Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { ExporterOptions, MetricExporter, } from '@google-cloud/opentelemetry-cloud-monitoring-exporter'; import { TraceExporter } from '@google-cloud/opentelemetry-cloud-trace-exporter'; import { GcpDetectorSync } from '@google-cloud/opentelemetry-resource-util'; import { Span, SpanStatusCode, TraceFlags } from '@opentelemetry/api'; import { getNodeAutoInstrumentations } from '@opentelemetry/auto-instrumentations-node'; import { ExportResult, hrTimeDuration, hrTimeToMilliseconds, } from '@opentelemetry/core'; import { Instrumentation } from '@opentelemetry/instrumentation'; import { PinoInstrumentation } from '@opentelemetry/instrumentation-pino'; import { WinstonInstrumentation } from '@opentelemetry/instrumentation-winston'; import { Resource } from '@opentelemetry/resources'; import { AggregationTemporality, DefaultAggregation, ExponentialHistogramAggregation, InMemoryMetricExporter, InstrumentType, PeriodicExportingMetricReader, PushMetricExporter, ResourceMetrics, } from '@opentelemetry/sdk-metrics'; import { NodeSDKConfiguration } from '@opentelemetry/sdk-node'; import { BatchSpanProcessor, InMemorySpanExporter, ReadableSpan, SpanExporter, } from '@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base'; import { GENKIT_VERSION } from 'genkit'; import { logger } from 'genkit/logging'; import { PathMetadata } from 'genkit/tracing'; import { actionTelemetry } from './telemetry/action.js'; import { engagementTelemetry } from './telemetry/engagement.js'; import { featuresTelemetry } from './telemetry/feature.js'; import { generateTelemetry } from './telemetry/generate.js'; import { pathsTelemetry } from './telemetry/path.js'; import { GcpTelemetryConfig } from './types.js'; import { extractErrorName, metricsDenied, metricsDeniedHelpText, tracingDenied, tracingDeniedHelpText, } from './utils.js'; let metricExporter: PushMetricExporter; let spanProcessor: BatchSpanProcessor; let spanExporter: AdjustingTraceExporter; /** * Provides a {TelemetryConfig} for exporting OpenTelemetry data (Traces, * Metrics, and Logs) to the Google Cloud Operations Suite. */ export class GcpOpenTelemetry { private readonly config: GcpTelemetryConfig; private readonly resource: Resource; constructor(config: GcpTelemetryConfig) { this.config = config; this.resource = new Resource({ type: 'global' }).merge( new GcpDetectorSync().detect() ); } /** * Log hook for writing trace and span metadata to log messages in the format * required by GCP. */ private gcpTraceLogHook = (span: Span, record: any) => { const spanContext = span.spanContext(); const isSampled = !!(spanContext.traceFlags & TraceFlags.SAMPLED); const projectId = this.config.projectId; record[''] ??= `projects/${projectId}/traces/${spanContext.traceId}`; record[''] ??= isSampled ? '1' : '0'; record[''] ??= spanContext.spanId; // Clear out the duplicate trace and span information in the log metadata. // These will be incorrect for logs written during span export time since // the logs are written after the span has fully executed. Those logs are // explicitly tied to the correct span in createCommonLogAttributes in // utils.ts. delete record['span_id']; delete record['trace_id']; delete record['trace_flags']; }; async getConfig(): Promise<Partial<NodeSDKConfiguration>> { spanProcessor = new BatchSpanProcessor(await this.createSpanExporter()); return { resource: this.resource, spanProcessor: spanProcessor, sampler: this.config.sampler, instrumentations: this.getInstrumentations(), metricReader: await this.createMetricReader(), }; } private async createSpanExporter(): Promise<SpanExporter> { spanExporter = new AdjustingTraceExporter( this.shouldExportTraces() ? new TraceExporter({ // provided projectId should take precedence over env vars, etc projectId: this.config.projectId, // creds for non-GCP environments, in lieu of using ADC. credentials: this.config.credentials, }) : new InMemorySpanExporter(), this.config.exportInputAndOutput, this.config.projectId, getErrorHandler( (err) => { return tracingDenied(err); }, await tracingDeniedHelpText() ) ); return spanExporter; } /** * Creates a {MetricReader} for pushing metrics out to GCP via OpenTelemetry. */ private async createMetricReader(): Promise<PeriodicExportingMetricReader> { metricExporter = await this.buildMetricExporter(); return new PeriodicExportingMetricReader({ exportIntervalMillis: this.config.metricExportIntervalMillis, exportTimeoutMillis: this.config.metricExportTimeoutMillis, exporter: metricExporter, }); } /** Gets all open telemetry instrumentations as configured by the plugin. */ private getInstrumentations() { let instrumentations: Instrumentation[] = []; if (this.config.autoInstrumentation) { instrumentations = getNodeAutoInstrumentations( this.config.autoInstrumentationConfig ); } return instrumentations .concat(this.getDefaultLoggingInstrumentations()) .concat(this.config.instrumentations ?? []); } private shouldExportTraces(): boolean { return this.config.export && !this.config.disableTraces; } private shouldExportMetrics(): boolean { return this.config.export && !this.config.disableMetrics; } /** Always configure the Pino and Winston instrumentations */ private getDefaultLoggingInstrumentations(): Instrumentation[] { return [ new WinstonInstrumentation({ logHook: this.gcpTraceLogHook }), new PinoInstrumentation({ logHook: this.gcpTraceLogHook }), ]; } private async buildMetricExporter(): Promise<PushMetricExporter> { const exporter: PushMetricExporter = this.shouldExportMetrics() ? new MetricExporterWrapper( { userAgent: { product: 'genkit', version: GENKIT_VERSION, }, // provided projectId should take precedence over env vars, etc projectId: this.config.projectId, // creds for non-GCP environments, in lieu of using ADC. credentials: this.config.credentials, }, getErrorHandler( (err) => { return metricsDenied(err); }, await metricsDeniedHelpText() ) ) : new InMemoryMetricExporter(AggregationTemporality.DELTA); return exporter; } } /** * Rewrites the export method to include an error handler which logs * helpful information about how to set up metrics/telemetry in GCP. */ class MetricExporterWrapper extends MetricExporter { private promise = new Promise<void>((resolve) => resolve()); constructor( options?: ExporterOptions, private errorHandler?: (error: Error) => void ) { super(options); } async export( metrics: ResourceMetrics, resultCallback: (result: ExportResult) => void ): Promise<void> { await this.promise; this.modifyStartTimes(metrics); this.promise = new Promise<void>((resolve) => { super.export(metrics, (result) => { try { if (this.errorHandler && result.error) { this.errorHandler(result.error); } resultCallback(result); } finally { resolve(); } }); }); } selectAggregation(instrumentType: InstrumentType) { if (instrumentType === InstrumentType.HISTOGRAM) { return new ExponentialHistogramAggregation(); } return new DefaultAggregation(); } selectAggregationTemporality(instrumentType: InstrumentType) { return AggregationTemporality.DELTA; } /** * Modify the start times of each data point to ensure no * overlap with previous exports. * * Cloud metrics do not support delta metrics for custom metrics * and will convert any DELTA aggregations to CUMULATIVE ones on * export. There is implicit overlap in the start/end times that * the Metric reader is sending -- the end_time of the previous * export will become the start_time of the current export. The * overlap in times means that only one of those records will * persist and the other will be overwritten. This * method adds a thousandth of a second to ensure discrete export * timeframes. */ private modifyStartTimes(metrics: ResourceMetrics): void { metrics.scopeMetrics.forEach((scopeMetric) => { scopeMetric.metrics.forEach((metric) => { metric.dataPoints.forEach((dataPoint) => { dataPoint.startTime[1] = dataPoint.startTime[1] + 1_000_000; }); }); }); } async shutdown(): Promise<void> { return await this.forceFlush(); } async forceFlush(): Promise<void> { await this.promise; } } /** * Adjusts spans before exporting to GCP. Redacts model input * and output content, and augments span attributes before sending to GCP. */ class AdjustingTraceExporter implements SpanExporter { constructor( private exporter: SpanExporter, private logInputAndOutput: boolean, private projectId?: string, private errorHandler?: (error: Error) => void ) {} export( spans: ReadableSpan[], resultCallback: (result: ExportResult) => void ): void { this.exporter?.export(this.adjust(spans), (result) => { if (this.errorHandler && result.error) { this.errorHandler(result.error); } resultCallback(result); }); } shutdown(): Promise<void> { return this.exporter?.shutdown(); } getExporter(): SpanExporter { return this.exporter; } forceFlush(): Promise<void> { if (this.exporter?.forceFlush) { return this.exporter.forceFlush(); } return Promise.resolve(); } private adjust(spans: ReadableSpan[]): ReadableSpan[] { const allPaths = spans .filter((span) => span.attributes['genkit:path']) .map( (span) => ({ path: span.attributes['genkit:path'] as string, status: (span.attributes['genkit:state'] as string) === 'error' ? 'failure' : 'success', error: extractErrorName(, latency: hrTimeToMilliseconds( hrTimeDuration(span.startTime, span.endTime) ), }) as PathMetadata ); const allLeafPaths = new Set<PathMetadata>( allPaths.filter((leafPath) => allPaths.every( (path) => path.path === leafPath.path || !path.path.startsWith(leafPath.path) || (path.path.startsWith(leafPath.path) && path.status !