Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { Content, FunctionCallingMode, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionDeclarationSchemaType, Part as GeminiPart, GenerateContentCandidate, GenerateContentResponse, GenerativeModelPreview, HarmBlockThreshold, HarmCategory, Schema, StartChatParams, ToolConfig, VertexAI, type GoogleSearchRetrieval, } from '@google-cloud/vertexai'; import { ApiClient } from '@google-cloud/vertexai/build/src/resources/index.js'; import { GENKIT_CLIENT_HEADER, Genkit, GenkitError, JSONSchema, z, } from 'genkit'; import { CandidateData, GenerateRequest, GenerationCommonConfigSchema, MediaPart, MessageData, ModelAction, ModelInfo, ModelMiddleware, ModelReference, Part, ToolDefinitionSchema, getBasicUsageStats, modelRef, } from 'genkit/model'; import { downloadRequestMedia, simulateSystemPrompt, } from 'genkit/model/middleware'; import { runInNewSpan } from 'genkit/tracing'; import { GoogleAuth } from 'google-auth-library'; import { PluginOptions } from './common/types.js'; import { handleCacheIfNeeded } from './context-caching/index.js'; import { extractCacheConfig } from './context-caching/utils.js'; const SafetySettingsSchema = z.object({ category: z.nativeEnum(HarmCategory), threshold: z.nativeEnum(HarmBlockThreshold), }); const VertexRetrievalSchema = z.object({ datastore: z.object({ projectId: z.string().optional(), location: z.string().optional(), dataStoreId: z.string(), }), disableAttribution: z.boolean().optional(), }); const GoogleSearchRetrievalSchema = z.object({ disableAttribution: z.boolean().optional(), }); /** * Zod schema of Gemini model options. */ export const GeminiConfigSchema = GenerationCommonConfigSchema.extend({ /** * GCP region (e.g. us-central1) */ location: z.string().optional(), /** * Safety filter settings. See: * * E.g. * * ```js * config: { * safetySettings: [ * { * category: 'HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH', * threshold: 'BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE', * }, * { * category: 'HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS_CONTENT', * threshold: 'BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE', * }, * { * category: 'HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT', * threshold: 'BLOCK_ONLY_HIGH', * }, * { * category: 'HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUALLY_EXPLICIT', * threshold: 'BLOCK_NONE', * }, * ], * } * ``` */ safetySettings: z.array(SafetySettingsSchema).optional(), /** * Vertex retrieval options. * * E.g. * * ```js * config: { * vertexRetrieval: { * datastore: { * projectId: 'your-cloud-project', * location: 'us-central1', * collection: 'your-collection', * }, * disableAttribution: true, * } * } * ``` */ vertexRetrieval: VertexRetrievalSchema.optional(), /** * Google Search retrieval options. * * ```js * config: { * googleSearchRetrieval: { * disableAttribution: true, * } * } * ``` */ googleSearchRetrieval: GoogleSearchRetrievalSchema.optional(), /** * Function calling options. * * E.g. forced tool call: * * ```js * config: { * functionCallingConfig: { * mode: 'ANY', * } * } * ``` */ functionCallingConfig: z .object({ mode: z.enum(['MODE_UNSPECIFIED', 'AUTO', 'ANY', 'NONE']).optional(), allowedFunctionNames: z.array(z.string()).optional(), }) .optional(), }); /** * Known model names, to allow code completion for convenience. Allows other model names. */ export type GeminiVersionString = | keyof typeof SUPPORTED_GEMINI_MODELS | (string & {}); /** * Returns a reference to a model that can be used in generate calls. * * ```js * await ai.generate({ * prompt: 'hi', * model: gemini('gemini-1.5-flash') * }); * ``` */ export function gemini( version: GeminiVersionString, options: GeminiConfig = {} ): ModelReference<typeof GeminiConfigSchema> { const nearestModel = nearestGeminiModelRef(version); return modelRef({ name: `vertexai/${version}`, config: options, configSchema: GeminiConfigSchema, info: {, // If exact suffix match