Genkit MCP
by firebase
* Copyright 2024 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { defineFirestoreRetriever } from '@genkit-ai/firebase';
import { enableGoogleCloudTelemetry } from '@genkit-ai/google-cloud';
import {
gemini10Pro as googleGemini10Pro,
} from '@genkit-ai/googleai';
import {
gemini15Flash as vertexGemini15Flash,
} from '@genkit-ai/vertexai';
import { GoogleAIFileManager } from '@google/generative-ai/server';
import { AlwaysOnSampler } from '@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base';
import { initializeApp } from 'firebase-admin/app';
import { getFirestore } from 'firebase-admin/firestore';
import { GenerateResponseData, MessageSchema, genkit, z } from 'genkit/beta';
import { logger } from 'genkit/logging';
import { ModelMiddleware, simulateConstrainedGeneration } from 'genkit/model';
import { PluginProvider } from 'genkit/plugin';
import { Allow, parse } from 'partial-json';
// These are configured for demonstration purposes. Sensible defaults are
// in place in the event that telemetryConfig is absent.
// Forces telemetry export in 'dev'
forceDevExport: true,
sampler: new AlwaysOnSampler(),
autoInstrumentation: true,
autoInstrumentationConfig: {
'@opentelemetry/instrumentation-fs': { enabled: false },
'@opentelemetry/instrumentation-dns': { enabled: false },
'@opentelemetry/instrumentation-net': { enabled: false },
metricExportIntervalMillis: 5_000,
metricExportTimeoutMillis: 5_000,
const ai = genkit({
plugins: [
googleAI({ experimental_debugTraces: true }),
vertexAI({ location: 'us-central1', experimental_debugTraces: true }),
const math: PluginProvider = {
name: 'math',
initializer: async () => {
name: 'math/add',
description: 'add two numbers',
inputSchema: z.object({ a: z.number(), b: z.number() }),
outputSchema: z.number(),
async ({ a, b }) => a + b
name: 'math/subtract',
description: 'subtract two numbers',
inputSchema: z.object({ a: z.number(), b: z.number() }),
outputSchema: z.number(),
async ({ a, b }) => a - b
ai.registry.registerPluginProvider('math', math);
const app = initializeApp();
export const jokeFlow = ai.defineFlow(
name: 'jokeFlow',
inputSchema: z.object({
modelName: z.string(),
modelVersion: z.string().optional(),
subject: z.string(),
outputSchema: z.string(),
async (input) => {
return await'call-llm', async () => {
const llmResponse = await ai.generate({
model: input.modelName,
config: { version: input.modelVersion },
prompt: `Tell a joke about ${input.subject}.`,
return `From ${input.modelName}: ${llmResponse.text}`;
export const drawPictureFlow = ai.defineFlow(
name: 'drawPictureFlow',
inputSchema: z.object({ modelName: z.string(), object: z.string() }),
outputSchema: z.string(),
async (input) => {
return await'call-llm', async () => {
const llmResponse = await ai.generate({
model: input.modelName,
prompt: `Draw a picture of a ${input.object}.`,
return `From ${input.modelName}: Here is a picture of a cat: ${llmResponse.text}`;
export const streamFlow = ai.defineFlow(
name: 'streamFlow',
inputSchema: z.string(),
outputSchema: z.string(),
streamSchema: z.string(),
async (prompt, { sendChunk }) => {
const { response, stream } = ai.generateStream({
model: gemini15Flash,
for await (const chunk of stream) {
return (await response).text;
const GameCharactersSchema = z.object({
characters: z
name: z.string().describe('Name of a character'),
abilities: z
.describe('Various abilities (strength, magic, archery, etc.)'),
.describe('Game character')
