Github MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Provides integration with Github, allowing LLMs to search repositories, issues, commits, code, users, topics, and labels. It also supports listing and retrieving specific repository issues and pull requests.

Github MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol Server for Github.

Provides integration with Github through MCP, allowing LLMs to interact with it.

Github REST Api Docs


Manual Installation

  1. Create or get access token for your Github Account: Guide
  2. Add server config to Claude Desktop:
    • MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
    • Windows: Check this Guide
{ "mcpServers": { "github": { "command": "npx", "args": ["-y", "github-mcp-server"], "env": { "GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN": "your_personal_github_access_token" } } } }



  1. search_repositories: Search GitHub for a repository.
    • Required inputs:
      • query (string): The query to search for repository.
      • page (number, default: 30, max: 100): Page number for pagination.
      • per_page (number, default: 30, max: 100): Number of results per page.
  2. search_issues: Search issues from a repository.
    • Required inputs:
      • query (string): The query to search for repository.
      • page (number, default: 1): Page number for pagination.
      • per_page (number, default: 30, max: 100): Number of results per page.
      • order (optional string, default: desc): Sort of order (asc or desc).
      • sort (optional string, default: best match): Sort field (can be one of: comments, reactions, reactions-+1, reactions--1, reactions-smile, reactions-thinking_face, reactions-heart, reactions-tada, interactions, created or updated).
  3. search_commits: Search commits from a repository.
    • Required inputs:
      • query (string): The query to search for repository.
      • page (number, default: 1): Page number for pagination.
      • per_page (number, default: 30, max: 100): Number of results per page.
      • order (optional string, default: desc): Sort of order (asc or desc).
      • sort (optional string, default: best match): Sort field (can be one of: committer-date or author-date).
  4. search_code: Search code from a repository.
    • Required inputs:
      • query (string): The query to search for repository.
      • page (number, default: 1): Page number for pagination.
      • per_page (number, default: 30, max: 100): Number of results per page.
  5. search_users: Search users from a repository.
    • Required inputs:
      • query (string): The query to search for repository.
      • page (number, default: 1): Page number for pagination.
      • per_page (number, default: 30, max: 100): Number of results per page.
      • order (optional string, default: desc): Sort of order (asc or desc).
      • sort (optional string, default: best match): Sort field (can be one of: followers, repositories or joined).
  6. search_topics: Search topics.
    • Required inputs:
      • query (string): The query to search for repository.
      • page (number, default: 1): Page number for pagination.
      • per_page (number, default: 30, max: 100): Number of results per page.
  7. search_labels: Search labels in a repository.
    • Required inputs:
      • query (string): The query to search for repository.
      • page (number, default: 1): Page number for pagination.
      • per_page (number, default: 30, max: 100): Number of results per page.
      • order (optional string, default: desc): Sort of order (asc or desc).
      • sort (optional string, default: best match): Sort field (can be one of: created or updated).
  8. list_repositories_issues: List issues from a repository.
    • Required inputs:
      • owner (string): The owner of the repository.
      • repo (string): The repository name.
      • page (optional number, default: 1): Page number for pagination.
      • per_page (optional number, default: 30, max: 100): Number of results per page.
      • direction (optional string, default: desc): Direction of sort (asc or desc).
      • sort (optional string, default: created): Sort field (can be one of: created, comments or updated).
      • since (optional string): Results last updated after the given time (ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.).
      • labels (optional string): Comma separated label names. Example: bug,ui,@high.
      • milestone (optional string): Milestone number.
      • assignee (optional string): Name of assignee user (* for all).
      • creator (optional string): The user that created the issue. (* for all).
      • mentioned (optional string): A user that's mentioned in the issue.
  9. get_issue: Get an issue from a repository.
    • Required inputs:
      • owner (string): The owner of the repository.
      • repo (string): The repository name.
      • issue_number (number): The issue number.
  10. list_repositories_pull_requests: List pull requests from a repository.
    • Required inputs:
      • owner (string): The owner of the repository.
      • repo (string): The repository name.
      • page (optional number, default: 1): Page number for pagination.
      • per_page (optional number, default: 30, max: 100): Number of results per page.
      • direction (optional string, default: desc): Direction of sort (asc or desc).
      • sort (optional string, default: created): Sort field (can be one of: created, popularity, long-running or updated).
      • head (optional string): Filter pulls by head user or head organization and branch name in the format of user:ref-name or organization:ref-name (For example: github:new-script-format or octocat:test-branch).
      • base (optional string): Filter pulls by base branch name. (For example: gh-pages).
  11. get_pull_request: Get a pull request from a repository.
    • Required inputs:
      • owner (string): The owner of the repository.
      • repo (string): The repository name.
      • pull_request_number (number): The pull request number.

Usage examples

Some example prompts you can use to interact with Github:

  1. "modelcontextprotocol" → execute the search_repositories tool to find repositories where modelcontextprotocol mentioned.
  2. "What is the 739 issue on modelcontextprotocol servers repo" → execute the get_issue tool to find 739 issue from modelcontextprotocol servers repo.
  3. "What is the 717 PR on modelcontextprotocol servers repo" → execute the get_pull_request tool to find 717 PR from modelcontextprotocol servers repo.


  1. Install dependencies:
pnpm install
  1. Configure Github Access token in .env:
  1. Run locally with watch:
pnpm dev
  1. Build the server:
pnpm build
  1. Local debugging with inspector:
pnpm inspector
security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

Provides integration with Github through the Model Context Protocol (MCP), allowing Large Language Models to interact with Github's repositories, issues, pull requests and search functionality.

  1. Installation
    1. Manual Installation
  2. Components
    1. Tools
  3. Usage examples
    1. Development