, and determine the required byte ranges from the file. The target path will then be opened with the "parts" (`KnownPartsOfAFile`) caching strategy. Note that this method is intended for usage with remote file systems, and is unlikely to improve parquet-read performance on local file systems. Parameters ---------- path: str Target file path. mode: str, optional Mode option to be passed through to ``. Default is "rb". metadata: Any, optional Parquet metadata object. Object type must be supported by the backend parquet engine. For now, only the "fastparquet" engine supports an explicit `ParquetFile` metadata object. If a metadata object is supplied, the remote footer metadata will not need to be transferred into local memory. fs: AbstractFileSystem, optional Filesystem object to use for opening the file. If nothing is specified, an `AbstractFileSystem` object will be inferred. engine : str, default "auto" Parquet engine to use for metadata parsing. Allowed options include "fastparquet", "pyarrow", and "auto". The specified engine must be installed in the current environment. If "auto" is specified, and both engines are installed, "fastparquet" will take precedence over "pyarrow". columns: list, optional List of all column names that may be read from the file. row_groups : list, optional List of all row-groups that may be read from the file. This may be a list of row-group indices (integers), or it may be a list of `RowGroup` metadata objects (if the "fastparquet" engine is used). storage_options : dict, optional Used to generate an `AbstractFileSystem` object if `fs` was not specified. strict : bool, optional Whether the resulting `KnownPartsOfAFile` cache should fetch reads that go beyond a known byte-range boundary. If `False` (the default), any read that ends outside a known part will be zero padded. Note that using `strict=True` may be useful for debugging. max_gap : int, optional Neighboring byte ranges will only be merged when their inter-range gap is <= `max_gap`. Default is 64KB. max_block : int, optional Neighboring byte ranges will only be merged when the size of the aggregated range is <= `max_block`. Default is 256MB. footer_sample_size : int, optional Number of bytes to read from the end of the path to look for the footer metadata. If the sampled bytes do not contain the footer, a second read request will be required, and performance will suffer. Default is 1MB. **kwargs : Optional key-word arguments to pass to `` """ # Make sure we have an `AbstractFileSystem` object # to work with if fs is None: fs = url_to_fs(path, **(storage_options or {}))[0] # For now, `columns == []` not supported. Just use # default `open` command with `path` input if columns is not None and len(columns) == 0: return, mode=mode) # Set the engine engine = _set_engine(engine) # Fetch the known byte ranges needed to read # `columns` and/or `row_groups` data = _get_parquet_byte_ranges( [path], fs, metadata=metadata, columns=columns, row_groups=row_groups, engine=engine, max_gap=max_gap, max_block=max_block, footer_sample_size=footer_sample_size, ) # Extract file name from `data` fn = next(iter(data)) if data else path # Call with "parts" caching options = kwargs.pop("cache_options", {}).copy() return fn, mode=mode, cache_type="parts", cache_options={ **options, "data": data.get(fn, {}), "strict": strict, }, **kwargs, ) def _get_parquet_byte_ranges( paths, fs, metadata=None, columns=None, row_groups=None, max_gap=64_000, max_block=256_000_000, footer_sample_size=1_000_000, engine="auto", ): """Get a dictionary of the known byte ranges needed to read a specific column/row-group selection from a Parquet dataset. Each value in the output dictionary is intended for use as the `data` argument for the `KnownPartsOfAFile` caching strategy of a single path. """ # Set engine if necessary if isinstance(engine, str): engine = _set_engine(engine) # Pass to specialized function if metadata is defined if metadata is not None: # Use the provided parquet metadata object # to avoid transferring/parsing footer metadata return _get_parquet_byte_ranges_from_metadata( metadata, fs, engine, columns=columns, row_groups=row_groups, max_gap=max_gap, max_block=max_block, ) # Get file sizes asynchronously file_sizes = fs.sizes(paths) # Populate global paths, starts, & ends result = {} data_paths = [] data_starts = [] data_ends = [] add_header_magic = True if columns is None and row_groups is None: # We are NOT selecting specific columns or row-groups. # # We can avoid sampling the footers, and just transfer # all file data with cat_ranges for i, path in enumerate(paths): result[path] = {} for b in range(0, file_sizes[i], max_block): data_paths.append(path) data_starts.append(b) data_ends.append(min(b + max_block, file_sizes[i])) add_header_magic = False # "Magic" should already be included else: # We ARE selecting specific columns or row-groups. # # Gather file footers. # We just take the last `footer_sample_size` bytes of each # file (or the entire file if it is smaller than that) footer_starts = [] footer_ends = [] for i, path in enumerate(paths): footer_ends.append(file_sizes[i]) sample_size = max(0, file_sizes[i] - footer_sample_size) footer_starts.append(sample_size) footer_samples = fs.cat_ranges(paths, footer_starts, footer_ends) # Check our footer samples and re-sample if necessary. missing_footer_starts = footer_starts.copy() large_footer = 0 for i, path in enumerate(paths): footer_size = int.from_bytes(footer_samples[i][-8:-4], "little") real_footer_start = file_sizes[i] - (footer_size + 8) if real_footer_start < footer_starts[i]: missing_footer_starts[i] = real_footer_start large_footer = max(large_footer, (footer_size + 8)) if large_footer: warnings.warn( f"Not enough data was used to sample the parquet footer. " f"Try setting footer_sample_size >= {large_footer}." ) for i, block in enumerate( fs.cat_ranges( paths, missing_footer_starts, footer_starts, ) ): footer_samples[i] = block + footer_samples[i] footer_starts[i] = missing_footer_starts[i] # Calculate required byte ranges for each path for i, path in enumerate(paths): # Deal with small-file case. # Just include all remaining bytes of the file # in a single range. if file_sizes[i] < max_block: if footer_starts[i] > 0: # Only need to transfer the data if the # footer sample isn't already the whole file data_paths.append(path) data_starts.append(0) data_ends.append(footer_starts[i]) continue # Use "engine" to collect data byte ranges path_data_starts, path_data_ends = engine._parquet_byte_ranges( columns, row_groups=row_groups, footer=footer_samples[i], footer_start=footer_starts[i], ) data_paths += [path] * len(path_data_starts) data_starts += path_data_starts data_ends += path_data_ends # Merge adjacent offset ranges data_paths, data_starts, data_ends = merge_offset_ranges( data_paths, data_starts, data_ends, max_gap=max_gap, max_block=max_block, sort=False, # Should already be sorted ) # Start by populating `result` with footer samples for i, path in enumerate(paths): result[path] = {(footer_starts[i], footer_ends[i]): footer_samples[i]} # Transfer the data byte-ranges into local memory _transfer_ranges(fs, result, data_paths, data_starts, data_ends) # Add b"PAR1" to header if necessary if add_header_magic: _add_header_magic(result) return result def _get_parquet_byte_ranges_from_metadata( metadata, fs, engine, columns=None, row_groups=None, max_gap=64_000, max_block=256_000_000, ): """Simplified version of `_get_parquet_byte_ranges` for the case that an engine-specific `metadata` object is provided, and the remote footer metadata does not need to be transferred before calculating the required byte ranges. """ # Use "engine" to collect data byte ranges data_paths, data_starts, data_ends = engine._parquet_byte_ranges( columns, row_groups=row_groups, metadata=metadata, ) # Merge adjacent offset ranges data_paths, data_starts, data_ends = merge_offset_ranges( data_paths, data_starts, data_ends, max_gap=max_gap, max_block=max_block, sort=False, # Should be sorted ) # Transfer the data byte-ranges into local memory result = {fn: {} for fn in list(set(data_paths))} _transfer_ranges(fs, result, data_paths, data_starts, data_ends) # Add b"PAR1" to header _add_header_magic(result) return result def _transfer_ranges(fs, blocks, paths, starts, ends): # Use cat_ranges to gather the data byte_ranges ranges = (paths, starts, ends) for path, start, stop, data in zip(*ranges, fs.cat_ranges(*ranges)): blocks[path][(start, stop)] = data def _add_header_magic(data): # Add b"PAR1" to file headers for path in list(data.keys()): add_magic = True for k in data[path].keys(): if k[0] == 0 and k[1] >= 4: add_magic = False break if add_magic: data[path][(0, 4)] = b"PAR1" def _set_engine(engine_str): # Define a list of parquet engines to try if engine_str == "auto": try_engines = ("fastparquet", "pyarrow") elif not isinstance(engine_str, str): raise ValueError( "Failed to set parquet engine! " "Please pass 'fastparquet', 'pyarrow', or 'auto'" ) elif engine_str not in ("fastparquet", "pyarrow"): raise ValueError(f"{engine_str} engine not supported by `fsspec.parquet`") else: try_engines = [engine_str] # Try importing the engines in `try_engines`, # and choose the first one that succeeds for engine in try_engines: try: if engine == "fastparquet": return FastparquetEngine() elif engine == "pyarrow": return PyarrowEngine() except ImportError: pass # Raise an error if a supported parquet engine # was not