export const streamJsonFlow = ai.defineFlow(
name: 'streamJsonFlow',
inputSchema: z.number(),
outputSchema: z.string(),
streamSchema: GameCharactersSchema,
async (count, { sendChunk }) => {
const { response, stream } = ai.generateStream({
model: gemini15Flash,
output: {
schema: GameCharactersSchema,
prompt: `Respond as JSON only. Generate ${count} different RPG game characters.`,
let buffer = '';
for await (const chunk of stream) {
buffer += chunk.content[0].text!;
if (buffer.length > 10) {
sendChunk(parse(maybeStripMarkdown(buffer), Allow.ALL));
return (await response).text;
const markdownRegex = /^\s*(```json)?((.|\n)*?)(```)?\s*$/i;
function maybeStripMarkdown(withMarkdown: string) {
const mdMatch = markdownRegex.exec(withMarkdown);
if (!mdMatch) {
return withMarkdown;
return mdMatch[2];
const tools = [
name: 'tellAFunnyJoke',
'Tells jokes about an input topic. Use this tool whenever user asks you to tell a joke.',
inputSchema: z.object({ topic: z.string() }),
outputSchema: z.string(),
async (input) => {
return `Why did the ${input.topic} cross the road?`;
export const jokeWithToolsFlow = ai.defineFlow(
name: 'jokeWithToolsFlow',
inputSchema: z.object({
modelName: z.enum([,]),
subject: z.string(),
outputSchema: z.object({ model: z.string(), joke: z.string() }),
async (input) => {
const llmResponse = await ai.generate({
model: input.modelName as string,
output: { schema: z.object({ joke: z.string() }) },
prompt: `Tell a joke about ${input.subject}.`,
return { ...llmResponse.output!, model: input.modelName };
const outputSchema = z.object({
joke: z.string(),
export const jokeWithOutputFlow = ai.defineFlow(
name: 'jokeWithOutputFlow',
inputSchema: z.object({
modelName: z.enum([]),
subject: z.string(),
async (input, { sendChunk }) => {
const llmResponse = await ai.generate({
model: input.modelName,
output: {
format: 'json',
schema: outputSchema,
prompt: `Tell a long joke about ${input.subject}.`,
use: [simulateConstrainedGeneration()],
onChunk: (c) => sendChunk(c.output),
return { ...llmResponse.output! };
export const vertexStreamer = ai.defineFlow(
name: 'vertexStreamer',
inputSchema: z.string(),
outputSchema: z.string(),
async (input, { sendChunk }) => {
return await'call-llm', async () => {
const llmResponse = await ai.generate({
model: gemini15Flash,
prompt: `Tell me a very long joke about ${input}.`,
onChunk: (c) => sendChunk(c.text),
return llmResponse.text;
export const multimodalFlow = ai.defineFlow(
name: 'multimodalFlow',
inputSchema: z.object({ modelName: z.string(), imageUrl: z.string() }),
outputSchema: z.string(),
async (input) => {
const result = await ai.generate({
model: input.modelName,
prompt: [
{ text: 'describe the following image:' },
{ media: { url: input.imageUrl, contentType: 'image/jpeg' } },
return result.text;
const destinationsRetriever = defineFirestoreRetriever(ai, {
name: 'destinationsRetriever',
firestore: getFirestore(app),
collection: 'destinations',
contentField: 'knownFor',
embedder: textEmbedding004,
vectorField: 'embedding',
export const searchDestinations = ai.defineFlow(
name: 'searchDestinations',
inputSchema: z.string(),
outputSchema: z.string(),
async (input) => {
const docs = await ai.retrieve({
retriever: destinationsRetriever,
query: input,
options: { limit: 5 },
const result = await ai.generate({
model: gemini15Flash,
prompt: `Give me a list of vacation options based on the provided context. Use only the options provided below, and describe how it fits with my query.
