Geoapify MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.

Geoapify MCP Server

Convert addresses into GPS coordinates for mapping, and optionally create an image of those coordinates using the Geoapify server.


You'll need to get an API key from Geoapify, and set it as an environment variable named GEO_APIKEY.

Your claude_desktop_config.json will look like this after:

"MCP Map Demo": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "--directory", "/PATH/TO/THIS/REPO", "run", "--with", "fastmcp", "--with", "requests", "--with", "folio", "--with", "selenium", "--with", "pillow", "fastmcp", "run", "/PATH/TO/THIS/REPO/" ], "env": { "GEO_APIKEY": "YOURAPIKEY" } }

You'll notice we include all the dependencies in our args.



Used to get GPS coordinates from the API for creating GEOJSON, etc.


Create a map image and show it. (Showing only works on MacOS for now.)

Example Usage

Get GPS Coordinates

can you create a geojson of the following locations including their gps coordinates: 179 avenue du Général Leclerc, côté Rive Gauche 158 avenue du Général Leclerc, côté Rive Droite à l'angle de la rue Jules Herbron 112 avenue du Général Leclerc, côté Rive Droite 34 avenue du Général Leclerc, côté Rive Droite En face du 57 rue Gaston Boissier, à côté de la borne Route du Pavé de Meudon - à côté du chêne de la Vierge 6 avenue de Versailles (près du centre aquatique des Bertisettes) 3 places sur parking de la rue Costes et Bellonte Rue Joseph Chaleil 18 rue des Sables – à côté de la crèche 25 sente de la Procession 33 rue Joseph Bertrand Place Saint Paul Place de la bataille de Stalingrad Placette croisement avenue Pierre Grenier / avenue Robert Hardouin 107 avenue Gaston Boissier (en face de la caserne des pompiers)

Result: Attached JSON file

Returns a GeoJSON file.

Create a Map Image

can you create a map from my attached geojson file?

Attached JSON file




security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

Converts addresses to GPS coordinates and creates map visualizations using the Geoapify API, allowing Claude users to generate GeoJSON data and map images from location lists.

  1. Installation
    1. Tools
      1. Example Usage
        1. LICENSE