for a known model, use its label, otherwise create a new label label: ? : `Vertex AI - ${version}`, }, }); } function nearestGeminiModelRef( version: GeminiVersionString, options: GeminiConfig = {} ): ModelReference<typeof GeminiConfigSchema> { const matchingKey = longestMatchingPrefix( version, Object.keys(SUPPORTED_GEMINI_MODELS) ); if (matchingKey) { return SUPPORTED_GEMINI_MODELS[matchingKey].withConfig({ ...options, version, }); } return GENERIC_GEMINI_MODEL.withConfig({ ...options, version }); } function longestMatchingPrefix(version: string, potentialMatches: string[]) { return potentialMatches .filter((p) => version.startsWith(p)) .reduce( (longest, current) => current.length > longest.length ? current : longest, '' ); } /** * Gemini model configuration options. * * E.g. * ```js * config: { * temperature: 0.9, * maxOutputTokens: 300, * safetySettings: [ * { * category: 'HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH', * threshold: 'BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE', * }, * { * category: 'HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS_CONTENT', * threshold: 'BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE', * }, * { * category: 'HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT', * threshold: 'BLOCK_ONLY_HIGH', * }, * { * category: 'HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUALLY_EXPLICIT', * threshold: 'BLOCK_NONE', * }, * ], * functionCallingConfig: { * mode: 'ANY', * } * } * ``` */ export type GeminiConfig = z.infer<typeof GeminiConfigSchema>; export const gemini10Pro = modelRef({ name: 'vertexai/gemini-1.0-pro', info: { label: 'Vertex AI - Gemini Pro', versions: ['gemini-1.0-pro-001', 'gemini-1.0-pro-002'], supports: { multiturn: true, media: false, tools: true, systemRole: true, constrained: 'no-tools', toolChoice: true, }, }, configSchema: GeminiConfigSchema, }); export const gemini15Pro = modelRef({ name: 'vertexai/gemini-1.5-pro', info: { label: 'Vertex AI - Gemini 1.5 Pro', versions: ['gemini-1.5-pro-001', 'gemini-1.5-pro-002'], supports: { multiturn: true, media: true, tools: true, toolChoice: true, systemRole: true, constrained: 'no-tools', }, }, configSchema: GeminiConfigSchema, }); export const gemini15Flash = modelRef({ name: 'vertexai/gemini-1.5-flash', info: { label: 'Vertex AI - Gemini 1.5 Flash', versions: ['gemini-1.5-flash-001', 'gemini-1.5-flash-002'], supports: { multiturn: true, media: true, tools: true, toolChoice: true, systemRole: true, constrained: 'no-tools', }, }, configSchema: GeminiConfigSchema, }); export const gemini20Flash001 = modelRef({ name: 'vertexai/gemini-2.0-flash-001', info: { label: 'Vertex AI - Gemini 2.0 Flash 001', versions: [], supports: { multiturn: true, media: true, tools: true, toolChoice: true, systemRole: true, constrained: 'no-tools', }, }, configSchema: GeminiConfigSchema, }); export const gemini20FlashLitePreview0205 = modelRef({ name: 'vertexai/gemini-2.0-flash-lite-preview-02-05', info: { label: 'Vertex AI - Gemini 2.0 Flash Lite Preview 02-05', versions: [], supports: { multiturn: true, media: true, tools: true, toolChoice: true, systemRole: true, constrained: 'no-tools', }, }, configSchema: GeminiConfigSchema, }); export const gemini20ProExp0205 = modelRef({ name: 'vertexai/gemini-2.0-pro-exp-02-05', info: { label: 'Vertex AI - Gemini 2.0 Flash Pro Experimental 02-05', versions: [], supports: { multiturn: true, media: true, tools: true, toolChoice: true, systemRole: true, constrained: 'no-tools', }, }, configSchema: GeminiConfigSchema, }); export const GENERIC_GEMINI_MODEL = modelRef({ name: 'vertexai/gemini', configSchema: GeminiConfigSchema, info: { label: 'Google Gemini', supports: { multiturn: true, media: true, tools: true, toolChoice: true, systemRole: true, }, }, }); export const SUPPORTED_V1_MODELS = { 'gemini-1.0-pro': gemini10Pro, }; export const SUPPORTED_V15_MODELS = { 'gemini-1.5-pro': gemini15Pro, 'gemini-1.5-flash': gemini15Flash, 