Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { ChatCompletionRequest, ChatCompletionResponse, CompletionChunk, } from '@mistralai/mistralai-gcp/models/components'; import * as assert from 'assert'; import { GenerateRequest, GenerateResponseData } from 'genkit'; import { describe, it } from 'node:test'; import { MistralConfigSchema, fromMistralCompletionChunk, fromMistralResponse, toMistralRequest, } from '../../src/modelgarden/mistral'; const MODEL_ID = 'mistral-large-2411'; describe('toMistralRequest', () => { const testCases: { should: string; input: GenerateRequest<typeof MistralConfigSchema>; expectedOutput: ChatCompletionRequest; }[] = [ { should: 'should transform genkit message (text content) correctly', input: { messages: [ { role: 'user' as const, content: [{ text: 'Tell a joke about dogs.' }], }, ], }, expectedOutput: { model: MODEL_ID, messages: [ { role: 'user', content: 'Tell a joke about dogs.', }, ], maxTokens: 1024, temperature: 0.7, }, }, { should: 'should transform system message', input: { messages: [ { role: 'system' as const, content: [{ text: 'Talk like a pirate.' }], }, { role: 'user' as const, content: [{ text: 'Tell a joke about dogs.' }], }, ], }, expectedOutput: { model: MODEL_ID, messages: [ { role: 'system', content: 'Talk like a pirate.', }, { role: 'user', content: 'Tell a joke about dogs.', }, ], maxTokens: 1024, temperature: 0.7, }, }, { should: 'should transform tool request correctly', input: { messages: [ { role: 'user' as const, content: [{ text: "What's the weather like today?" }], }, ], tools: [ { name: 'get_weather', description: 'Get the weather for a location.', inputSchema: { type: 'object', properties: { location: { type: 'string', description: 'The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA', }, }, required: ['location'], }, }, ], }, expectedOutput: { model: MODEL_ID, messages: [ { role: 'user', content: "What's the weather like today?", }, ], maxTokens: 1024, temperature: 0.7, tools: [ { type: 'function', function: { name: 'get_weather', description: 'Get the weather for a location.', parameters: { type: 'object', properties: { location: { type: 'string', description: 'The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA', }, }, required: ['location'], }, }, }, ], }, }, ]; for (const test of testCases) { it(test.should, () => { assert.deepEqual( toMistralRequest(MODEL_ID, test.input), test.expectedOutput ); }); } }); describe('fromMistralResponse', () => { const testCases: { should: string; input: GenerateRequest<typeof MistralConfigSchema>; response: ChatCompletionResponse; expectedOutput: GenerateResponseData; }[] = [ { should: 'should transform mistral message (text content) correctly', input: { messages: [ { role: 'user' as const, content: [{ text: 'Tell a joke about dogs.' }], }, ], }, response: { id: 'abcd1234', object: 'chat.completion', model: MODEL_ID, choices: [ { index: 0, message: { role: 'assistant', content: 'Why do dogs make terrible comedians? Their jokes are too ruff!', }, finishReason: 'stop', }, ], usage: { promptTokens: 123, completionTokens: 234, totalTokens: 357, }, }, expectedOutput: { message: { role: 'model' as const, content: [ { text: 'Why do dogs make terrible comedians? Their jokes are too ruff!', }, ], }, finishReason: 'stop', usage: { inputTokens: 123, outputTokens: 234, }, custom: { id: 'abcd1234', model: MODEL_ID, created: undefined, }, raw: { id: 'abcd1234', object: 'chat.completion', model: MODEL_ID, choices: [ { index: 0, message: { role: 'assistant', content: 'Why do dogs make terrible comedians? Their jokes are too ruff!', }, finishReason: 'stop', }, ], usage: { promptTokens: 123, completionTokens: 234, totalTokens: 357, }, }, }, }, { should: 'should transform tool calls correctly', input: { messages: [ { role: 'user' as const, content: [{ text: "What's the weather like today?" }], }, ], }, response: { id: 'abcd1234', object: 'chat.completion', model: MODEL_ID, choices: [ { index: 0, message: { role: 'assistant', content: null, toolCalls: [ { id: 'call_abc123', type: 'function', function: { name: 'get_weather', arguments: '{"location":"San Francisco, CA"}', }, }, ], }, finishReason: 'tool_calls', }, ], usage: { promptTokens: 123, completionTokens: 234, totalTokens: 357, }, }, expectedOutput: { message: { role: 'model' as const, content: [ { toolRequest: { ref: 'call_abc123', name: 'get_weather', input: { location: 'San Francisco, CA' }, }, }, ], }, finishReason: 'stop', usage: { inputTokens: 123, outputTokens: 234, }, custom: { id: 'abcd1234', model: MODEL_ID, created: undefined, }, raw: { id: 'abcd1234', object: 'chat.completion', model: MODEL_ID, choices: [ { index: 0, message: { role: 'assistant', content: null, toolCalls: [ { id: 'call_abc123', type: 'function', function: { name: 'get_weather', arguments: '{"location":"San Francisco, CA"}', }, }, ], }, finishReason: 'tool_calls', }, ], usage: { promptTokens: 123, completionTokens: 234, totalTokens: 357, }, }, }, }, ]; for (const test of testCases) { it(test.should, () => { assert.deepEqual( fromMistralResponse(test.input, test.response), test.expectedOutput ); }); } }); describe('validateToolSequence', () => { it('should handle valid tool call and