ClickUp Operator

from __future__ import annotations import sys from import Generator, Iterator from contextlib import ExitStack, contextmanager from inspect import isasyncgenfunction, iscoroutinefunction, ismethod from typing import Any, cast import pytest import sniffio from _pytest.fixtures import SubRequest from _pytest.outcomes import Exit from ._core._eventloop import get_all_backends, get_async_backend from ._core._exceptions import iterate_exceptions from .abc import TestRunner if sys.version_info < (3, 11): from exceptiongroup import ExceptionGroup _current_runner: TestRunner | None = None _runner_stack: ExitStack | None = None _runner_leases = 0 def extract_backend_and_options(backend: object) -> tuple[str, dict[str, Any]]: if isinstance(backend, str): return backend, {} elif isinstance(backend, tuple) and len(backend) == 2: if isinstance(backend[0], str) and isinstance(backend[1], dict): return cast(tuple[str, dict[str, Any]], backend) raise TypeError("anyio_backend must be either a string or tuple of (string, dict)") @contextmanager def get_runner( backend_name: str, backend_options: dict[str, Any] ) -> Iterator[TestRunner]: global _current_runner, _runner_leases, _runner_stack if _current_runner is None: asynclib = get_async_backend(backend_name) _runner_stack = ExitStack() if sniffio.current_async_library_cvar.get(None) is None: # Since we're in control of the event loop, we can cache the name of the # async library token = sniffio.current_async_library_cvar.set(backend_name) _runner_stack.callback(sniffio.current_async_library_cvar.reset, token) backend_options = backend_options or {} _current_runner = _runner_stack.enter_context( asynclib.create_test_runner(backend_options) ) _runner_leases += 1 try: yield _current_runner finally: _runner_leases -= 1 if not _runner_leases: assert _runner_stack is not None _runner_stack.close() _runner_stack = _current_runner = None def pytest_configure(config: Any) -> None: config.addinivalue_line( "markers", "anyio: mark the (coroutine function) test to be run " "asynchronously via anyio.", ) @pytest.hookimpl(hookwrapper=True) def pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef: Any, request: Any) -> Generator[Any]: def wrapper( *args: Any, anyio_backend: Any, request: SubRequest, **kwargs: Any ) -> Any: # Rebind any fixture methods to the request instance if ( request.instance and ismethod(func) and type(func.__self__) is type(request.instance) ): local_func = func.__func__.__get__(request.instance) else: local_func = func backend_name, backend_options = extract_backend_and_options(anyio_backend) if has_backend_arg: kwargs["anyio_backend"] = anyio_backend if has_request_arg: kwargs["request"] = request with get_runner(backend_name, backend_options) as runner: if isasyncgenfunction(local_func): yield from runner.run_asyncgen_fixture(local_func, kwargs) else: yield runner.run_fixture(local_func, kwargs) # Only apply this to coroutine functions and async generator functions in requests # that involve the anyio_backend fixture func = fixturedef.func if isasyncgenfunction(func) or iscoroutinefunction(func): if "anyio_backend" in request.fixturenames: fixturedef.func = wrapper original_argname = fixturedef.argnames if not (has_backend_arg := "anyio_backend" in fixturedef.argnames): fixturedef.argnames += ("anyio_backend",) if not (has_request_arg := "request" in fixturedef.argnames): fixturedef.argnames += ("request",) try: return (yield) finally: fixturedef.func = func fixturedef.argnames = original_argname return (yield) @pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True) def pytest_pycollect_makeitem(collector: Any, name: Any, obj: Any) -> None: if collector.istestfunction(obj, name): inner_func = obj.hypothesis.inner_test if hasattr(obj, "hypothesis") else obj if iscoroutinefunction(inner_func): marker = collector.get_closest_marker("anyio") own_markers = getattr(obj, "pytestmark", ()) if marker or any( == "anyio" for marker in own_markers): pytest.mark.usefixtures("anyio_backend")(obj) @pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True) def pytest_pyfunc_call(pyfuncitem: Any) -> bool | None: def run_with_hypothesis(**kwargs: Any) -> None: with get_runner(backend_name, backend_options) as runner: runner.run_test(original_func, kwargs) backend = pyfuncitem.funcargs.get("anyio_backend") if backend: backend_name, backend_options = extract_backend_and_options(backend) if hasattr(pyfuncitem.obj, "hypothesis"): # Wrap the inner test function unless it's already wrapped original_func = pyfuncitem.obj.hypothesis.inner_test if original_func.__qualname__ != run_with_hypothesis.__qualname__: if iscoroutinefunction(original_func): pyfuncitem.obj.hypothesis.inner_test = run_with_hypothesis return None if iscoroutinefunction(pyfuncitem.obj): funcargs = pyfuncitem.funcargs testargs = {arg: funcargs[arg] for arg in pyfuncitem._fixtureinfo.argnames} with get_runner(backend_name, backend_options) as runner: try: runner.run_test(pyfuncitem.obj, testargs) except ExceptionGroup as excgrp: for exc in iterate_exceptions(excgrp): if isinstance(exc, (Exit, KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit)): raise exc from excgrp raise return True return None @pytest.fixture(scope="module", params=get_all_backends()) def anyio_backend(request: Any) -> Any: return request.param @pytest.fixture def anyio_backend_name(anyio_backend: Any) -> str: if isinstance(anyio_backend, str): return anyio_backend else: return anyio_backend[0] @pytest.fixture def anyio_backend_options(anyio_backend: Any) -> dict[str, Any]: if isinstance(anyio_backend, str): return {} else: return anyio_backend[1]