'gemini-2.0-flash-001': gemini20Flash001, 'gemini-2.0-flash-lite-preview-02-05': gemini20FlashLitePreview0205, 'gemini-2.0-pro-exp-02-05': gemini20ProExp0205, }; export const SUPPORTED_GEMINI_MODELS = { ...SUPPORTED_V1_MODELS, ...SUPPORTED_V15_MODELS, } as const; function toGeminiRole( role: MessageData['role'], modelInfo?: ModelInfo ): string { switch (role) { case 'user': return 'user'; case 'model': return 'model'; case 'system': if (modelInfo && modelInfo.supports?.systemRole) { // We should have already pulled out the supported system messages, // anything remaining is unsupported; throw an error. throw new Error( 'system role is only supported for a single message in the first position' ); } else { throw new Error('system role is not supported'); } case 'tool': return 'function'; default: return 'user'; } } /** @hidden */ export const toGeminiTool = ( tool: z.infer<typeof ToolDefinitionSchema> ): FunctionDeclaration => { const declaration: FunctionDeclaration = { name:\//g, '__'), // Gemini throws on '/' in tool name description: tool.description, parameters: convertSchemaProperty(tool.inputSchema), }; return declaration; }; const toGeminiFileDataPart = (part: MediaPart): GeminiPart => { const media =; if (media.url.startsWith('gs://') || media.url.startsWith('http')) { if (!media.contentType) throw new Error( 'Must supply contentType when using media from http(s):// or gs:// URLs.' ); return { fileData: { mimeType: media.contentType, fileUri: media.url, }, }; } else if (media.url.startsWith('data:')) { const dataUrl = media.url; const b64Data = dataUrl.substring(dataUrl.indexOf(',')! + 1); const contentType = media.contentType || dataUrl.substring(dataUrl.indexOf(':')! + 1, dataUrl.indexOf(';')); return { inlineData: { mimeType: contentType, data: b64Data } }; } throw Error( 'Could not convert genkit part to gemini tool response part: missing file data' ); }; const toGeminiToolRequestPart = (part: Part): GeminiPart => { if (!part?.toolRequest?.input) { throw Error( 'Could not convert genkit part to gemini tool response part: missing tool request data' ); } return { functionCall: { name:, args: part.toolRequest.input, }, }; }; const toGeminiToolResponsePart = (part: Part): GeminiPart => { if (!part?.toolResponse?.output) { throw Error( 'Could not convert genkit part to gemini tool response part: missing tool response data' ); } return { functionResponse: { name:, response: { name:, content: part.toolResponse.output, }, }, }; }; export function toGeminiSystemInstruction(message: MessageData): Content { return { role: 'user', parts:, }; } export function toGeminiMessage( message: MessageData, modelInfo?: ModelInfo ): Content { let sortedParts = message.content; if (message.role === 'tool') { sortedParts = [...message.content].sort((a, b) => { const aRef = a.toolResponse?.ref; const bRef = b.toolResponse?.ref; if (!aRef && !bRef) return 0; if (!aRef) return 1; if (!bRef) return -1; return parseInt(aRef, 10) - parseInt(bRef, 10); }); } return { role: toGeminiRole(message.role, modelInfo), parts:, }; } function fromGeminiFinishReason( reason: GenerateContentCandidate['finishReason'] ): CandidateData['finishReason'] { if (!reason) return 'unknown'; switch (reason) { case 'STOP': return 'stop'; case 'MAX_TOKENS': return 'length'; case 'SAFETY': // blocked for safety case 'RECITATION': // blocked for reciting training data return 'blocked'; default: return 'unknown'; } } function toGeminiPart(part: Part): GeminiPart { if (part.text) { return { text: part.text }; } else if ( { return toGeminiFileDataPart(part); } else if (part.toolRequest) { return toGeminiToolRequestPart(part); } else if (part.toolResponse) { return toGeminiToolResponsePart(part); } else { throw new Error('unsupported type'); } } function fromGeminiInlineDataPart(part: GeminiPart): MediaPart { // Check if the required properties exist if ( !part.inlineData || !part.inlineData.hasOwnProperty('mimeType') || !part.inlineData.hasOwnProperty('data') ) { throw