Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { Genkit, Message, StreamingCallback, z } from 'genkit'; import { GenerateResponseChunkData, GenerateResponseData, GenerationCommonConfigSchema, ModelAction, ModelReference, type CandidateData, type GenerateRequest, type MessageData, type Part, type Role, type ToolDefinition, type ToolRequestPart, } from 'genkit/model'; import OpenAI from 'openai'; import { type ChatCompletion, type ChatCompletionChunk, type ChatCompletionContentPart, type ChatCompletionCreateParamsNonStreaming, type ChatCompletionMessageParam, type ChatCompletionMessageToolCall, type ChatCompletionRole, type ChatCompletionTool, type CompletionChoice, } from 'openai/resources/index.mjs'; export const OpenAIConfigSchema = GenerationCommonConfigSchema.extend({ frequencyPenalty: z.number().min(-2).max(2).optional(), logitBias: z.record(z.string(), z.number().min(-100).max(100)).optional(), logProbs: z.boolean().optional(), presencePenalty: z.number().min(-2).max(2).optional(), seed: z.number().int().optional(), topLogProbs: z.number().int().min(0).max(20).optional(), user: z.string().optional(), }); export function toOpenAIRole(role: Role): ChatCompletionRole { switch (role) { case 'user': return 'user'; case 'model': return 'assistant'; case 'system': return 'system'; case 'tool': return 'tool'; default: throw new Error(`role ${role} doesn't map to an OpenAI role.`); } } function toOpenAiTool(tool: ToolDefinition): ChatCompletionTool { return { type: 'function', function: { name:, parameters: tool.inputSchema || undefined, }, }; } export function toOpenAiTextAndMedia(part: Part): ChatCompletionContentPart { if (part.text) { return { type: 'text', text: part.text, }; } else if ( { return { type: 'image_url', image_url: { url:, }, }; } throw Error( `Unsupported genkit part fields encountered for current message role: ${JSON.stringify(part)}.` ); } export function toOpenAiMessages( messages: MessageData[] ): ChatCompletionMessageParam[] { const openAiMsgs: ChatCompletionMessageParam[] = []; for (const message of messages) { const msg = new Message(message); const role = toOpenAIRole(message.role); switch (role) { case 'user': openAiMsgs.push({ role: role, content: => toOpenAiTextAndMedia(part)), }); break; case 'system': openAiMsgs.push({ role: role, content: msg.text, }); break; case 'assistant': { const toolCalls: ChatCompletionMessageToolCall[] = msg.content .filter( ( part ): part is Part & { toolRequest: NonNullable<Part['toolRequest']>; } => Boolean(part.toolRequest) ) .map((part) => ({ id: part.toolRequest.ref ?? '', type: 'function', function: { name:, arguments: JSON.stringify(part.toolRequest.input), }, })); if (toolCalls.length > 0) { openAiMsgs.push({ role: role, tool_calls: toolCalls, }); } else { openAiMsgs.push({ role: role, content: msg.text, }); } break; } case 'tool': { const toolResponseParts = msg.toolResponseParts(); => { openAiMsgs.push({ role: role, tool_call_id: part.toolResponse.ref ?? '', content: typeof part.toolResponse.output === 'string' ? part.toolResponse.output : JSON.stringify(part.toolResponse.output), }); }); break; } } } return openAiMsgs; } const finishReasonMap: Record< CompletionChoice['finish_reason'] | 'tool_calls', CandidateData['finishReason'] > = { length: 'length', stop: 'stop', tool_calls: 'stop', content_filter: 'blocked', }; export function fromOpenAiToolCall( toolCall: | ChatCompletionMessageToolCall | ChatCompletionChunk.Choice.Delta.ToolCall ): ToolRequestPart { if (!toolCall.function) { throw Error( `Unexpected openAI chunk choice. tool_calls was provided but one or more tool_calls is missing.` ); } const f = toolCall.function; return { toolRequest: { name:!, ref:, input: f.arguments ? JSON.parse(f.arguments) : f.arguments, }, }; } export function fromOpenAiChoice( choice: ChatCompletion.Choice, jsonMode = false ): CandidateData { const toolRequestParts = choice.message.tool_calls?.map(fromOpenAiToolCall); return { index: choice.index, finishReason: finishReasonMap[choice.finish_reason] || 'other', message: { role: 'model', content: toolRequestParts ? // Note: Not sure why I have to cast here exactly. // Otherwise it thinks toolRequest must be 'undefined' if provided (toolRequestParts as ToolRequestPart[]) : [ jsonMode ? { data: JSON.parse(choice.message.content!) } : { text: choice.message.content! }, ], }, custom: {}, }; } export function fromOpenAiChunkChoice( choice: ChatCompletionChunk.Choice, jsonMode = false ): CandidateData { const toolRequestParts =; return { index: choice.index, finishReason: choice.finish_reason ? finishReasonMap[choice.finish_reason] || 'other' : 'unknown', message: { role: 'model', content: toolRequestParts ? (toolRequestParts as ToolRequestPart[]) : [ jsonMode ? { data: JSON.parse(!) } : { text:! }, ], }, custom: {}, }; } export function toRequestBody( model: ModelReference<typeof OpenAIConfigSchema>, request: GenerateRequest<typeof OpenAIConfigSchema> ) { const openAiMessages = toOpenAiMessages(request.messages); const mappedModelName = request.config?.version || model.version ||; const body = { model: mappedModelName, messages: openAiMessages, temperature: request.config?.temperature, max_tokens: request.config?.maxOutputTokens, top_p: request.config?.topP, stop: request.config?.stopSequences, frequency_penalty: request.config?.frequencyPenalty, logit_bias: request.config?.logitBias, logprobs: request.config?.logProbs, presence_penalty: request.config?.presencePenalty, seed: request.config?.seed, top_logprobs: request.config?.topLogProbs, user: request.config?.user, tools:, n: request.candidates, } as ChatCompletionCreateParamsNonStreaming; const response_format = request.output?.format; if (response_format) { if ( response_format === 'json' &&'json') ) { body.response_format = { type: 'json_object', }; } else if ( response_format === 'text' &&'text') ) { // this is default format, don't need to set it // body.response_format = { // type: 'text', // }; } else { throw new Error(`${response_format} format is not supported currently`); } } for (const key in body) { if (!body[key] || (Array.isArray(body[key]) && !body[key].length)) delete body[key]; } return body; } export function openaiCompatibleModel<C extends typeof OpenAIConfigSchema>( ai: Genkit, model: ModelReference<any>, clientFactory: (request: GenerateRequest<C>) => Promise<OpenAI> ): ModelAction<C> { const modelId =; if (!model) throw new Error(`Unsupported model: ${name}`); return ai.defineModel( { name: modelId,, configSchema: model.configSchema, }, async ( request: GenerateRequest<C>, sendChunk?: StreamingCallback<GenerateResponseChunkData> ): Promise<GenerateResponseData> => { let response: ChatCompletion; const client = await clientFactory(request); const body = toRequestBody(model, request); if (sendChunk) { const stream ={ ...body, stream: true, }); for await (const chunk of stream) { chunk.choices?.forEach((chunk) => { const c = fromOpenAiChunkChoice(chunk); sendChunk({ index: c.index, content: c.message.content, }); }); } response = await stream.finalChatCompletion(); } else { response = await; } return { candidates: => fromOpenAiChoice(c, request.output?.format === 'json') ), usage: { inputTokens: response.usage?.prompt_tokens, outputTokens: response.usage?.completion_tokens, totalTokens: response.usage?.total_tokens, }, custom: response, }; } ); }