response sequence', () => { const input = { messages: [ { role: 'user' as const, content: [{ text: "What's the weather?" }], }, { role: 'model' as const, content: [ { toolRequest: { ref: 'call_123', name: 'get_weather', input: { location: 'San Francisco' }, }, }, ], }, { role: 'tool' as const, content: [ { toolResponse: { ref: 'call_123', name: 'get_weather', output: { temperature: 72, condition: 'sunny' }, }, }, ], }, ], }; // Should not throw an error assert.doesNotThrow(() => toMistralRequest(MODEL_ID, input)); }); it('should throw error when tool response is missing', () => { const input = { messages: [ { role: 'user' as const, content: [{ text: "What's the weather?" }], }, { role: 'model' as const, content: [ { toolRequest: { ref: 'call_123', name: 'get_weather', input: { location: 'San Francisco' }, }, }, ], }, ], }; assert.throws( () => toMistralRequest(MODEL_ID, input), /Mismatch between tool calls/ ); }); it('should throw error when tool response id does not match call', () => { const input = { messages: [ { role: 'user' as const, content: [{ text: "What's the weather?" }], }, { role: 'model' as const, content: [ { toolRequest: { ref: 'call_123', name: 'get_weather', input: { location: 'San Francisco' }, }, }, ], }, { role: 'tool' as const, content: [ { toolResponse: { ref: 'wrong_id', name: 'get_weather', output: { temperature: 72, condition: 'sunny' }, }, }, ], }, ], }; assert.throws( () => toMistralRequest(MODEL_ID, input), /Tool response with ID wrong_id has no matching call/ ); }); }); describe('edge cases', () => { it('should handle empty message content', () => { const input = { messages: [ { role: 'user' as const, content: [], }, ], }; const result = toMistralRequest(MODEL_ID, input); assert.equal(result.messages[0].content, ''); }); it('should handle multiple text parts in content', () => { const input = { messages: [ { role: 'user' as const, content: [{ text: 'Hello' }, { text: ' ' }, { text: 'World' }], }, ], }; const result = toMistralRequest(MODEL_ID, input); assert.equal(result.messages[0].content, 'Hello World'); }); it('should handle custom configuration options', () => { const input = { messages: [ { role: 'user' as const, content: [{ text: 'test' }], }, ], config: { temperature: 0.5, maxOutputTokens: 500, topP: 0.9, stopSequences: ['END'], }, }; const result = toMistralRequest(MODEL_ID, input); assert.equal(result.temperature, 0.5); assert.equal(result.maxTokens, 500); assert.equal(result.topP, 0.9); assert.deepEqual(result.stop, ['END']); }); }); describe('fromMistralResponse error handling', () => { it('should handle response with no choices', () => { const input = { messages: [ { role: 'user' as const, content: [{ text: 'test' }], }, ], }; const response = { id: 'test', object: 'chat.completion', model: MODEL_ID, choices: [], usage: { promptTokens: 0, completionTokens: 0, totalTokens: 0, }, }; const result = fromMistralResponse(input, response); assert.deepEqual(result.message!.content, []); }); }); describe('fromMistralCompletionChunk', () => { it('should handle text content chunk', () => { const chunk = { id: 'chunk_1', model: MODEL_ID, choices: [ { index: 0, delta: { role: 'assistant', content: 'Hello world', }, }, ], }; const parts = fromMistralCompletionChunk( chunk as unknown as CompletionChunk ); assert.deepEqual(parts, [{ text: 'Hello world' }]); }); it('should handle tool call chunk', () => { const chunk = { id: 'chunk_1', model: MODEL_ID, choices: [ { index: 0, delta: { role: 'assistant', toolCalls: [ { id: 'call_123', type: 'function', function: { name: 'get_weather', arguments: '{"location":"San Francisco"}', }, }, ], }, }, ], }; const parts = fromMistralCompletionChunk( chunk as unknown as CompletionChunk ); assert.deepEqual(parts, [ { toolRequest: { ref: 'call_123', name: 'get_weather', input: { location: 'San Francisco' }, }, }, ]); }); it('should handle empty chunk', () => { const chunk = { id: 'chunk_1', model: MODEL_ID, choices: [], }; const parts = fromMistralCompletionChunk(chunk); assert.deepEqual(parts, []); }); it('should handle chunk with empty delta', () => { const chunk = { id: 'chunk_1', model: MODEL_ID, choices: [ { index: 0, delta: {}, }, ], }; const parts = fromMistralCompletionChunk( chunk as unknown as CompletionChunk ); assert.deepEqual(parts, []); }); it('should handle chunk with invalid tool call', () => { const chunk = { id: 'chunk_1', model: MODEL_ID, choices: [ { index: 0, delta: { toolCalls: [ { id: 'call_123', type: 'function', // Missing function property }, ], }, }, ], }; const parts = fromMistralCompletionChunk( chunk as unknown as CompletionChunk ); assert.deepEqual(parts, []); // Should skip invalid tool call }); it('should handle mixed content chunk', () => { const chunk = { id: 'chunk_1', model: MODEL_ID, choices: [ { index: 0, delta: { content: 'Some text', toolCalls: [ { id: 'call_123', type: 'function', function: { name: 'get_weather', arguments: '{"location":"San Francisco"}', }, }, ], }, }, ], }; const parts = fromMistralCompletionChunk( chunk as unknown as CompletionChunk ); assert.deepEqual(parts, [ { text: 'Some text' }, { toolRequest: { ref: 'call_123', name: 'get_weather', input: { location: 'San Francisco' }, }, }, ]); }); });