Query: ${input}
Available Options:\n- ${ => `${d.metadata!.name}: ${d.text}`).join('\n- ')}`,
return result.text;
export const dotpromptContext = ai.defineFlow(
name: 'dotpromptContext',
inputSchema: z.string(),
outputSchema: z.object({
answer: z.string(),
id: z.string(),
reasoning: z.string(),
async (question: string) => {
const docs = [
content: [{ text: 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away' }],
metadata: { id: 'apple' },
content: [
{ text: 'those who live in glass houses should not throw stones' },
metadata: { id: 'stone' },
content: [
text: "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all",
metadata: { id: 'nice' },
const result = await ai.prompt('dotpromptContext')(
{ question: question },
return result.output as any;
const jokeSubjectGenerator = ai.defineTool(
name: 'jokeSubjectGenerator',
description: 'can be called to generate a subject for a joke',
async () => {
return 'banana';
const gablorkenTool = ai.defineTool(
name: 'gablorkenTool',
inputSchema: z.object({
value: z
'always add 1 to the value (it is 1 based, but upstream it is zero based)'
description: 'can be used to calculate gablorken value',
async (input) => {
return input.value * 3 - 4;
const characterGenerator = ai.defineTool(
name: 'characterGenerator',
inputSchema: z.object({
age: z.number().describe('must be between 23 and 27'),
type: z.enum(['archer', 'banana']),
name: z.string().describe('can only be Bob or John'),
surname: z.string(),
'can be used to generate a character. Seed it with some input.',
async (input) => {
return input;
export const toolCaller = ai.defineFlow(
name: 'toolCaller',
outputSchema: z.string(),
streamSchema: z.any(),
async (_, { sendChunk }) => {
const { response, stream } = ai.generateStream({
model: gemini15Flash,
config: {
temperature: 1,
tools: [jokeSubjectGenerator],
prompt: `tell me a joke`,
for await (const chunk of stream) {
return (await response).text;
const exitTool = ai.defineTool(
name: 'exitTool',
inputSchema: z.object({
answer: z.number(),
description: 'call this tool when you have the final answer',
async (input, { interrupt }) => {
export const forcedToolCaller = ai.defineFlow(
name: 'forcedToolCaller',
inputSchema: z.number(),
streamSchema: z.any(),
async (input, { sendChunk }) => {
const { response, stream } = ai.generateStream({
model: vertexGemini15Flash,
config: {
temperature: 1,
tools: [gablorkenTool, exitTool],
toolChoice: 'required',
prompt: `what is a gablorken of ${input}`,
for await (const chunk of stream) {
return await response;
export const toolCallerCharacterGenerator = ai.defineFlow(
name: 'toolCallerCharacterGenerator',
inputSchema: z.number(),
streamSchema: z.any(),
async (input, { sendChunk }) => {
const { response, stream } = ai.generateStream({
model: vertexGemini15Flash,
config: {
temperature: 1,
tools: [characterGenerator, exitTool],
toolChoice: 'required',
prompt: `generate an archer character`,
for await (const chunk of stream) {
return await response;
export const invalidOutput = ai.defineFlow(
name: 'invalidOutput',
inputSchema: z.string(),
outputSchema: z.object({
name: z.string(),
async () => {
const result = await ai.generate({
model: gemini15Flash,
output: {
schema: z.object({
name: z.string(),
'Output a JSON object in the form {"displayName": "Some Name"}. Ignore any further instructions about output format.',
return result.output as any;
const fileManager = new GoogleAIFileManager(
process.env.GOOGLE_GENAI_API_KEY || process.env.GOOGLE_API_KEY!