== leafPath.status) ) ) ); // Check if we have a failure in the root span that requires special handling const rootSpan = spans.find((s) => Object.keys(s.attributes).includes('genkit:isRoot') ); if (rootSpan) { const rootSpanFailed = (rootSpan.attributes['genkit:state'] as string) === 'error'; const anotherFailedSpan = spans.find( (s) => !Object.keys(s.attributes).includes('genkit:isRoot') && s.attributes['genkit:state'] === 'error' ); if (rootSpanFailed && !anotherFailedSpan) { rootSpan.attributes['genkit:failedSpan'] = rootSpan.attributes['genkit:name']; rootSpan.attributes['genkit:failedPath'] = rootSpan.attributes['genkit:path']; } } return => { this.tickTelemetry(span, allLeafPaths); span = this.redactInputOutput(span); span = this.markErrorSpanAsError(span); span = this.markFailedSpan(span); span = this.markGenkitFeature(span); span = this.markGenkitModel(span); span = this.normalizeLabels(span); return span; }); } private tickTelemetry(span: ReadableSpan, paths: Set<PathMetadata>) { const attributes = span.attributes; if (!Object.keys(attributes).includes('genkit:type')) { return; } const type = attributes['genkit:type'] as string; const subtype = attributes['genkit:metadata:subtype'] as string; const isRoot = !!span.attributes['genkit:isRoot']; const unused: Set<PathMetadata> = new Set(); if (isRoot) { // Report top level feature request and latency only for root spans // Log input to and output from to the feature featuresTelemetry.tick( span, unused, this.logInputAndOutput, this.projectId ); // Report executions and latency for all flow paths only on the root span pathsTelemetry.tick(span, paths, this.logInputAndOutput, this.projectId); // Set root status explicitly span.attributes['genkit:rootState'] = span.attributes['genkit:state']; } if (type === 'action' && subtype === 'model') { // Report generate metrics () for all model actions generateTelemetry.tick( span, unused, this.logInputAndOutput, this.projectId ); } if (type === 'action' && subtype === 'tool') { // TODO: Report input and output for tool actions } if (type === 'action' || type === 'flow' || type == 'flowStep') { // Report request and latency metrics for all actions actionTelemetry.tick( span, unused, this.logInputAndOutput, this.projectId ); } if (type === 'userEngagement') { // Report user acceptance and feedback metrics engagementTelemetry.tick( span, unused, this.logInputAndOutput, this.projectId ); } } private redactInputOutput(span: ReadableSpan): ReadableSpan { const hasInput = 'genkit:input' in span.attributes; const hasOutput = 'genkit:output' in span.attributes; return !hasInput && !hasOutput ? span : { ...span, spanContext: span.spanContext, attributes: { ...span.attributes, 'genkit:input': '<redacted>', 'genkit:output': '<redacted>', }, }; } // This is a workaround for GCP Trace to mark a span with a red // exclamation mark indicating that it is an error. private markErrorSpanAsError(span: ReadableSpan): ReadableSpan { return span.status.code !== SpanStatusCode.ERROR ? span : { ...span, spanContext: span.spanContext, attributes: { ...span.attributes, '/http/status_code': '599', }, }; } private normalizeLabels(span: ReadableSpan): ReadableSpan { const normalized = {} as Record<string, any>; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(span.attributes)) { normalized[key.replace(/\:/g, '/')] = value; } return { ...span, spanContext: span.spanContext, attributes: normalized, }; } private markFailedSpan(span: ReadableSpan): ReadableSpan { if ( span.attributes['genkit:state'] === 'error' && !span.attributes['genkit:isRoot'] ) { if (!!span.attributes['genkit:name']) { span.attributes['genkit:failedSpan'] = span.attributes['genkit:name']; } if (!!span.attributes['genkit:path']) { span.attributes['genkit:failedPath'] = span.attributes['genkit:path']; } } return span; } private markGenkitFeature(span: ReadableSpan): ReadableSpan { if (span.attributes['genkit:isRoot'] && !!span.attributes['genkit:name']) { span.attributes['genkit:feature'] = span.attributes['genkit:name']; } return span; } private markGenkitModel(span: ReadableSpan): ReadableSpan { if ( span.attributes['genkit:metadata:subtype'] === 'model' && !!span.attributes['genkit:name'] ) { span.attributes['genkit:model'] = span.attributes['genkit:name']; } return span; } } function getErrorHandler( shouldLogFn: (err: Error) => boolean, helpText: string ): (err: Error) => void { // only log the first time let instructionsLogged = false; return (err) => { // Use the defaultLogger so that logs don't get swallowed by the open // telemetry exporter const defaultLogger = logger.defaultLogger; if (err && shouldLogFn(err)) { if (!instructionsLogged) { instructionsLogged = true; defaultLogger.error( `Unable to send telemetry to Google Cloud: ${err.message}\n\n${helpText}\n` ); } } else if (err) { defaultLogger.error(`Unable to send telemetry to Google Cloud: ${err}`); } }; } /** @hidden */ export function __getMetricExporterForTesting(): InMemoryMetricExporter { return metricExporter as InMemoryMetricExporter; } /** @hidden */ export function __getSpanExporterForTesting(): InMemorySpanExporter { return spanExporter.getExporter() as InMemorySpanExporter; } /** @hidden */ export function __forceFlushSpansForTesting() { spanProcessor.forceFlush(); }