ClickUp Operator

� lMg8,����UddlmZddlZddlZddlZgd�ZiZded<eje�Z dZ dud�Z idd d d ��d d dd ��dddd ��dddd ��dd d d ��dddi�dddd ��dddi�dddd ��d dd!i�d"d#d$d ��d%dd&i�d'd(d)d ��d*d+d,d ��ddd-i�d.dd/i�d0dd1i�id2d3d4d ��d5d6d7d ��d8dd9i�d:d;d<d ��d=d>d?d ��d@d3d4d ��dAddd ��dBdCdDd ��dEdFdGd ��dHdFdGd ��dIdJdKd ��dLdJdKd ��dMdNdOd ��dPdQdRd ��dSdd-i�dTddUi�dVdWdXd ���dWdYd �dZd[d �dd\id]d^d �d_d`d �d_d`d �dadbd �ddciddded �dadbd �ddfidgdhd �didjd �dkdld �ddmidn��Z e e �ee �k(sJdo��dp�ZdqZdvdr�Zds�Zdt�Zy)w�)� annotationsN)�registry�get_filesystem_class�defaultzdict[str, type]� _registry�filec��t|t�rA|tvr"|dur|t|dk7r%td|�d���||xs|�d|��d�t|<yy|tvr|durt ||urtd|�d���y|t |<y) aAdd implementation class to the registry Parameters ---------- name: str Protocol name to associate with the class cls: class or str if a class: fsspec-compliant implementation class (normally inherits from ``fsspec.AbstractFileSystem``, gets added straight to the registry. If a str, the full path to an implementation class like package.module.class, which gets added to known_implementations, so the import is deferred until the filesystem is actually used. clobber: bool (optional) Whether to overwrite a protocol with the same name; if False, will raise instead. errtxt: str (optional) If given, then a failure to import the given class will result in this text being given. F�classzName (z;) already in the known_implementations and clobber is Falsez import failed for protocol �r �errz.) already in the registry and clobber is FalseN)� isinstance�str�known_implementations� ValueErrorrr)�name�cls�clobber�errtxts �[C:\Users\noahv\Documents\GitHub\clickup-operator\.venv\Lib\site-packages\fsspec/�register_implementationrs���(�#�s�� �(� (�W��-=��+�D�1�'�:�:� ��T�F�#� ��� ��K�C�5�(D�T�F�!K�+� !�$� '� ;� �8� ��5� 0����c�)� ��T�F�"P�Q���*� "�I�d�O��abfszadlfs.AzureBlobFileSystemzBInstall adlfs to access Azure Datalake Gen2 and Azure Blob Storager �adlzadlfs.AzureDatalakeFileSystemz+Install adlfs to access Azure Datalake Gen1� arrow_hdfsz-fsspec.implementations.arrow.HadoopFileSystemz2pyarrow and local java libraries required for HDFS� asynclocalz&morefs.asyn_local.AsyncLocalFileSystemz:Install 'morefs[asynclocalfs]' to use AsyncLocalFileSystem�az� blockcacher z/fsspec.implementations.cached.CachingFileSystem�boxzboxfs.BoxFileSystemz,Please install boxfs to access BoxFileSystem�cached�daskz0fsspec.implementations.dask.DaskWorkerFileSystemz5Install dask distributed to access worker file system�dataz*�dbfsz0fsspec.implementations.dbfs.DatabricksFileSystemz<Install the requests package to use the DatabricksFileSystem�dirz*fsspec.implementations.dirfs.DirFileSystem�dropboxz%dropboxdrivefs.DropboxDriveFileSystemzUDropboxFileSystem requires "dropboxdrivefs","requests" and ""dropbox" to be installed�dvczdvc.api.DVCFileSystemz#Install dvc to access DVCFileSystemz,fsspec.implementations.local.LocalFileSystem� filecachez6fsspec.implementations.cached.WholeFileCacheFileSystem�ftpz(fsspec.implementations.ftp.FTPFileSystem�gcszgcsfs.GCSFileSystemz-Please install gcsfs to access Google Storage�gdrivezgdrivefs.GoogleDriveFileSystemz2Please install gdrivefs for access to Google Drive�genericz fsspec.generic.GenericFileSystem�gitz(fsspec.implementations.git.GitFileSystemz(Install pygit2 to browse local git repos�githubz.fsspec.implementations.github.GithubFileSystemz1Install the requests package to use the github FS�gs�hdfs�hfzhuggingface_hub.HfFileSystemz.Install huggingface_hub to access HfFileSystem�httpz*fsspec.implementations.http.HTTPFileSystemz@HTTPFileSystem requires "requests" and "aiohttp" to be installed�https�jlabz0fsspec.implementations.jupyter.JupyterFileSystemz,Jupyter FS requires requests to be installed�jupyter�lakefszlakefs_spec.LakeFSFileSystemz5Please install lakefs-spec to access LakeFSFileSystem� libarchivez6fsspec.implementations.libarchive.LibArchiveFileSystemz#LibArchive requires to be installed�local�memoryz.fsspec.implementations.memory.MemoryFileSystem�ocizocifs.OCIFileSystemz*Install ocifs to