Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { ChromaClient, Collection, CollectionMetadata, Embeddings, IEmbeddingFunction, IncludeEnum, Metadata, ChromaClientParams as NativeChromaClientParams, Where, WhereDocument, } from 'chromadb'; import { Document, EmbedderArgument, Embedding, Genkit, indexerRef, retrieverRef, z, } from 'genkit'; import { GenkitPlugin, genkitPlugin } from 'genkit/plugin'; import { CommonRetrieverOptionsSchema } from 'genkit/retriever'; import { Md5 } from 'ts-md5'; export { IncludeEnum }; const WhereSchema: z.ZodType<Where> = z.any(); const WhereDocumentSchema: z.ZodType<WhereDocument> = z.any(); const IncludeOptionSchema = z .array(z.enum(['documents', 'embeddings', 'metadatas', 'distances'])) .optional(); type IncludeOption = z.infer<typeof IncludeOptionSchema>; const ChromaRetrieverOptionsSchema = CommonRetrieverOptionsSchema.extend({ include: IncludeOptionSchema, where: WhereSchema.optional(), whereDocument: WhereDocumentSchema.optional(), }); export const ChromaIndexerOptionsSchema = z.null().optional(); type ChromaClientParams = | NativeChromaClientParams | (() => Promise<NativeChromaClientParams>); type ChromaPluginParams< EmbedderCustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, > = { clientParams?: ChromaClientParams; collectionName: string; createCollectionIfMissing?: boolean; embedder: EmbedderArgument<EmbedderCustomOptions>; embedderOptions?: z.infer<EmbedderCustomOptions>; }[]; /** * Chroma plugin that provides the Chroma retriever and indexer */ export function chroma<EmbedderCustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny>( params: ChromaPluginParams<EmbedderCustomOptions> ): GenkitPlugin { return genkitPlugin('chroma', async (ai: Genkit) => { => chromaRetriever(ai, i)); => chromaIndexer(ai, i)); }); } export const chromaRetrieverRef = (params: { collectionName: string; displayName?: string; }) => { return retrieverRef({ name: `chroma/${params.collectionName}`, info: { label: params.displayName ?? `Chroma DB - ${params.collectionName}`, }, configSchema: ChromaRetrieverOptionsSchema.optional(), }); }; export const chromaIndexerRef = (params: { collectionName: string; displayName?: string; }) => { return indexerRef({ name: `chroma/${params.collectionName}`, info: { label: params.displayName ?? `Chroma DB - ${params.collectionName}`, }, configSchema: ChromaIndexerOptionsSchema.optional(), }); }; /** * Configures a Chroma vector store retriever. */ export function chromaRetriever<EmbedderCustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny>( ai: Genkit, params: { clientParams?: ChromaClientParams; collectionName: string; createCollectionIfMissing?: boolean; embedder: EmbedderArgument<EmbedderCustomOptions>; embedderOptions?: z.infer<EmbedderCustomOptions>; } ) { const { embedder, collectionName, embedderOptions } = params; return ai.defineRetriever( { name: `chroma/${collectionName}`, configSchema: ChromaRetrieverOptionsSchema.optional(), }, async (content, options) => { const clientParams = await resolve(params.clientParams); const client = new ChromaClient(clientParams); let collection: Collection; if (params.createCollectionIfMissing) { collection = await client.getOrCreateCollection({ name: collectionName, }); } else { collection = await client.getCollection({ name: collectionName, }); } const queryEmbeddings = await ai.embed({ embedder, content, options: embedderOptions, }); const results = await collection.query({ nResults: options?.k, include: getIncludes(options?.include), where: options?.where, whereDocument: options?.whereDocument, queryEmbeddings: queryEmbeddings[0].embedding, }); const documents = results.documents[0]; const metadatas = results.metadatas; const embeddings = results.embeddings; const distances = results.distances; const combined = documents .map((d, i) => { if (d !