Algorand MCP

import { McpError, ErrorCode } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js'; import { GeneralTransactionManager, generalTransactionTools } from '../../../src/tools/transactionManager/generalTransaction.js'; import algosdk from 'algosdk'; import type { Transaction } from 'algosdk'; // Mock algosdk jest.mock('algosdk'); // Create mock functions const mockTransaction = jest.fn().mockImplementation((txn: any) => ({ ...txn, get_obj_for_encoding: () => txn, })); const mockAssignGroupID = jest.fn().mockImplementation((txns: any[]) => => ({ ...txn, group: 'group1', })) ); // Override mock implementations (algosdk as any).Transaction = mockTransaction; (algosdk as any).assignGroupID = mockAssignGroupID; describe('GeneralTransactionManager', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); describe('Tool Schemas', () => { it('should have valid tool schemas', () => { expect(generalTransactionTools).toHaveLength(1); expect( { name: string }) =>[ 'assign_group_id', ]); }); }); describe('Group ID Assignment', () => { const mockTxn1 = { type: 'pay', from: 'sender1' }; const mockTxn2 = { type: 'pay', from: 'sender2' }; const mockGroupedTxns = [ { ...mockTxn1, group: 'group1' }, { ...mockTxn2, group: 'group1' }, ]; beforeEach(() => { // Reset mock implementations mockTransaction.mockImplementation((txn: any) => ({ ...txn, get_obj_for_encoding: () => txn, })); mockAssignGroupID.mockImplementation((txns: any[]) => => ({ ...txn, group: 'group1', })) ); }); it('should assign group ID to transactions', async () => { const args = { transactions: [mockTxn1, mockTxn2], }; const result = await GeneralTransactionManager.handleTool('assign_group_id', args); expect(result).toEqual({ content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(mockGroupedTxns, null, 2), }], }); expect(mockTransaction).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(mockTransaction).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockTxn1); expect(mockTransaction).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockTxn2); expect(mockAssignGroupID).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining(mockTxn1), expect.objectContaining(mockTxn2), ]) ); }); it('should handle single transaction', async () => { const args = { transactions: [mockTxn1], }; const result = await GeneralTransactionManager.handleTool('assign_group_id', args); expect(mockTransaction).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(mockTransaction).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockTxn1); expect(mockAssignGroupID).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining(mockTxn1), ]) ); }); }); describe('Error Handling', () => { it('should throw error for unknown tool', async () => { await expect(GeneralTransactionManager.handleTool('unknown_tool', {})) .rejects .toThrow(new McpError(ErrorCode.MethodNotFound, 'Unknown general transaction tool: unknown_tool')); }); it('should throw error for missing transactions array', async () => { await expect(GeneralTransactionManager.handleTool('assign_group_id', {})) .rejects .toThrow(new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Transactions array is required')); }); it('should throw error for invalid transactions array', async () => { await expect(GeneralTransactionManager.handleTool('assign_group_id', { transactions: 'not-an-array' })) .rejects .toThrow(new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Transactions array is required')); }); it('should throw error for invalid transaction object', async () => { await expect(GeneralTransactionManager.handleTool('assign_group_id', { transactions: [null] })) .rejects .toThrow(new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Each transaction must be a valid transaction object')); }); it('should handle transaction creation errors', async () => { const error = new Error('Invalid transaction format'); mockTransaction.mockImplementation(() => { throw error; }); await expect(GeneralTransactionManager.handleTool('assign_group_id', { transactions: [{ type: 'invalid' }] })) .rejects .toThrow(new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Failed to assign group ID: Invalid transaction format')); }); it('should handle group ID assignment errors', async () => { // Reset Transaction mock to succeed mockTransaction.mockImplementation((txn: any) => ({ ...txn, get_obj_for_encoding: () => txn, })); // Make assignGroupID throw const error = new Error('Group ID assignment failed'); mockAssignGroupID.mockImplementation(() => { throw error; }); await expect(GeneralTransactionManager.handleTool('assign_group_id', { transactions: [ { type: 'pay', from: 'sender1' }, { type: 'pay', from: 'sender2' } ] })) .rejects .toThrow(new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Failed to assign group ID: Group ID assignment failed')); }); }); describe('Transaction Object Conversion', () => { beforeEach(() => { // Reset mock implementations mockTransaction.mockImplementation((txn: any) => ({ ...txn, get_obj_for_encoding: () => txn, })); mockAssignGroupID.mockImplementation((txns: any[]) => => ({ ...txn, group: 'group1', })) ); }); it('should convert transaction objects to Transaction instances', async () => { const mockTxn = { type: 'pay', from: 'sender', to: 'receiver', amount: 1000, }; await GeneralTransactionManager.handleTool('assign_group_id', { transactions: [mockTxn, { ...mockTxn, from: 'sender2' }] }); expect(mockTransaction).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockTxn); }); it('should preserve transaction properties after conversion', async () => { const mockTxn = { type: 'pay', from: 'sender', to: 'receiver', amount: 1000, note: new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]), lease: new Uint8Array([4, 5, 6]), }; const result = await GeneralTransactionManager.handleTool('assign_group_id', { transactions: [mockTxn, { ...mockTxn, from: 'sender2' }] }); const resultTxn = JSON.parse(result.content[0].text)[0]; expect(resultTxn).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({ type: 'pay', from: 'sender', to: 'receiver', amount: 1000, })); }); }); });