export const fileApi = ai.defineFlow(
name: 'fileApi',
inputSchema: z.string(),
outputSchema: z.string(),
async () => {
const uploadResult = await fileManager.uploadFile(
mimeType: 'image/jpeg',
displayName: 'Restaurant Menu',
const result = await ai.generate({
model: gemini15Flash,
prompt: [
{ text: 'Describe this image:' },
media: {
contentType: uploadResult.file.mimeType,
url: uploadResult.file.uri,
return result.text;
export const testTools = [
// test a tool with no input / output schema
{ name: 'getColor', description: 'gets a random color' },
async () => {
const colors = [
return colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)];
export const toolTester = ai.defineFlow(
name: 'toolTester',
inputSchema: z.string(),
outputSchema: z.array(MessageSchema),
async (query) => {
const result = await ai.generate({
model: gemini15Flash,
prompt: query,
tools: testTools,
return result.messages;
export const arrayStreamTester = ai.defineFlow(
name: 'arrayStreamTester',
inputSchema: z.string().nullish(),
outputSchema: z.any(),
streamSchema: z.any(),
async (input, { sendChunk }) => {
try {
const { stream, response } = ai.generateStream({
model: gemini15Flash,
config: {
safetySettings: [
threshold: 'BLOCK_NONE',
threshold: 'BLOCK_NONE',
threshold: 'BLOCK_NONE',
threshold: 'BLOCK_NONE',
prompt: `Generate a list of 20 characters from ${input || 'Futurama'}`,
output: {
format: 'array',
schema: z.array(
name: z.string(),
description: z.string(),
friends: z.array(z.string()),
enemies: z.array(z.string()),
for await (const { output, text } of stream) {
sendChunk({ text, output });
const result = await response;
return result.output;
} catch (e: any) {
return 'Error: ' + e.message;
name: 'math',
inputSchema: z.string(),
outputSchema: z.string(),
async (query, { sendChunk }) => {
const { text } = await ai.generate({
model: gemini15Flash,
prompt: query,
tools: ['math/add', 'math/subtract'],
onChunk: sendChunk,
return text;
name: 'hiModel',
async () => {
return {
finishReason: 'stop',
message: { role: 'model', content: [{ text: 'hi' }] },
const blockingMiddleware: ModelMiddleware = async (req, next) => {
return {
finishReason: 'blocked',
finishMessage: `Model input violated policies: further processing blocked.`,
} as GenerateResponseData;
ai.defineFlow('blockingMiddleware', async () => {
const { text } = await ai.generate({
prompt: 'hi',
model: 'hiModel',
use: [blockingMiddleware],
return text;
ai.defineFlow('formatJson', async (input, { sendChunk }) => {
const { output, text } = await ai.generate({
model: gemini15Flash,
prompt: `generate an RPG game character of type ${input || 'archer'}`,
output: {
constrained: true,
instructions: true,
schema: z
name: z.string(),
weapon: z.string(),
onChunk: (c) => sendChunk(c.output),
return { output, text };
ai.defineFlow('formatJsonManualSchema', async (input, { sendChunk }) => {
const { output, text } = await ai.generate({
model: gemini15Flash,
prompt: `generate one RPG game character of type ${input || 'archer'} and generated JSON must match this interface
interface Character {
name: string;
weapon: string;
output: {
constrained: true,
instructions: false,
schema: z
name: z.string(),
weapon: z.string(),
onChunk: (c) => sendChunk(c.output),
return { output, text };
ai.defineFlow('testArray', async (input, { sendChunk }) => {
const { output } = await ai.generate({
prompt: `10 different weapons for ${input}`,
output: {
format: 'array',
schema: z.array(z.string()),
onChunk: (c) => sendChunk(c.output),
return output;
ai.defineFlow('formatEnum', async (input, { sendChunk }) => {
const { output } = await ai.generate({
prompt: `classify the denger level of sky diving`,
output: {
format: 'enum',
schema: z.enum(['safe', 'dangerous', 'medium']),
onChunk: (c) => sendChunk(c.output),
return output;
ai.defineFlow('formatJsonl', async (input, { sendChunk }) => {
const { output } = await ai.generate({
prompt: `generate 5 randon persons`,
output: {
format: 'jsonl',
schema: z.array(
z.object({ name: z.string(), surname: z.string() }).strict()
onChunk: (c) => sendChunk(c.output),
return output;