Genkit MCP
by firebase
- js
- doc-snippets
- src
- models
* Copyright 2024 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { gemini15Flash, gemini15Pro, googleAI } from '@genkit-ai/googleai';
import { genkit } from 'genkit';
const ai = genkit({
plugins: [googleAI()],
model: gemini15Flash,
async function fn01() {
// [START ex01]
const { text } = await ai.generate({
model: gemini15Pro,
prompt: 'Invent a menu item for a pirate themed restaurant.',
// [END ex01]
async function fn02() {
// [START ex02]
const { text } = await ai.generate({
model: 'googleai/gemini-1.5-pro-latest',
prompt: 'Invent a menu item for a pirate themed restaurant.',
// [END ex02]
async function fn03() {
// [START ex04]
const { text } = await ai.generate({
prompt: 'Invent a menu item for a pirate themed restaurant.',
config: {
maxOutputTokens: 400,
stopSequences: ['<end>', '<fin>'],
temperature: 1.2,
topP: 0.4,
topK: 50,
// [END ex04]
// [START importZod]
import { z } from 'genkit'; // Import Zod, which is re-exported by Genkit.
// [END importZod]
async function fn04() {
// [START ex05]
const MenuItemSchema = z.object({
name: z.string(),
description: z.string(),
calories: z.number(),
allergens: z.array(z.string()),
const { output } = await ai.generate({
prompt: 'Invent a menu item for a pirate themed restaurant.',
output: { schema: MenuItemSchema },
// [END ex05]
// [START ex06]
if (output) {
const { name, description, calories, allergens } = output;
// [END ex06]
function fn05() {
// [START ex07]
const MenuItemSchema = z.object({
name: z.string(),
description: z.string(),
calories: z.coerce.number(),
allergens: z.array(z.string()),
// [END ex07]
async function fn06() {
// [START ex08]
const { response, stream } = await ai.generateStream(
'Suggest a complete menu for a pirate themed restaurant.'
// [END ex08]
// [START ex09]
for await (const chunk of stream) {
// [END ex09]
// [START ex10]
const completeText = (await response).text;
// [END ex10]
async function fn07() {
const MenuItemSchema = z.object({
name: z.string(),
description: z.string(),
calories: z.coerce.number(),
allergens: z.array(z.string()),
// [START ex11]
const MenuSchema = z.object({
starters: z.array(MenuItemSchema),
mains: z.array(MenuItemSchema),
desserts: z.array(MenuItemSchema),
const { response, stream } = await ai.generateStream({
prompt: 'Suggest a complete menu for a pirate themed restaurant.',
output: { schema: MenuSchema },
for await (const chunk of stream) {
// `output` is an object representing the entire output so far.
// Get the completed output.
const { output } = await response;
// [END ex11]
async function fn08() {
// [START ex12]
const { text } = await ai.generate([
{ media: { url: '' } },
{ text: 'Compose a poem about this image.' },
// [END ex12]
// [START importReadFileAsync]
import { readFile } from 'node:fs/promises';
// [END importReadFileAsync]
async function fn09() {
// [START ex13]
const b64Data = await readFile('photo.jpg', { encoding: 'base64url' });
const dataUrl = `data:image/jpeg;base64,${b64Data}`;
const { text } = await ai.generate([
{ media: { url: dataUrl } },
{ text: 'Compose a poem about this image.' },
// [END ex13]
async function fn10() {
// [START ex03]
const { text } = await ai.generate({
system: 'You are a food industry marketing consultant.',
prompt: 'Invent a menu item for a pirate themed restaurant.',
// [END ex03]