Algorand MCP

import algosdk, { Transaction } from 'algosdk'; export class LocalWallet { private fsPromises: typeof import('fs/promises') | null = null; private path: typeof import('path') | null = null; private connectedAddress: string | null = null; private isBrowser: boolean; constructor() { this.isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined'; } private async initNodeModules(): Promise<void> { if (!this.isBrowser && !this.fsPromises) { this.fsPromises = await import('fs/promises'); this.path = await import('path'); } } private async listStoredAccounts(): Promise<string[]> { if (this.isBrowser) { try { const creds = await navigator.credentials.get({ password: true, mediation: 'optional' } as CredentialRequestOptions) as { id: string; password: string }[] | null; return creds ? => : []; } catch { return []; } } else { try { await this.initNodeModules(); const mnemonicPath = this.path!.join(process.cwd(), '.mnemonic'); const files = await this.fsPromises!.readdir(mnemonicPath); return string) => file.replace('.mnemonic', '')); } catch { return []; } } } private async storeMnemonic(address: string, mnemonic: string): Promise<void> { if (this.isBrowser) { // Store mnemonic using PasswordCredential const credInit = { id: address, name: `Algorand Account ${address}`, origin: window.location.origin, password: mnemonic }; await navigator.credentials.create({ password: credInit } as CredentialCreationOptions); } else { // Use filesystem in non-browser environment await this.initNodeModules(); const mnemonicPath = this.path!.join(process.cwd(), '.mnemonic'); await this.fsPromises!.mkdir(mnemonicPath, { recursive: true }); await this.fsPromises!.writeFile( this.path!.join(mnemonicPath, `${address}.mnemonic`), mnemonic, { mode: 0o600 } ); } } private async retrieveMnemonic(address: string): Promise<string | null> { if (this.isBrowser) { try { // Retrieve mnemonic using PasswordCredential const cred = await navigator.credentials.get({ password: true } as CredentialRequestOptions) as { id: string; password: string } | null; if (cred && === address) { return cred.password; } return null; } catch { return null; } } else { try { await this.initNodeModules(); const mnemonicPath = this.path!.join(process.cwd(), '.mnemonic', `${address}.mnemonic`); const mnemonic = await this.fsPromises!.readFile(mnemonicPath, 'utf8'); return mnemonic; } catch { return null; } } } async connect(): Promise<string[]> { try { // Check for existing accounts first const existingAccounts = await this.listStoredAccounts(); if (existingAccounts.length > 0) { this.connectedAddress = existingAccounts[0]; return [this.connectedAddress]; } // Create new account if none exists const account = algosdk.generateAccount(); const mnemonic = algosdk.secretKeyToMnemonic(; await this.storeMnemonic(account.addr, mnemonic); this.connectedAddress = account.addr; return [account.addr]; } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Failed to connect to LocalWallet: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } async reconnectSession(): Promise<string[]> { try { const accounts = await this.listStoredAccounts(); if (accounts.length === 0) { throw new Error('No local accounts found. Call connect() first.'); } this.connectedAddress = accounts[0]; return [this.connectedAddress]; } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Failed to reconnect session: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } async disconnect(): Promise<void> { this.connectedAddress = null; } async makeTransactionSigner(): Promise<(txnGroup: Transaction[], indexesToSign: number[]) => Promise<Uint8Array[]>> { if (!this.connectedAddress) { throw new Error('No local account exists. Call connect() first.'); } try { const mnemonic = await this.retrieveMnemonic(this.connectedAddress); if (!mnemonic) { throw new Error('Failed to retrieve account mnemonic'); } const account = algosdk.mnemonicToSecretKey(mnemonic); return algosdk.makeBasicAccountTransactionSigner(account); } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Failed to create transaction signer: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } async signTransactions( transactions: { txn: Transaction; message?: string }[][] ): Promise<Uint8Array[][]> { if (!this.connectedAddress) { throw new Error('No local account exists. Call connect() first.'); } try { const mnemonic = await this.retrieveMnemonic(this.connectedAddress); if (!mnemonic) { throw new Error('Failed to retrieve account mnemonic'); } const account = algosdk.mnemonicToSecretKey(mnemonic); return Promise.all( (group) => { return{ txn }) => { const signedTxn = algosdk.signTransaction(txn,; return signedTxn.blob; }); })); } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Failed to sign transactions: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } // Backward compatibility async signTransaction( transactions: { txn: Transaction; message?: string }[] ): Promise<Uint8Array[]> { const results = await this.signTransactions([transactions]); return results[0]; } }