new Error('Invalid GeminiPart: missing required properties'); } const { mimeType, data } = part.inlineData; // Combine data and mimeType into a data URL const dataUrl = `data:${mimeType};base64,${data}`; return { media: { url: dataUrl, contentType: mimeType, }, }; } function fromGeminiFileDataPart(part: GeminiPart): MediaPart { if ( !part.fileData || !part.fileData.hasOwnProperty('mimeType') || !part.fileData.hasOwnProperty('url') ) { throw new Error( 'Invalid Gemini File Data Part: missing required properties' ); } return { media: { url: part.fileData?.fileUri, contentType: part.fileData?.mimeType, }, }; } function fromGeminiFunctionCallPart(part: GeminiPart, ref?: string): Part { if (!part.functionCall) { throw new Error( 'Invalid Gemini Function Call Part: missing function call data' ); } return { toolRequest: { name:, input: part.functionCall.args, ref, }, }; } function fromGeminiFunctionResponsePart(part: GeminiPart, ref?: string): Part { if (!part.functionResponse) { throw new Error( 'Invalid Gemini Function Call Part: missing function call data' ); } return { toolResponse: { name:, '/'), // restore slashes output: part.functionResponse.response, ref, }, }; } // Converts vertex part to genkit part function fromGeminiPart( part: GeminiPart, jsonMode: boolean, ref?: string ): Part { if (part.text !== undefined) return { text: part.text }; if (part.inlineData) return fromGeminiInlineDataPart(part); if (part.fileData) return fromGeminiFileDataPart(part); if (part.functionCall) return fromGeminiFunctionCallPart(part, ref); if (part.functionResponse) return fromGeminiFunctionResponsePart(part, ref); throw new Error( 'Part type is unsupported/corrupted. Either data is missing or type cannot be inferred from type.' ); } export function fromGeminiCandidate( candidate: GenerateContentCandidate, jsonMode: boolean ): CandidateData { const parts = || []; const genkitCandidate: CandidateData = { index: candidate.index || 0, message: { role: 'model', content:, index) => { return fromGeminiPart(part, jsonMode, index.toString()); }), }, finishReason: fromGeminiFinishReason(candidate.finishReason), finishMessage: candidate.finishMessage, custom: { safetyRatings: candidate.safetyRatings, citationMetadata: candidate.citationMetadata, }, }; return genkitCandidate; } // Translate JSON schema to Vertex AI's format. Specifically, the type field needs be mapped. // Since JSON schemas can include nested arrays/objects, we have to recursively map the type field // in all nested fields. function convertSchemaProperty(property) { if (!property || !property.type) { return undefined; } const baseSchema = {} as Schema; if (property.description) { baseSchema.description = property.description; } if (property.enum) { baseSchema.enum = property.enum; } if (property.nullable) { baseSchema.nullable = property.nullable; } let propertyType; // nullable schema can ALSO be defined as, for example, type=['string','null'] if (Array.isArray(property.type)) { const types = property.type as string[]; if (types.includes('null')) { baseSchema.nullable = true; } // grab the type that's not `null` propertyType = types.find((t) => t !== 'null'); } else { propertyType = property.type; } if (propertyType === 'object') { const nestedProperties = {}; Object.keys( => { nestedProperties[key] = convertSchemaProperty([key]); }); return { ...baseSchema, type: FunctionDeclarationSchemaType.OBJECT, properties: nestedProperties, required: property.required, }; } else if (propertyType === 'array') { return { ...baseSchema, type: FunctionDeclarationSchemaType.ARRAY, items: convertSchemaProperty(property.items), }; } else { const schemaType = FunctionDeclarationSchemaType[ propertyType.toUpperCase() ] as FunctionDeclarationSchemaType; if (!schemaType) { throw new GenkitError({ status: 'INVALID_ARGUMENT', message: `Unsupported property type ${propertyType.toUpperCase()}`, }); } return { ...baseSchema, type: schemaType, }; } } export function cleanSchema(schema: JSONSchema): JSONSchema { const out = structuredClone(schema); for (const key in out) { if (key === '$schema' || key === 'additionalProperties') { delete out[key]; continue; } if (typeof out[key] === 'object') { out[key] = cleanSchema(out[key]); } // Zod nullish() and picoschema optional fields will produce type `["string", "null"]` // which is not supported by the model API. Convert them to just `"string"`. if (key === 'type' && Array.isArray(out[key])) { // find the first that's not `null`. out[key] = out[key].find((t) => t !