Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { EvaluatorAction, Genkit, z } from 'genkit'; import { BaseEvalDataPoint } from 'genkit/evaluator'; import { runInNewSpan } from 'genkit/tracing'; import { GoogleAuth } from 'google-auth-library'; import { ChecksEvaluationMetric, ChecksEvaluationMetricConfig, isConfig, } from './metrics'; export function checksEvaluators( ai: Genkit, auth: GoogleAuth, metrics: ChecksEvaluationMetric[], projectId: string ): EvaluatorAction { const policy_configs: ChecksEvaluationMetricConfig[] = (metric) => { const metricType = isConfig(metric) ? metric.type : metric; const threshold = isConfig(metric) ? metric.threshold : undefined; return { type: metricType, threshold, }; } ); return createPolicyEvaluator(projectId, auth, ai, policy_configs); } const ResponseSchema = z.object({ policyResults: z.array( z.object({ policyType: z.string(), score: z.number(), violationResult: z.string(), }) ), }); function createPolicyEvaluator( projectId: string, auth: GoogleAuth, ai: Genkit, policy_config: ChecksEvaluationMetricConfig[] ): EvaluatorAction { return ai.defineEvaluator( { name: 'checks/guardrails', displayName: 'checks/guardrails', definition: `Evaluates input text against the Checks ${ => policy.type)} policies.`, }, async (datapoint: BaseEvalDataPoint) => { const partialRequest = { input: { text_input: { content: datapoint.output as string, }, }, policies: => { return { policy_type: config.type, threshold: config.threshold, }; }), }; const response = await checksEvalInstance( ai, projectId, auth, partialRequest, ResponseSchema ); const evaluationResults = => { return { id: result.policyType, score: result.score, details: { reasoning: `Status ${result.violationResult}`, }, }; }); return { evaluation: evaluationResults, testCaseId: datapoint.testCaseId, }; } ); } async function checksEvalInstance<ResponseType extends z.ZodTypeAny>( ai: Genkit, projectId: string, auth: GoogleAuth, partialRequest: any, responseSchema: ResponseType ): Promise<z.infer<ResponseType>> { return await runInNewSpan( ai, { metadata: { name: 'EvaluationService#evaluateInstances', }, }, async (metadata, _otSpan) => { const request = { ...partialRequest, }; metadata.input = request; const client = await auth.getClient(); const url = ''; const response = await client.request({ url, method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(request), headers: { 'x-goog-user-project': projectId, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, }); metadata.output =; try { return responseSchema.parse(; } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Error parsing ${url} API response: ${e}`); } } ); }