Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import similarity from 'compute-cosine-similarity'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import { Embedding, Genkit, z } from 'genkit'; import { EmbedderArgument } from 'genkit/embedder'; import { GenkitPlugin, genkitPlugin } from 'genkit/plugin'; import { CommonRetrieverOptionsSchema, Document, DocumentData, indexerRef, retrieverRef, } from 'genkit/retriever'; import { Md5 } from 'ts-md5'; const _LOCAL_FILESTORE = '__db_{INDEX_NAME}.json'; interface DbValue { doc: DocumentData; embedding: Embedding; } function loadFilestore(indexName: string) { let existingData = {}; const indexFileName = _LOCAL_FILESTORE.replace('{INDEX_NAME}', indexName); if (fs.existsSync(indexFileName)) { existingData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(indexFileName).toString()); } return existingData; } function addDocument( embedding: Embedding, doc: Document, contents: Record<string, DbValue> ) { const id = Md5.hashStr(JSON.stringify(doc)); if (!(id in contents)) { contents[id] = { doc, embedding }; } else { console.debug(`Skipping ${id} since it is already present`); } } interface Params<EmbedderCustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny> { indexName: string; embedder: EmbedderArgument<EmbedderCustomOptions>; embedderOptions?: z.infer<EmbedderCustomOptions>; } /** * Local file-based vectorstore plugin that provides retriever and indexer. * * NOT INTENDED FOR USE IN PRODUCTION */ export function devLocalVectorstore<EmbedderCustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny>( params: Params<EmbedderCustomOptions>[] ): GenkitPlugin { return genkitPlugin('devLocalVectorstore', async (ai) => { => configureDevLocalRetriever(ai, p)); => configureDevLocalIndexer(ai, p)); }); } export default devLocalVectorstore; /** * Local file-based vectorstore retriever reference */ export function devLocalRetrieverRef(indexName: string) { return retrieverRef({ name: `devLocalVectorstore/${indexName}`, info: { label: `Local file-based Retriever - ${indexName}`, }, configSchema: CommonRetrieverOptionsSchema.optional(), }); } /** * Local file-based indexer reference */ export function devLocalIndexerRef(indexName: string) { return indexerRef({ name: `devLocalVectorstore/${indexName}`, info: { label: `Local file-based Indexer - ${indexName}`, }, configSchema: z.null().optional(), }); } async function importDocumentsToLocalVectorstore< EmbedderCustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny, >( ai: Genkit, params: { indexName: string; docs: Array<Document>; embedder: EmbedderArgument<EmbedderCustomOptions>; embedderOptions?: z.infer<EmbedderCustomOptions>; } ) { const { docs, embedder, embedderOptions } = { ...params }; const data = loadFilestore(params.indexName); await Promise.all( (doc) => { const embeddings = await ai.embed({ embedder, content: doc, options: embedderOptions, }); const embeddingDocs = doc.getEmbeddingDocuments(embeddings); for (const i in embeddingDocs) { addDocument(embeddings[i], embeddingDocs[i], data); } }) ); // Update the file fs.writeFileSync( _LOCAL_FILESTORE.replace('{INDEX_NAME}', params.indexName), JSON.stringify(data, null, 2) ); } async function getClosestDocuments< I extends z.ZodTypeAny, EmbedderCustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny, >(params: { queryEmbeddings: Array<number>; db: Record<string, DbValue>; k: number; }): Promise<Document[]> { const scoredDocs: { score: number; doc: Document }[] = []; // Very dumb way to check for similar docs. for (const value of Object.values(params.db)) { const thisEmbedding = value.embedding.embedding; const score = similarity(params.queryEmbeddings, thisEmbedding) ?? 0; scoredDocs.push({ score, doc: new Document(value.doc), }); } scoredDocs.sort((a, b) => (a.score > b.score ? -1 : 1)); return scoredDocs.slice(0, params.k).map((o) => o.doc); } /** * Configures a local vectorstore retriever */ function configureDevLocalRetriever<EmbedderCustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny>( ai: Genkit, params: { indexName: string; embedder: EmbedderArgument<EmbedderCustomOptions>; embedderOptions?: z.infer<EmbedderCustomOptions>; } ) { const { embedder, embedderOptions } = params; const vectorstore = ai.defineRetriever( { name: `devLocalVectorstore/${params.indexName}`, configSchema: CommonRetrieverOptionsSchema, }, async (content, options) => { const db = loadFilestore(params.indexName); const embeddings = await ai.embed({ embedder, content, options: embedderOptions, }); return { documents: await getClosestDocuments({ k: options?.k ?? 3, queryEmbeddings: embeddings[0].embedding, db, }), }; } ); return vectorstore; } /** * Configures a local vectorstore indexer. */ function configureDevLocalIndexer<EmbedderCustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny>( ai: Genkit, params: { indexName: string; embedder: EmbedderArgument<EmbedderCustomOptions>; embedderOptions?: z.infer<EmbedderCustomOptions>; } ) { const { embedder, embedderOptions } = params; const vectorstore = ai.defineIndexer( { name: `devLocalVectorstore/${params.indexName}` }, async (docs) => { await importDocumentsToLocalVectorstore(ai, { indexName: params.indexName, docs, embedder, embedderOptions: embedderOptions, }); } ); return vectorstore; }