== 'null'); } } return out; } /** * Define a Vertex AI Gemini model. */ export function defineGeminiKnownModel( ai: Genkit, name: string, vertexClientFactory: ( request: GenerateRequest<typeof GeminiConfigSchema> ) => VertexAI, options: PluginOptions, debugTraces?: boolean ): ModelAction { const modelName = `vertexai/${name}`; const model: ModelReference<z.ZodTypeAny> = SUPPORTED_GEMINI_MODELS[name]; if (!model) throw new Error(`Unsupported model: ${name}`); return defineGeminiModel({ ai, modelName, version: name, modelInfo: model?.info, vertexClientFactory, options, debugTraces, }); } /** * Define a Vertex AI Gemini model. */ export function defineGeminiModel({ ai, modelName, version, modelInfo, vertexClientFactory, options, debugTraces, }: { ai: Genkit; modelName: string; version: string; modelInfo: ModelInfo | undefined; vertexClientFactory: ( request: GenerateRequest<typeof GeminiConfigSchema> ) => VertexAI; options: PluginOptions; debugTraces?: boolean; }): ModelAction { const middlewares: ModelMiddleware[] = []; if (SUPPORTED_V1_MODELS[version]) { middlewares.push(simulateSystemPrompt()); } if (modelInfo?.supports?.media) { // the gemini api doesn't support downloading media from http(s) middlewares.push(downloadRequestMedia({ maxBytes: 1024 * 1024 * 20 })); } return ai.defineModel( { name: modelName, ...modelInfo, configSchema: GeminiConfigSchema, use: middlewares, }, async (request, sendChunk) => { const vertex = vertexClientFactory(request); // Make a copy of messages to avoid side-effects const messages = [...request.messages]; if (messages.length === 0) throw new Error('No messages provided.'); // Handle system instructions separately let systemInstruction: Content | undefined = undefined; if (!SUPPORTED_V1_MODELS[version]) { const systemMessage = messages.find((m) => m.role === 'system'); if (systemMessage) { messages.splice(messages.indexOf(systemMessage), 1); systemInstruction = toGeminiSystemInstruction(systemMessage); } } const tools = ? [{ functionDeclarations: }] : []; let toolConfig: ToolConfig | undefined; if (request?.config?.functionCallingConfig) { toolConfig = { functionCallingConfig: { allowedFunctionNames: request.config.functionCallingConfig.allowedFunctionNames, mode: toFunctionModeEnum(request.config.functionCallingConfig.mode), }, }; } else if (request.toolChoice) { toolConfig = { functionCallingConfig: { mode: toGeminiFunctionModeEnum(request.toolChoice), }, }; } // Cannot use tools and function calling at the same time const jsonMode = (request.output?.format === 'json' || !!request.output?.schema) && tools.length === 0; let chatRequest: StartChatParams = { systemInstruction, tools, toolConfig, history: messages .slice(0, -1) .map((message) => toGeminiMessage(message, modelInfo)), generationConfig: { candidateCount: request.candidates || undefined, temperature: request.config?.temperature, maxOutputTokens: request.config?.maxOutputTokens, topK: request.config?.topK, topP: request.config?.topP, responseMimeType: jsonMode ? 