Github MCP Server
by ParasSolanki
# Github MCP Server
A [Model Context Protocol]( Server for Github.
Provides integration with Github through MCP, allowing LLMs to interact with it.
[Github REST Api Docs](
## Installation
### Manual Installation
1. Create or get access token for your Github Account: [Guide](
2. Add server config to Claude Desktop:
- MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
- Windows: [Check this Guide](
"mcpServers": {
"github": {
"command": "npx",
"args": ["-y", "github-mcp-server"],
"env": {
"GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN": "your_personal_github_access_token"
## Components
### Tools
1. `search_repositories`: Search GitHub for a repository.
- Required inputs:
- `query` (string): The query to search for repository.
- `page` (number, default: 30, max: 100): Page number for pagination.
- `per_page` (number, default: 30, max: 100): Number of results per page.
2. `search_issues`: Search issues from a repository.
- Required inputs:
- `query` (string): The query to search for repository.
- `page` (number, default: 1): Page number for pagination.
- `per_page` (number, default: 30, max: 100): Number of results per page.
- `order` (optional string, default: `desc`): Sort of order (`asc` or `desc`).
- `sort` (optional string, default: `best match`): Sort field (can be one of: `comments`, `reactions`, `reactions-+1`, `reactions--1`, `reactions-smile`, `reactions-thinking_face`, `reactions-heart`, `reactions-tada`, `interactions`, `created` or `updated`).
3. `search_commits`: Search commits from a repository.
- Required inputs:
- `query` (string): The query to search for repository.
- `page` (number, default: 1): Page number for pagination.
- `per_page` (number, default: 30, max: 100): Number of results per page.
- `order` (optional string, default: `desc`): Sort of order (`asc` or `desc`).
- `sort` (optional string, default: `best match`): Sort field (can be one of: `committer-date` or `author-date`).
4. `search_code`: Search code from a repository.
- Required inputs:
- `query` (string): The query to search for repository.
- `page` (number, default: 1): Page number for pagination.
- `per_page` (number, default: 30, max: 100): Number of results per page.
5. `search_users`: Search users from a repository.
- Required inputs:
- `query` (string): The query to search for repository.
- `page` (number, default: 1): Page number for pagination.
- `per_page` (number, default: 30, max: 100): Number of results per page.
- `order` (optional string, default: `desc`): Sort of order (`asc` or `desc`).
- `sort` (optional string, default: `best match`): Sort field (can be one of: `followers`, `repositories` or `joined`).
6. `search_topics`: Search topics.
- Required inputs:
- `query` (string): The query to search for repository.
- `page` (number, default: 1): Page number for pagination.
- `per_page` (number, default: 30, max: 100): Number of results per page.
7. `search_labels`: Search labels in a repository.
- Required inputs:
- `query` (string): The query to search for repository.
- `page` (number, default: 1): Page number for pagination.
- `per_page` (number, default: 30, max: 100): Number of results per page.
- `order` (optional string, default: `desc`): Sort of order (`asc` or `desc`).
- `sort` (optional string, default: `best match`): Sort field (can be one of: `created` or `updated`).
8. `list_repositories_issues`: List issues from a repository.
- Required inputs:
- `owner` (string): The owner of the repository.
- `repo` (string): The repository name.
- `page` (optional number, default: 1): Page number for pagination.
- `per_page` (optional number, default: 30, max: 100): Number of results per page.
- `direction` (optional string, default: `desc`): Direction of sort (`asc` or `desc`).
- `sort` (optional string, default: `created`): Sort field (can be one of: `created`, `comments` or `updated`).
- `since` (optional string): Results last updated after the given time (ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.).
- `labels` (optional string): Comma separated label names. Example: bug,ui,@high.
- `milestone` (optional string): Milestone number.
- `assignee` (optional string): Name of assignee user (`*` for all).
- `creator` (optional string): The user that created the issue. (`*` for all).
- `mentioned` (optional string): A user that's mentioned in the issue.
9. `get_issue`: Get an issue from a repository.
- Required inputs:
- `owner` (string): The owner of the repository.
- `repo` (string): The repository name.
- `issue_number` (number): The issue number.
10. `list_repositories_pull_requests`: List pull requests from a repository.
- Required inputs:
- `owner` (string): The owner of the repository.
- `repo` (string): The repository name.
- `page` (optional number, default: 1): Page number for pagination.
- `per_page` (optional number, default: 30, max: 100): Number of results per page.
- `direction` (optional string, default: `desc`): Direction of sort (`asc` or `desc`).
- `sort` (optional string, default: `created`): Sort field (can be one of: `created`, `popularity`, `long-running` or `updated`).
- `head` (optional string): Filter pulls by head user or head organization and branch name in the format of user:ref-name or organization:ref-name (For example: github:new-script-format or octocat:test-branch).
- `base` (optional string): Filter pulls by base branch name. (For example: gh-pages).
11. `get_pull_request`: Get a pull request from a repository.
- Required inputs:
- `owner` (string): The owner of the repository.
- `repo` (string): The repository name.
- `pull_request_number` (number): The pull request number.
## Usage examples
Some example prompts you can use to interact with Github:
1. "modelcontextprotocol" → execute the `search_repositories` tool to find repositories where modelcontextprotocol mentioned.
2. "What is the 739 issue on modelcontextprotocol servers repo" → execute the `get_issue` tool to find 739 issue from modelcontextprotocol servers repo.
3. "What is the 717 PR on modelcontextprotocol servers repo" → execute the `get_pull_request` tool to find 717 PR from modelcontextprotocol servers repo.
## Development
1. Install dependencies:
pnpm install
2. Configure Github Access token in `.env`:
3. Run locally with watch:
pnpm dev
4. Build the server:
pnpm build
5. Local debugging with inspector:
pnpm inspector