Algorand MCP

import { McpError, ErrorCode } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js'; import { AlgodManager } from '../../src/tools/algodManager.js'; import { algodClient } from '../../src/algorand-client.js'; import algosdk, { modelsv2 } from 'algosdk'; // Rest of the file remains the same... // Mock algosdk jest.mock('algosdk', () => ({ modelsv2: { SimulateRequest: jest.fn(), SimulateRequestTransactionGroup: jest.fn() } })); // Mock algodClient jest.mock('../../src/algorand-client.js', () => ({ algodClient: { compile: jest.fn(), disassemble: jest.fn(), sendRawTransaction: jest.fn(), simulateRawTransactions: jest.fn(), simulateTransactions: jest.fn(), } })); describe('AlgodManager', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); // Setup default mock implementations (algodClient.compile as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue({ do: jest.fn() }); (algodClient.disassemble as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue({ do: jest.fn() }); (algodClient.sendRawTransaction as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue({ do: jest.fn() }); (algodClient.simulateRawTransactions as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue({ do: jest.fn() }); (algodClient.simulateTransactions as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue({ do: jest.fn() }); }); describe('Tool Schemas', () => { it('should have valid tool schemas', () => { expect(AlgodManager.algodTools).toHaveLength(5); expect( { name: string }) =>[ 'compile_teal', 'disassemble_teal', 'send_raw_transaction', 'simulate_raw_transactions', 'simulate_transactions', ]); }); }); describe('TEAL Operations', () => { const mockCompileResponse = { hash: 'HASH', result: 'BASE64_BYTECODE' }; const mockDisassembleResponse = { result: 'TEAL_SOURCE' }; it('should compile TEAL source code', async () => { (algodClient.compile as jest.Mock)().do.mockResolvedValue(mockCompileResponse); const result = await AlgodManager.compile('int 1'); expect(result).toEqual(mockCompileResponse); expect(algodClient.compile).toHaveBeenCalledWith('int 1'); }); it('should disassemble TEAL bytecode', async () => { (algodClient.disassemble as jest.Mock)().do.mockResolvedValue(mockDisassembleResponse); const result = await AlgodManager.disassemble('bytecode'); expect(result).toEqual(mockDisassembleResponse); expect(algodClient.disassemble).toHaveBeenCalledWith('bytecode'); }); it('should handle compilation errors', async () => { const error = new Error('Compilation failed'); (algodClient.compile as jest.Mock)().do.mockRejectedValue(error); await expect(AlgodManager.compile('invalid code')) .rejects .toThrow('Failed to compile TEAL: Compilation failed'); }); it('should handle disassembly errors', async () => { const error = new Error('Disassembly failed'); (algodClient.disassemble as jest.Mock)().do.mockRejectedValue(error); await expect(AlgodManager.disassemble('invalid bytecode')) .rejects .toThrow('Failed to disassemble TEAL: Disassembly failed'); }); }); describe('Transaction Operations', () => { const mockTxnResponse = { txId: 'TRANSACTION_ID' }; const mockSimulateResponse = { lastRound: 1000, txnGroups: [] }; it('should send raw transactions', async () => { (algodClient.sendRawTransaction as jest.Mock)().do.mockResolvedValue(mockTxnResponse); const txn = Buffer.from('transaction'); const result = await AlgodManager.sendRawTransaction(txn); expect(result).toEqual(mockTxnResponse); expect(algodClient.sendRawTransaction).toHaveBeenCalledWith(txn); }); it('should simulate raw transactions', async () => { (algodClient.simulateRawTransactions as jest.Mock)().do.mockResolvedValue(mockSimulateResponse); const txn = Buffer.from('transaction'); const result = await AlgodManager.simulateRawTransactions(txn); expect(result).toEqual(mockSimulateResponse); expect(algodClient.simulateRawTransactions).toHaveBeenCalledWith(txn); }); it('should simulate transactions with configuration', async () => { (algodClient.simulateTransactions as jest.Mock)().do.mockResolvedValue(mockSimulateResponse); const request = { txnGroups: [{ txns: [] }], allowEmptySignatures: true, allowMoreLogging: true }; const result = await AlgodManager.simulateTransactions(request); expect(result).toEqual(mockSimulateResponse); expect(modelsv2.SimulateRequest).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.objectContaining({ allowEmptySignatures: true, allowMoreLogging: true })); }); }); describe('handleTool', () => { it('should handle compile_teal', async () => { const mockResponse = { hash: 'HASH', result: 'BYTECODE' }; (algodClient.compile as jest.Mock)().do.mockResolvedValue(mockResponse); const result = await AlgodManager.handleTool('compile_teal', { source: 'int 1', }); expect(result).toEqual({ content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(mockResponse, null, 2), }], }); }); it('should handle disassemble_teal', async () => { const mockResponse = { result: 'int 1' }; (algodClient.disassemble as jest.Mock)().do.mockResolvedValue(mockResponse); const result = await AlgodManager.handleTool('disassemble_teal', { bytecode: 'BASE64_BYTECODE', }); expect(result).toEqual({ content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(mockResponse, null, 2), }], }); }); it('should handle send_raw_transaction', async () => { const mockResponse = { txId: 'TX_ID' }; (algodClient.sendRawTransaction as jest.Mock)().do.mockResolvedValue(mockResponse); const result = await AlgodManager.handleTool('send_raw_transaction', { signedTxns: ['BASE64_TXN'], }); expect(result).toEqual({ content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(mockResponse, null, 2), }], }); }); describe('Error Handling', () => { it('should throw error for unknown tool', async () => { await expect(AlgodManager.handleTool('unknown_tool', {})) .rejects .toThrow(new McpError(ErrorCode.MethodNotFound, 'Unknown tool: unknown_tool')); }); it('should throw error for missing TEAL source', async () => { await expect(AlgodManager.handleTool('compile_teal', {})) .rejects .toThrow(new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'TEAL source code is required')); }); it('should throw error for missing bytecode', async () => { await expect(AlgodManager.handleTool('disassemble_teal', {})) .rejects .toThrow(new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'TEAL bytecode is required')); }); it('should throw error for missing signed transactions', async () => { await expect(AlgodManager.handleTool('send_raw_transaction', {})) .rejects .toThrow(new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Signed transactions array is required')); }); it('should throw error for missing transactions in simulate_raw_transactions', async () => { await expect(AlgodManager.handleTool('simulate_raw_transactions', {})) .rejects .toThrow(new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Transactions array is required')); }); it('should throw error for missing transaction groups in simulate_transactions', async () => { await expect(AlgodManager.handleTool('simulate_transactions', {})) .rejects .toThrow(new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Transaction groups array is required')); }); it('should throw error for invalid transaction format', async () => { await expect(AlgodManager.handleTool('send_raw_transaction', { signedTxns: [123] // Not a string })) .rejects .toThrow(new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Each transaction must be a base64 string')); }); }); }); });