MCP Etherscan Server

import { PromptParams, PromptResult, NotificationError, NotificationErrorType } from '../types.js'; import { execAsync, escapeString } from '../utils/command.js'; /** * Validates prompt parameters */ function validatePromptParams(params: PromptParams): void { if (!params.message || typeof params.message !== 'string') { throw new NotificationError( NotificationErrorType.INVALID_PARAMS, 'Message is required and must be a string' ); } if (params.defaultAnswer && typeof params.defaultAnswer !== 'string') { throw new NotificationError( NotificationErrorType.INVALID_PARAMS, 'Default answer must be a string' ); } if (params.buttons) { if (!Array.isArray(params.buttons) || !params.buttons.every(b => typeof b === 'string')) { throw new NotificationError( NotificationErrorType.INVALID_PARAMS, 'Buttons must be an array of strings' ); } if (params.buttons.length > 3) { throw new NotificationError( NotificationErrorType.INVALID_PARAMS, 'Maximum of 3 buttons allowed' ); } } if (params.icon && !['note', 'stop', 'caution'].includes(params.icon)) { throw new NotificationError( NotificationErrorType.INVALID_PARAMS, 'Icon must be one of: note, stop, caution' ); } } /** * Builds the AppleScript command for displaying a prompt */ function buildPromptCommand(params: PromptParams): string { let script = 'display dialog'; script += ` "${escapeString(params.message)}"`; if (params.defaultAnswer !== undefined) { script += ` default answer "${escapeString(params.defaultAnswer)}"`; } if (params.buttons && params.buttons.length > 0) { script += ` buttons {${ => `"${escapeString(b)}"`).join(', ')}}`; script += ` default button ${params.buttons.length}`; } else { script += ' buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 2'; } if (params.icon) { script += ` with icon ${params.icon}`; } return `osascript -e '${script}'`; } /** * Prompts the user for input using osascript */ export async function promptUser(params: PromptParams): Promise<PromptResult> { try { validatePromptParams(params); const command = buildPromptCommand(params); const { stdout } = await execAsync(command); // Parse the AppleScript result // Format: button returned:OK, text returned:user input const match = stdout.match(/button returned:([^,]+)(?:, text returned:(.+))?/); if (!match) { throw new Error('Failed to parse dialog result'); } const buttonText = match[1]; const text = match[2]; // Find the index of the clicked button const buttons = params.buttons || ['Cancel', 'OK']; const buttonIndex = buttons.findIndex(b => b === buttonText); return { text: text, buttonIndex: buttonIndex !== -1 ? buttonIndex : 0 }; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof NotificationError) { throw error; } const err = error as Error; if (err.message.includes('User canceled')) { throw new NotificationError( NotificationErrorType.PROMPT_CANCELLED, 'User cancelled the prompt' ); } else if (err.message.includes('execution error')) { throw new NotificationError( NotificationErrorType.COMMAND_FAILED, 'Failed to execute prompt command' ); } else if (err.message.includes('permission')) { throw new NotificationError( NotificationErrorType.PERMISSION_DENIED, 'Permission denied when trying to show prompt' ); } else { throw new NotificationError( NotificationErrorType.UNKNOWN, `Unexpected error: ${err.message}` ); } } }