Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
# Writing your own evaluators This sample demonstrates how to write your own suite of custom evaluators. The evaluators in this package demonstrate how to write evaluators that leverage LLMs as well as a simple regex matcher. There are also simple test datasets to demonstrate how to use them. ## The Bring Your Own (BYO) custom evaluator plugin To use a new evaluator, you need to define a custom evaluator plugin that is registered with genkit. We define this as a function `byoEval` in `src/index.ts`. ## Non LLM Evaluators ### Regex Location: `src/regex` Name: `byo/regex_match_{name}` Output: numeric The regex evaluator is an example that does not use an LLM. It also demonstrates how to create a factory method that can be parameterized. ## LLM Evaluators ### PII Detection Location: `src/pii` Name: `byo/pii_detection` Output: boolean An evaluator that attempts to detect PII in your output. ### Funniness Location: `src/funniness` Name: `byo/funniness` Output: enum/categorization (FUNNY_JOKE, NOT_FUNNY_JOKE, OFFENSIVE_JOKE, NOT_A_JOKE) An evaluator that attempts to judge if a passed statement is a joke and if it is funny. ### Deliciousness Location: `src/deliciousness` Name: `byo/deliciousness` Output: string (yes, no, maybe) An evaluator that attempts to judge if a passed statement is delicious literally or metaphorically. ## Build and start the app ```posix-terminal pnpm build ``` or if you need to, build everything: ```posix-terminal cd ../../../; pnpm build; pnpm pack:all; cd - ``` Start the testapp ```posix-terminal genkit start -- pnpm dev ``` ## Test your evaluator Note: Run these commands in a separate terminal. Regex: ```posix-terminal genkit eval:run datasets/regex_dataset.json --evaluators=byo/regex_match_url,byo/regex_match_us_phone ``` PII Detection: ```posix-terminal genkit eval:run ./datasets/pii_detection_dataset.json --evaluators=byo/pii_detection ``` Funniness: ```posix-terminal genkit eval:run datasets/funniness_dataset.json --evaluators=byo/funniness ``` Deliciousness: ```posix-terminal genkit eval:run datasets/deliciousness_dataset.json --evaluators=byo/deliciousness ``` Note: The evaluators implemented in this plugin do not consider the `input` provided to the model as part of the evaluation. Therefore, many of the test datasets provided in this testapp have `input` set to `"input"`. If you are implementing an evaluator that utilizes the input provied to the model, you have to provide the actual input in this field. ## See your results Navigate to the `Evaluations` section in the Dev UI.