== null) { return { document: d, metadata: constructMetadata(i, metadatas, embeddings, distances), }; } return undefined; }) .filter( (r): r is { document: string; metadata: Record<string, any> } => !!r ); return { documents: => { const data = result.document; const metadata = result.metadata.metadata[0]; const dataType = metadata.dataType; const docMetadata = metadata.docMetadata ? JSON.parse(metadata.docMetadata) : undefined; return Document.fromData(data, dataType, docMetadata).toJSON(); }), }; } ); } /** * Helper method to compute effective Include enum. It always * includes documents */ function getIncludes(includes: IncludeOption): IncludeEnum[] | undefined { if (!includes) { // Default behaviour return undefined; } // Always include documents let effectiveIncludes = [IncludeEnum.Documents]; effectiveIncludes = effectiveIncludes.concat(includes as IncludeEnum[]); const includesSet = new Set(effectiveIncludes); return Array.from(includesSet); } /** * Helper method to construct metadata, including the optional {@link IncludeEnum} passed in config. */ function constructMetadata( i: number, metadatas: (Metadata | null)[][], embeddings: Embeddings[] | null, distances: number[][] | null ): unknown { var fullMetadata: Record<string, unknown> = {}; if (metadatas && metadatas[i]) { fullMetadata.metadata = metadatas[i]; } if (embeddings) { fullMetadata.embedding = embeddings[i]; } if (distances) { fullMetadata.distances = distances[i]; } return fullMetadata; } /** * Configures a Chroma indexer. */ export function chromaIndexer<EmbedderCustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny>( ai: Genkit, params: { clientParams?: ChromaClientParams; collectionName: string; createCollectionIfMissing?: boolean; embedder: EmbedderArgument<EmbedderCustomOptions>; embedderOptions?: z.infer<EmbedderCustomOptions>; } ) { const { collectionName, embedder, embedderOptions } = { ...params, }; return ai.defineIndexer( { name: `chroma/${params.collectionName}`, configSchema: ChromaIndexerOptionsSchema, }, async (docs) => { const clientParams = await resolve(params.clientParams); const client = new ChromaClient(clientParams); let collection: Collection; if (params.createCollectionIfMissing) { collection = await client.getOrCreateCollection({ name: collectionName, }); } else { collection = await client.getCollection({ name: collectionName, }); } const embeddings = await Promise.all( => ai.embed({ embedder, content: doc, options: embedderOptions, }) ) ); const entries = embeddings .map((value, i) => { const doc = docs[i]; // The array of embeddings for this document const docEmbeddings: Embedding[] = value; const embeddingDocs = doc.getEmbeddingDocuments(docEmbeddings); return, j) => { const metadata: Metadata = { docMetadata: JSON.stringify(embeddingDocs[j].metadata), dataType: embeddingDocs[j].dataType || '', }; const data = embeddingDocs[j].data; const id = Md5.hashStr(JSON.stringify(embeddingDocs[j])); return { id, value: docEmbedding.embedding, document: data, metadata, }; }); }) .reduce((acc, val) => { return acc.concat(val); }, []); await collection.add({ ids: =>, embeddings: => e.value), metadatas: => e.metadata), documents: => e.document), }); } ); } /** * Helper function for creating Chroma collections. * Currently only available for text * */ export async function createChromaCollection< EmbedderCustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny, >( ai: Genkit, params: { name: string; clientParams?: ChromaClientParams; metadata?: CollectionMetadata; embedder?: EmbedderArgument<EmbedderCustomOptions>; embedderOptions?: z.infer<EmbedderCustomOptions>; } ) { let chromaEmbedder: IEmbeddingFunction | undefined = undefined; const embedder = params.embedder; if (!!embedder) { chromaEmbedder = { generate(texts: string[]) { return Promise.all( => ai.embed({ embedder, content: text, options: params.embedderOptions, }) ) ).then((results: Embedding[][]) => { return Embedding[]) => result[0].embedding); }); }, }; } const clientParams = await resolve(params.clientParams); const client = new ChromaClient(clientParams); return await client.createCollection({ ...params, embeddingFunction: chromaEmbedder, }); } /** * Helper function for deleting Chroma collections. */ export async function deleteChromaCollection(params: { name: string; clientParams?: ChromaClientParams; }) { const clientParams = await resolve(params.clientParams); const client = new ChromaClient(clientParams); return await client.deleteCollection({ ...params, }); } async function resolve( params?: ChromaClientParams ): Promise<NativeChromaClientParams | undefined> { if (!params) { return undefined; } if (typeof params === 'function') { return await params(); } return params; }