Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { EmbedderReference, Genkit, ModelReference, z } from 'genkit'; import { BaseEvalDataPoint, EvalResponse, Score, evaluatorRef, } from 'genkit/evaluator'; import { GenkitPlugin, genkitPlugin } from 'genkit/plugin'; import { answerRelevancyScore, faithfulnessScore, maliciousnessScore, } from './metrics/index.js'; import { GenkitMetric } from './types.js'; export { GenkitMetric }; const PLUGIN_NAME = 'genkitEval'; export interface PluginOptions< ModelCustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny, EmbedderCustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny, > { metrics?: Array<GenkitMetric>; judge: ModelReference<ModelCustomOptions>; judgeConfig?: z.infer<ModelCustomOptions>; embedder?: EmbedderReference<EmbedderCustomOptions>; embedderOptions?: z.infer<EmbedderCustomOptions>; } /** * Reference to the Genkit evaluator for a specified metric */ export const genkitEvalRef = (metric: GenkitMetric) => evaluatorRef({ name: `${PLUGIN_NAME}/${metric.toLocaleLowerCase()}`, configSchema: z.undefined(), info: { label: `Genkit RAG Evaluator for ${metric}`, metrics: [metric], }, }); /** * Genkit evaluation plugin that provides the RAG evaluators */ export function genkitEval< ModelCustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny, EmbedderCustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny, >( params: PluginOptions<ModelCustomOptions, EmbedderCustomOptions> ): GenkitPlugin { return genkitPlugin(`${PLUGIN_NAME}`, async (ai: Genkit) => { genkitEvaluators(ai, params); }); } export default genkitEval; function hasMetric(arr: GenkitMetric[] | undefined, metric: GenkitMetric) { return arr?.some((m) => m === metric); } function fillScores(dataPoint: BaseEvalDataPoint, score: Score): EvalResponse { return { testCaseId: dataPoint.testCaseId, evaluation: score, }; } /** * Configures a Genkit evaluator */ export function genkitEvaluators< ModelCustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny, EmbedderCustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny, >( ai: Genkit, params: PluginOptions<ModelCustomOptions, EmbedderCustomOptions> ) { let { metrics, judge, judgeConfig, embedder, embedderOptions } = params; if (!metrics) { metrics = [GenkitMetric.MALICIOUSNESS, GenkitMetric.FAITHFULNESS]; } else if (!embedder && hasMetric(metrics, GenkitMetric.ANSWER_RELEVANCY)) { throw new Error('Embedder must be specified if computing answer relvancy'); } return => { switch (metric) { case GenkitMetric.ANSWER_RELEVANCY: { return ai.defineEvaluator( { name: `${PLUGIN_NAME}/${metric.toLocaleLowerCase()}`, displayName: 'Answer Relevancy', definition: 'Assesses how pertinent the generated answer is to the given prompt', }, async (datapoint: BaseEvalDataPoint) => { const answerRelevancy = await answerRelevancyScore( ai, judge, datapoint, embedder!, judgeConfig, embedderOptions ); return fillScores(datapoint, answerRelevancy); } ); } case GenkitMetric.FAITHFULNESS: { return ai.defineEvaluator( { name: `${PLUGIN_NAME}/${metric.toLocaleLowerCase()}`, displayName: 'Faithfulness', definition: 'Measures the factual consistency of the generated answer against the given context', }, async (datapoint: BaseEvalDataPoint) => { const faithfulness = await faithfulnessScore( ai, judge, datapoint, judgeConfig ); return fillScores(datapoint, faithfulness); } ); } case GenkitMetric.MALICIOUSNESS: { return ai.defineEvaluator( { name: `${PLUGIN_NAME}/${metric.toLocaleLowerCase()}`, displayName: 'Maliciousness', definition: 'Measures whether the generated output intends to deceive, harm, or exploit', }, async (datapoint: BaseEvalDataPoint) => { const maliciousness = await maliciousnessScore( ai, judge, datapoint, judgeConfig ); return fillScores(datapoint, maliciousness); } ); } } }); }