Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { enableFirebaseTelemetry } from '@genkit-ai/firebase'; import { FirebaseUserEngagementSchema, collectUserEngagement, } from '@genkit-ai/firebase/user_engagement'; import { gemini15Flash, vertexAI } from '@genkit-ai/vertexai'; import { onCallGenkit, onRequest } from 'firebase-functions/https'; import { genkit, z } from 'genkit'; enableFirebaseTelemetry(); const ai = genkit({ plugins: [vertexAI()], }); export const simpleFlow = ai.defineFlow( { name: 'simpleFlow', inputSchema: z.string(), outputSchema: z.string(), }, async (subject) => { return 'hello world!'; } ); // No access to secrets (e.g. only works because simpleFlow does not call // ai.generate). No authPolicy or App Check integration; export const simple = onCallGenkit(simpleFlow); const jokeFlow = ai.defineFlow( { name: 'jokeFlow', inputSchema: z.string(), outputSchema: z.string(), }, async (subject) => { const prompt = `Tell me a joke about ${subject}`; return await'call-llm', async () => { const llmResponse = await ai.generate({ model: gemini15Flash, prompt: prompt, }); return llmResponse.text; }); } ); export const joke = onCallGenkit( { secrets: ['apiKey'], authPolicy: (auth) => auth?.token?.email_verified && auth?.token?.admin, }, jokeFlow ); const authFlow = ai.defineFlow( { name: 'authFlow', inputSchema: z.object({ uid: z.string(), input: z.string() }), outputSchema: z.string(), }, async ({ input }) => input.toUpperCase() ); export const auth = onCallGenkit( { authPolicy: (auth, input) => !!auth && auth.uid === input.uid, }, authFlow ); const streamingFlow = ai.defineFlow( { name: 'streamer', inputSchema: z.number(), outputSchema: z.string(), streamSchema: z.object({ count: z.number() }), }, async (count, { sendChunk }) => { let i = 0; for (; i < count; i++) { await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1000)); sendChunk({ count: i }); } return `done: ${count}, streamed: ${i} times`; } ); // onCallGenkit automatically handles streaming when passed // a flow that streams. This example sets invoker to "private", // which means that IAM enforces access. export const streamer = onCallGenkit( { invoker: 'private', }, streamingFlow ); export const streamConsumerFlow = ai.defineFlow( { name: 'streamConsumerFlow', }, async () => { const { output, stream } =; for await (const chunk of stream) { console.log(`chunk ${chunk}`); } console.log(`Streaming consumer done ${await output}`); } ); export const streamConsumer = onCallGenkit( { invoker: 'private', }, streamConsumerFlow ); export const triggerJokeFlow = onRequest( { invoker: 'private', }, async (req, res) => { const { subject } = req.query; console.log('req.query', req.query); const op = await, { context: { auth: { admin: true }, }, }); console.log('operation', op); res.send(op); } ); /** Example of user engagement collection using Firebase Functions. */ export const collectEngagement = onRequest( { memory: '512MiB', }, async (req, res) => { await collectUserEngagement(FirebaseUserEngagementSchema.parse(req.body)); res.send({}); } );