OpenCTI MCP Server

export const CONTENTFUL_PROMPTS = { "explain-api-concepts": { name: "explain-api-concepts", description: "Explain Contentful API concepts and relationships", arguments: [ { name: "concept", description: "Contentful concept (Space/Environment/ContentType/Entry/Asset)", required: true } ] }, "space-identification": { name: "space-identification", description: "Guide for identifying the correct Contentful space for operations", arguments: [ { name: "operation", description: "Operation you want to perform", required: true } ] }, "content-modeling-guide": { name: "content-modeling-guide", description: "Guide through content modeling decisions and best practices", arguments: [ { name: "useCase", description: "Description of the content modeling scenario", required: true } ] }, "api-operation-help": { name: "api-operation-help", description: "Get detailed help for specific Contentful API operations", arguments: [ { name: "operation", description: "API operation (CRUD, publish, archive, etc)", required: true }, { name: "resourceType", description: "Type of resource (Entry/Asset/ContentType)", required: true } ] } };