'application/json' : undefined, stopSequences: request.config?.stopSequences, }, safetySettings: request.config?.safetySettings, }; // Handle cache const modelVersion = (request.config?.version || version) as string; const cacheConfigDetails = extractCacheConfig(request); const apiClient = new ApiClient( options.projectId!, options.location, 'v1beta1', new GoogleAuth(options.googleAuth!) ); const { chatRequest: updatedChatRequest, cache } = await handleCacheIfNeeded( apiClient, request, chatRequest, modelVersion, cacheConfigDetails ); let genModel: GenerativeModelPreview; if (jsonMode && request.output?.constrained) { updatedChatRequest.generationConfig!.responseSchema = cleanSchema( request.output.schema ); } if (request.config?.googleSearchRetrieval) {{ googleSearchRetrieval: request.config .googleSearchRetrieval as GoogleSearchRetrieval, }); } if (request.config?.vertexRetrieval) { const vertexRetrieval = request.config.vertexRetrieval; const _projectId = vertexRetrieval.datastore.projectId || options.projectId; const _location = vertexRetrieval.datastore.location || options.location; const _dataStoreId = vertexRetrieval.datastore.dataStoreId; const datastore = `projects/${_projectId}/locations/${_location}/collections/default_collection/dataStores/${_dataStoreId}`;{ retrieval: { vertexAiSearch: { datastore, }, disableAttribution: vertexRetrieval.disableAttribution, }, }); } const msg = toGeminiMessage(messages[messages.length - 1], modelInfo); if (cache) { genModel = vertex.preview.getGenerativeModelFromCachedContent( cache, { model: modelVersion, }, { apiClient: GENKIT_CLIENT_HEADER, } ); } else { genModel = vertex.preview.getGenerativeModel( { model: modelVersion, }, { apiClient: GENKIT_CLIENT_HEADER, } ); } const callGemini = async () => { let response: GenerateContentResponse; // Handle streaming and non-streaming responses if (sendChunk) { const result = await genModel .startChat(updatedChatRequest) .sendMessageStream(; for await (const item of { (item as GenerateContentResponse).candidates?.forEach( (candidate) => { const c = fromGeminiCandidate(candidate, jsonMode); sendChunk({ index: c.index, content: c.message.content, }); } ); } response = await result.response; } else { const result = await genModel .startChat(updatedChatRequest) .sendMessage(; response = result.response; } if (!response.candidates?.length) { throw new GenkitError({ status: 'FAILED_PRECONDITION', message: 'No valid candidates returned.', }); } const candidateData = => fromGeminiCandidate(c, jsonMode) ); return { candidates: candidateData, custom: response, usage: { ...getBasicUsageStats(request.messages, candidateData), inputTokens: response.usageMetadata?.promptTokenCount, outputTokens: response.usageMetadata?.candidatesTokenCount, totalTokens: response.usageMetadata?.totalTokenCount, }, }; }; // If debugTraces is enable, we wrap the actual model call with a span, add raw // API params as for input. return debugTraces ? await runInNewSpan( ai.registry, { metadata: { name: sendChunk ? 'sendMessageStream' : 'sendMessage', }, }, async (metadata) => { metadata.input = { sdk: '@google-cloud/vertexai', cache: cache, model: genModel.getModelName(), chatOptions: updatedChatRequest, parts:, options, }; const response = await callGemini(); metadata.output = response.custom; return response; } ) : await callGemini(); } ); } /** Converts mode from the config, which follows Gemini naming convention. */ function toFunctionModeEnum( enumMode: string | undefined ): FunctionCallingMode | undefined { if (enumMode === undefined) { return undefined; } switch (enumMode) { case 'MODE_UNSPECIFIED': { return FunctionCallingMode.MODE_UNSPECIFIED; } case 'ANY': { return FunctionCallingMode.ANY; } case 'AUTO': { return FunctionCallingMode.AUTO; } case 'NONE': { return FunctionCallingMode.NONE; } default: throw new Error(`unsupported function calling mode: ${enumMode}`); } } /** Converts mode from genkit tool choice. */ function toGeminiFunctionModeEnum( genkitMode: 'auto' | 'required' | 'none' ): FunctionCallingMode | undefined { if (genkitMode === undefined) { return undefined; } switch (genkitMode) { case 'required': { return FunctionCallingMode.ANY; } case 'auto': { return FunctionCallingMode.AUTO; } case 'none': { return FunctionCallingMode.NONE; } default: throw new Error(`unsupported function calling mode: ${genkitMode}`); } }