found raise ImportError( f"The following parquet engines are not installed " f"in your python environment: {try_engines}." f"Please install 'fastparquert' or 'pyarrow' to " f"utilize the `fsspec.parquet` module." ) class FastparquetEngine: # The purpose of the FastparquetEngine class is # to check if fastparquet can be imported (on initialization) # and to define a `_parquet_byte_ranges` method. In the # future, this class may also be used to define other # methods/logic that are specific to fastparquet. def __init__(self): import fastparquet as fp self.fp = fp def _row_group_filename(self, row_group, pf): return pf.row_group_filename(row_group) def _parquet_byte_ranges( self, columns, row_groups=None, metadata=None, footer=None, footer_start=None, ): # Initialize offset ranges and define ParqetFile metadata pf = metadata data_paths, data_starts, data_ends = [], [], [] if pf is None: pf = self.fp.ParquetFile(io.BytesIO(footer)) # Convert columns to a set and add any index columns # specified in the pandas metadata (just in case) column_set = None if columns is None else set(columns) if column_set is not None and hasattr(pf, "pandas_metadata"): md_index = [ ind for ind in pf.pandas_metadata.get("index_columns", []) # Ignore RangeIndex information if not isinstance(ind, dict) ] column_set |= set(md_index) # Check if row_groups is a list of integers # or a list of row-group metadata if row_groups and not isinstance(row_groups[0], int): # Input row_groups contains row-group metadata row_group_indices = None else: # Input row_groups contains row-group indices row_group_indices = row_groups row_groups = pf.row_groups # Loop through column chunks to add required byte ranges for r, row_group in enumerate(row_groups): # Skip this row-group if we are targeting # specific row-groups if row_group_indices is None or r in row_group_indices: # Find the target parquet-file path for `row_group` fn = self._row_group_filename(row_group, pf) for column in row_group.columns: name = column.meta_data.path_in_schema[0] # Skip this column if we are targeting a # specific columns if column_set is None or name in column_set: file_offset0 = column.meta_data.dictionary_page_offset if file_offset0 is None: file_offset0 = column.meta_data.data_page_offset num_bytes = column.meta_data.total_compressed_size if footer_start is None or file_offset0 < footer_start: data_paths.append(fn) data_starts.append(file_offset0) data_ends.append( min( file_offset0 + num_bytes, footer_start or (file_offset0 + num_bytes), ) ) if metadata: # The metadata in this call may map to multiple # file paths. Need to include `data_paths` return data_paths, data_starts, data_ends return data_starts, data_ends class PyarrowEngine: # The purpose of the PyarrowEngine class is # to check if pyarrow can be imported (on initialization) # and to define a `_parquet_byte_ranges` method. In the # future, this class may also be used to define other # methods/logic that are specific to pyarrow. def __init__(self): import pyarrow.parquet as pq self.pq = pq def _row_group_filename(self, row_group, metadata): raise NotImplementedError def _parquet_byte_ranges( self, columns, row_groups=None, metadata=None, footer=None, footer_start=None, ): if metadata is not None: raise ValueError("metadata input not supported for PyarrowEngine") data_starts, data_ends = [], [] md = self.pq.ParquetFile(io.BytesIO(footer)).metadata # Convert columns to a set and add any index columns # specified in the pandas metadata (just in case) column_set = None if columns is None else set(columns) if column_set is not None: schema = md.schema.to_arrow_schema() has_pandas_metadata = ( schema.metadata is not None and b"pandas" in schema.metadata ) if has_pandas_metadata: md_index = [ ind for ind in json.loads( schema.metadata[b"pandas"].decode("utf8") ).get("index_columns", []) # Ignore RangeIndex information if not isinstance(ind, dict) ] column_set |= set(md_index) # Loop through column chunks to add required byte ranges for r in range(md.num_row_groups): # Skip this row-group if we are targeting # specific row-groups if row_groups is None or r in row_groups: row_group = md.row_group(r) for c in range(row_group.num_columns): column = row_group.column(c) name = column.path_in_schema # Skip this column if we are targeting a # specific columns split_name = name.split(".")[0] if ( column_set is None or name in column_set or split_name in column_set ): file_offset0 = column.dictionary_page_offset if file_offset0 is None: file_offset0 = column.data_page_offset num_bytes = column.total_compressed_size if file_offset0 < footer_start: data_starts.append(file_offset0) data_ends.append( min(file_offset0 + num_bytes, footer_start) ) return data_starts, data_ends