Metaplex MCP Server

import { describe, expect, it, jest, beforeEach } from '@jest/globals'; import { Connection as SolanaConnection } from '@solana/web3.js'; import { Program as AnchorProgram, Idl } from '@project-serum/anchor'; import { PublicKey, Program, Connection } from '../../types/mocks'; import { FeeService } from '../fees'; import type { MockedFunction } from '../../types/mocks'; describe('FeeService', () => { let feeService: FeeService; let mockConnection: Connection; let mockProgram: Program; let mockRecipeAll: MockedFunction<(filters?: any[]) => Promise<any[]>>; let mockEscrowAll: MockedFunction<(filters?: any[]) => Promise<any[]>>; beforeEach(() => { mockConnection = new Connection('mock-endpoint'); mockProgram = new Program('MPL4o4wMzndgh8T1NVDxELQCj5UQfYTYEkabX3wNKtb'); mockRecipeAll = mockProgram.account.recipeV1.all as MockedFunction<(filters?: any[]) => Promise<any[]>>; mockEscrowAll = mockProgram.account.escrowV1.all as MockedFunction<(filters?: any[]) => Promise<any[]>>; feeService = new FeeService( mockConnection as unknown as SolanaConnection, mockProgram as unknown as AnchorProgram<Idl> ); }); describe('calculateFees', () => { const mockRecipeAccount = { account: { feeAmountCapture: { toNumber: () => 0.01 }, // 1% feeAmountRelease: { toNumber: () => 0.02 }, // 2% solFeeAmountCapture: { toNumber: () => 0.001 }, solFeeAmountRelease: { toNumber: () => 0.002 }, }, publicKey: new PublicKey('11111111111111111111111111111111'), }; const mockEscrowAccount = { account: { feeAmount: { toNumber: () => 0.015 }, // 1.5% solFeeAmount: { toNumber: () => 0.0015 }, }, publicKey: new PublicKey('22222222222222222222222222222222'), }; it('should calculate capture fees correctly', async () => { mockRecipeAll.mockResolvedValue([mockRecipeAccount]); const result = await feeService.calculateFees('capture', 1000); expect(result.isValid).toBe(true); expect(result.operation).toBe('capture'); expect(result.amount).toBe(1000); expect(result.tokenFees.protocol).toBe(1); // 0.1% of 1000 expect(result.tokenFees.project).toBe(10); // 1% of 1000 expect(result.solFees.protocol).toBe(0.00001); expect(result.solFees.project).toBe(0.001); expect(; // protocol + project expect(; // protocol + project }); it('should calculate release fees correctly', async () => { mockEscrowAll.mockResolvedValue([mockEscrowAccount]); const result = await feeService.calculateFees('release', 1000); expect(result.isValid).toBe(true); expect(result.operation).toBe('release'); expect(result.amount).toBe(1000); expect(result.tokenFees.protocol).toBe(1); // 0.1% of 1000 expect(result.tokenFees.project).toBe(15); // 1.5% of 1000 expect(result.solFees.protocol).toBe(0.00001); expect(result.solFees.project).toBe(0.0015); expect(; // protocol + project expect(; // protocol + project }); it('should handle invalid amount', async () => { const result = await feeService.calculateFees('capture', 0); expect(result.isValid).toBe(false); expect(result.issues).toContain('Amount must be greater than 0'); expect(; expect(; }); it('should handle fee configuration fetch errors', async () => { mockRecipeAll.mockRejectedValue(new Error('Failed to fetch fee configuration')); const result = await feeService.calculateFees('capture', 1000); expect(result.isValid).toBe(false); expect(result.issues).toContain( 'Failed to fetch project fee configuration: Failed to fetch fee configuration' ); expect(; expect(; }); it('should handle missing fee configuration', async () => { mockRecipeAll.mockResolvedValue([]); const result = await feeService.calculateFees('capture', 1000); expect(result.isValid).toBe(false); expect(result.issues).toContain('No fee configuration found'); expect(; expect(; }); }); });