access OCI Object Storagez%Install ocifs to access OCI Data Lakezossfs.OSSFileSystemz5Install ossfs to access Alibaba Object Storage Systemz4fsspec.implementations.reference.ReferenceFileSystemzfsspec_xrootd.XRootDFileSystemz�Install fsspec-xrootd to access xrootd storage system. Note: 'root' is the protocol name for xrootd storage systems, not referring to root directorieszs3fs.S3FileSystemzInstall s3fs to access S3z*fsspec.implementations.sftp.SFTPFileSystemz2SFTPFileSystem requires "paramiko" to be installedz3fsspec.implementations.cached.SimpleCacheFileSystemz(fsspec.implementations.smb.SMBFileSystemz?SMB requires "smbprotocol" or "smbprotocol[kerberos]" installedz(fsspec.implementations.tar.TarFileSystemzwandbfs.WandbFSzInstall wandbfs to access wandbzwebdav4.fsspec.WebdavFileSystemz Install webdav4 to access WebDAVz&fsspec.implementations.webhdfs.WebHDFSz2webHDFS access requires "requests" to be installedz(�ocilake�oss� reference�root�s3�s3a�sftp� simplecache�smb�ssh�tar�wandb�webdav�webhdfs�zipzNot in alphabetical orderc��|st}|tvr8|tvrtd|����t|} t |t |d��t|}t|dd�dvr||_|S#t $r}t |d�|�d}~wwxYw)aKFetch named protocol implementation from the registry The dict ``known_implementations`` maps protocol names to the locations of classes implementing the corresponding file-system. When used for the first time, appropriate imports will happen and the class will be placed in the registry. All subsequent calls will fetch directly from the registry. Some protocol implementations require additional dependencies, and so the import may fail. In this case, the string in the "err" field of the ``known_implementations`` will be given as the error message. zProtocol not known: r r N�protocol)�abstractN) rrrrr� _import_class� ImportError�getattrrI)rI�bit�ers rrr�s��� ����x�� �0� 0��3�H�:�>�?� ?�#�H�-�� 1� #�H�m�C��L�.I� J� �8� �C��s�J��%�);�;��� � �J�� � 1��c�%�j�)�q� 0�� 1�s�A*�* B�3B�Bz�Your installed version of s3fs is very old and known to cause severe performance issues, see also To fix, you should specify a lower version bound on s3fs, or update the current installation. c��d|vr|jdd�\}}n|jdd�\}}|dk(}tj|�}|r9|jj d�ddgkrt j t�|j d�D]}t||�}�t|t�st|�d���|S)aKTake a fully-qualified path and return the imported class or identifier. ``fqp`` is of the form "package.module.klass" or "package.module:subobject.klass". Warnings -------- This can import arbitrary modules. Make sure you haven't installed any modules that may execute malicious code at import time. �:��.�s3fs�0�5z is not a class) �rsplit� importlib� import_module� __version__�split�warnings�warn�s3_msgrMr �type� TypeError)�fqp�modr�is_s3�parts rrKrKs��� �c�z��J�J�s�A�&� ��T��J�J�s�A�&� ��T� �6�M�E� � !� !�#� &�C� ����&�&�s�+�s�C�j�8�� � �f��� � �3����c�4� �� � �c�4� ��3�%��/�0�0� �Jrc �f�|dk(rtjdt�t|�}|di|��S)z�Instantiate filesystems for given protocol and arguments ``storage_options`` are specific to the protocol being chosen, and are passed directly to the class. rzfThe 'arrow_hdfs' protocol has been deprecated and will be removed in the future. Specify it as 'hdfs'.�)r\r]�DeprecationWarningr)rI�storage_optionsrs r� filesystemri!s:�� �<��� � � ;� � � �x� (�C� � !�� !�!rc� �tt�S)zReturn a list of the implemented protocols. Note that any given protocol may require extra packages to be importable. )�listrrfrr�available_protocolsrl2s�� �%� &�&r)FN)rar)� __future__rrX�typesr\�__all__r�__annotations__�MappingProxyTyperrrrrk�sortedrr^rKrirlrfrr�<module>rssC��"�� �� 9�� � �?�� "�5� !� !�)� ,�� ��("�ZY� �,�S� �Y�  �0�<� � Y��@�C��Y��9�K��Y�" �,�S� �#Y�*�7�M�N�+Y�, �&�=� �-Y�4 �w�I�J�5Y�6 �C�F� �7Y�> �W�B� C�?Y�@ �C�M� �AY�H �G�A� B�IY�J�8� (��KY�X �(�4� �YY�` �W�D� E�aY�b�'�S�T�cY�d �G�?� @�eY�f �&�>� �gY�n �1�C��oY�v��;�<�wY�x �;�9� �yY�@ �A�B��AY�H �&�>� �IY�P �@�C� �QY�X �/�?� �YY�` �=�Q� �aY�h �=�Q��iY�p �C�=� �qY�x�C�=��yY�@ �/�F��AY�H�I�4��IY�P �g�E� F�QY�R �w�H�I�SY�T �&�;� �UY�^'�6�� '�F� ��Q�R�1� 0� �(�0K� L�(�1L� M�=�C� ��R�S�;�P� � >�C� � �?� @�(�1R� S�2�1�� :�C�� �?� @�qY��v � !�"�f��'������ �< ���:"�"'r